"Once upon a time there was a wolf, thin and hungry: it had been several days that he had found nothing to eat. One evening, he passed in front of a courtyard of a house and saw a dog: it was well fed and plump. “Why are you so well fed? Where do you find so much to eat? " he asked the wolf to the dog.
"My master is a good man: he fills my bowl every day," the other replied. The wolf, however, noticed that the dog's fur on his neck was all ruined.
"What did you do to your neck?" he asked him. “It's the collar: my master puts it on me during the day, when he ties me to the chain. The night, however, frees me, so I keep watch ". The wolf went away and went back into the woods: I prefer a thousand times to go where I want than to have a full belly but to live on the chain" Phaedrus
Promises to democratize advertising, design, direct marketing, medicine or recruiting by letting more kinds of job seekers link up with employers have sometimes increased users' powers in real ways but many just intensify the vulnerability of life in the marketplace.
Democratizing plastic surgery meant people with household incomes under $30,000 were financing their cosmetic procedures with loans. "I financed my car- the Times reported one patient saying- why shouldn't I finance my face?"
The internet results now include the largest monopolies in history instead of universal access and transparency.
The conflation between democracy and the market in mature industrial societies brought to severe early inequality, part of the price of rapid growth, and later to moderate inequality. There were sweatshops and robber barons early on, but the factory worker' daughter would become a secretary, and his son might go college or join a union. Confidence in this alleged historical law of economic development was strong enough that those who were vividly left out of general prosperity, like Black Americans, were characterized as exceptions that would take just a little longer to be worn away. But today's inequality forms a basic, persistent feature of American political economy. The dispersed supply chains now evade the workers power. (lithub.com /August 30, 2022)
Even democracy between nations brings inequality, as it has always happened: Athens, Sparta, Rome.
After the Second World War, Europe collapsed, giving way to the American empire hegemon, who decides which wars to make, using the NATO fig leaf. As in the past the subordinate social classes die of hunger or battle, to carry out the decisions of the ruling elites. And are exploited by capital, as in the pandemic, caused by Americans and Chinese in Wuhan, by means of gene treatments, called vaccines, imposed on billions of human beings, which have yielded billions of profits and further concentration of power.
Phaedrus's fable is beautiful, suitable for children but unfortunately real in a few cases.
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Il lupo e il cane
Le promesse di democratizzare la pubblicità, il design, il marketing, la medicina o il reclutamento consentendo a più persone in cerca di lavoro di collegarsi con i datori di lavoro hanno talvolta aumentato i poteri degli utenti in modi reali, ma molte volte semplicemente intensificato le difficoltà della vita sul mercato.
Democratizzare la chirurgia plastica significò che le persone con un reddito familiare inferiore a $ 30.000 potevano pagare le loro cosmesi con prestiti. "Ho finanziato la mia macchina - disse al Times un paziente- perché non dovrei finanziare la mia faccia?"
I risultati di Internet sono stati tra l'altro la nascita dei più grandi monopoli della storia piuttosto che l'accesso e la trasparenza.
Anche la democrazia tra le nazioni porta disuguaglianza, come è sempre successo: Atene, Sparta, Roma.
Dopo la seconda guerra mondiale, l'Europa è crollata, lasciando il posto all'egemonia dell'impero americano, che decide quali guerre fare, usando la foglia di fico della NATO. Come in passato le classi sociali subordinate muoiono di fame o in battaglia, per attuare le decisioni delle élite dominanti. E vengono sfruttate dal capitale, come nella pandemia, provocata da americani e cinesi a Wuhan, per mezzo di trattamenti genetici, chiamati vaccini, imposti a miliardi di esseri umani, che hanno fruttato miliardi di profitti e ulteriore concentrazione di potere.
La favola di Fedro è bella, adatta ai bambini ma purtroppo in pochi casi reale.
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