Why does the US government support Nazis all around the world? Starting on 25 July 1945 it continued on from where Germany's Nazi Government left off- and has been far more successful at it than Hitler's Government was.
Washington's strategy against Russia anticipates that against China: a proxy war through Ukraine and then another through Taiwan. After it will control the world, its rules will govern instead of those of the United Nations.
The US and UK neoconservatives (politicians, civil servants, military) aim at this goal. It's the "Special Relationship".
On 10 November 2022 the South China Morning bannered "Top US General vows military support for Taiwan, warns Beijing against conflict". American General Mark Milley said "President Biden has said on many occasions recently that US will continue to support Taiwan, we will support them military, we would try to help them and equip them. A lesson that comes out of Ukraine for China is that war on paper and real war are two different things. I think President Xi is taking a step back, it would be hard for Beijing to carry out an amphibious attack across the Taiwan Strait."
US objective is to force China to invade Taiwan before 2027, while America still has the ability to defeat a Chinese invasion from the mainland.
On 1 October 2022, the US Naval Institute Magazine headlined "Prepare the Logistics to Break a Chinese Blockade of Taiwan: If China attempts a quarantine of Taiwan, the US and its allies must be prepared to quickly deploy merchant shipping". Given the gaps in the US commercial fleet's tonnage, the solution come from allies. By offering modest subsidies and a planning framework to allies, US could deploy a large fleet, ensuring that the companies involved are not underwritten by Chinese investment banks and that the ships are not crewed by hostile nationalities. Such industry is today crewed by Filipino and India sailors. Given the number of Chinese shipping firms and their dominance in world shipping companies, world maritime shipping would like bifurcate. Germany, France, Great Britain likely would side with the US. (moderndiplomacy.eu /2022/11/14)
The US and UK neoconservatives (politicians, civil servants, military) aim at this goal. It's the "Special Relationship".
On 10 November 2022 the South China Morning bannered "Top US General vows military support for Taiwan, warns Beijing against conflict". American General Mark Milley said "President Biden has said on many occasions recently that US will continue to support Taiwan, we will support them military, we would try to help them and equip them. A lesson that comes out of Ukraine for China is that war on paper and real war are two different things. I think President Xi is taking a step back, it would be hard for Beijing to carry out an amphibious attack across the Taiwan Strait."
US objective is to force China to invade Taiwan before 2027, while America still has the ability to defeat a Chinese invasion from the mainland.
On 1 October 2022, the US Naval Institute Magazine headlined "Prepare the Logistics to Break a Chinese Blockade of Taiwan: If China attempts a quarantine of Taiwan, the US and its allies must be prepared to quickly deploy merchant shipping". Given the gaps in the US commercial fleet's tonnage, the solution come from allies. By offering modest subsidies and a planning framework to allies, US could deploy a large fleet, ensuring that the companies involved are not underwritten by Chinese investment banks and that the ships are not crewed by hostile nationalities. Such industry is today crewed by Filipino and India sailors. Given the number of Chinese shipping firms and their dominance in world shipping companies, world maritime shipping would like bifurcate. Germany, France, Great Britain likely would side with the US. (moderndiplomacy.eu /2022/11/14)
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Una 'relazione speciale'
Perché il governo degli Stati Uniti sostiene i nazisti in tutto il mondo? A partire dal 25 luglio 1945 ha continuato da dove si era interrotto il governo nazista tedesco e ha avuto molto più successo rispetto a Hitler.
La strategia di Washington contro la Russia anticipa quella contro la Cina: una guerra per procura attraverso l'Ucraina e poi un'altra attraverso Taiwan. Dopo di che avrà il controllo del mondo, le sue regole governeranno al posto di quelle delle Nazioni Unite.
I neoconservatori statunitensi e britannici (politici, funzionari pubblici, militari) mirano a questo obiettivo. È la cosiddetta "relazione speciale".
Il 10 novembre 2022 il South China Morning ha sbandierato "Il principale generale degli Stati Uniti giura sostegno militare a Taiwan, mette in guardia Pechino contro il conflitto". Il generale americano Mark Milley ha dichiarato: "Il presidente Biden ha detto in molte occasioni di recente che gli Stati Uniti continueranno a sostenere Taiwan, li sosterremo militarmente, cercheremo di aiutarli ed equipaggiarli. Una lezione che viene fuori dall'Ucraina per la Cina è che la guerra sulla carta e la guerra reale sono due cose diverse. Penso che il presidente Xi stia facendo un passo indietro, sarebbe difficile per Pechino portare a termine un attacco anfibio attraverso lo Stretto di Taiwan".
L'obiettivo degli Stati Uniti è costringere la Cina a invadere Taiwan prima del 2027, mentre l'America ha ancora la capacità di sconfiggere un'invasione cinese dalla terraferma.
Il 1° ottobre 2022, la rivista dell'Istituto Navale degli Stati Uniti ha titolato "Preparare la logistica per rompere un blocco cinese di Taiwan: se la Cina tenta una quarantena di Taiwan, gli Stati Uniti ei suoi alleati devono essere pronti a schierare rapidamente navi mercantili". Date le lacune nel tonnellaggio della flotta commerciale statunitense, la soluzione viene dagli alleati. Offrendo sussidi modesti e un quadro di pianificazione agli alleati, gli Stati Uniti potrebbero schierare una grande flotta, assicurandosi che le compagnie coinvolte non siano legate a banche di investimento cinesi e che le navi non siano equipaggiate da nazionalità ostili. Tale industria ha oggi equipaggi marinai di filippini e indiani. Dato il numero di compagnie di navigazione cinesi e il loro predominio nella navigazione mondiale, il trasporto marittimo mondiale si biforcherebbe tra amici e nemici. Germania, Francia, Gran Bretagna probabilmente si schiereranno con gli Stati Uniti. (moderndiplomacy.eu/2022/11/14)
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