Le restrizioni italiane per la pandemia assomigliano a quelle degli Stati totalitari degli anni '30. Lo hanno ribadito gli accademici e gli attivisti nel convegno "Dalla democrazia alla dittatura, il ruolo della memoria", Palazzo dei Normanni, Palermo, sede del Parlamento siciliano, con riferimento al comportamento sempre più autoritario di Mario Draghi. Le sue regole sulla vaccinazione sono tra le più severe delle democrazie. "Green pass gestito come vaccinazione obbligatoria, al pari di Turkmenistan o Afghanistan", è l'accusa di Gandolfo Dominici, professore all'Università di Palermo.
1.000 professori e ricercatori universitari hanno firmato una petizione di rifiuto del green pass nazionale. Alessandro Barbero, storico, evidenzia l'ipocrisia del pass, di fatto imposizione della vaccinazione per lavorare, insegnare, vivere liberamente. Giuseppe Cataldi, Università di Napoli: "Un lavoratore contrario al vaccino deve spendere il 10% del salario in tamponi per lavorare e mantenere la famiglia, non va bene!". Daniele Trabucco, professore di diritto costituzionale: "(ha) aggirato surrettiziamente la Costituzione".
Nel Paese la democrazia è parzialmente sospesa: solo decreti per evitare il Parlamento, stato di emergenza prolungato oltre il limite istituzionale dei 2 anni, emarginazione delle minoranze e del dissenso. Draghi, come gli ultimi predecessori, è un tecnocrate non eletto, che ha persino scelto i suoi ministri a prescindere dai partiti ormai diventati meri notai. Giorgio Agamben, filosofo, è allarmato, essendo grande conoscitore di bio-politica e diritti negati durante gli stati di eccezione. Massimo Cacciari, filosofo, vede la pandemia come strumento per rafforzare ulteriormente l'esecutivo romano.
Draghi in aprile aveva accusato il turco Erdogan di essere un dittatore; ma si muove allo stesso modo.
Secondo Carla Bassi, professore all'Università di Sassari, il green pass è compatibile con la Costituzione. L'economia cresce tendenzialmente del 7%. (politico.eu/ Nov 22,2021)
"o Franza o Spagna, purché se magna" scriveva nel Cinquecento Francesco Guicciardini, prima ambasciatore di Firenze in Spagna, poi alleato con la Francia, avendo entrambe grande potere sui Ducati e le Signorie italiche.
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L'Ortica Arezzo |
Italy's restrictions on the pandemic resemble those of the totalitarian states of the 1930s. This was reiterated by academics and activists in the conference "From democracy to dictatorship, the role of memory", Palazzo dei Normanni, Palermo, seat of the Sicilian Parliament, with reference to the increasingly authoritarian behavior of Mario Draghi. His vaccination rules are among the strictest in democracies. "Green pass managed as compulsory vaccination, like Turkmenistan or Afghanistan", is the accusation of Gandolfo Dominici, professor at the University of Palermo.
1,000 university professors and researchers have signed a petition to reject the national green pass. Alessandro Barbero, historian, highlights the hypocrisy of the pass, in fact it is a imposition of vaccination to work, teach, live freely. Giuseppe Cataldi, University of Naples: "A worker against the vaccine has to spend 10% of his salary on swabs to work and support the family, that's not good!". Daniele Trabucco, professor of constitutional law: "he (has) surreptitiously circumvented the Constitution".
In the country, democracy is partially suspended: only decrees to avoid Parliament, a state of emergency extended beyond the institutional limit of 2 years, marginalization of minorities and dissent. Draghi, like his latest predecessors, is an unelected technocrat, who has even chosen his ministers regardless of the parties that have now become mere notaries. Giorgio Agamben, a philosopher, is alarmed, being a great connoisseur of bio-politics and rights denied during states of exception. Massimo Cacciari, a philosopher, sees the pandemic as a tool to further strengthen the Roman executive.
Draghi had accused the Turkish Erdogan of being a dictator in April; but he moves the same way.
According to Carla Bassi, professor at the University of Sassari, the green pass is compatible with the Constitution. The economy tends to grow by 7%. (politico.eu/ Nov 22,2021)
"either Franza or Spain, as long as if you eat" wrote Italy's restrictions on the pandemic resemble those of the totalitarian states of the 1930s. This was reiterated by academics and activists in the conference "From democracy to dictatorship, the role of memory", Palazzo dei Normanni, Palermo, seat of the Sicilian Parliament, with reference to the increasingly authoritarian behavior of Mario Draghi. Its vaccination rules are among the strictest in democracies. "Green pass managed as compulsory vaccination, like Turkmenistan or Afghanistan", is the accusation of Gandolfo Dominici, professor at the University of Palermo.
1,000 university professors and researchers have signed a petition to reject the national green pass. Alessandro Barbero, historian, highlights the hypocrisy of the pass, in fact the imposition of vaccination to work, teach, live freely. Giuseppe Cataldi, University of Naples: "A worker against the vaccine has to spend 10% of his salary on tampons to work and support the family, that's not good!". Daniele Trabucco, professor of constitutional law: "he (has) surreptitiously circumvented the Constitution".
In the country, democracy is partially suspended: only decrees to avoid Parliament, a state of emergency extended beyond the institutional limit of 2 years, marginalization of minorities and dissent. Draghi, like his latest predecessors, is an unelected technocrat, who has even chosen his ministers regardless of the parties that have now become mere notaries. Giorgio Agamben, a philosopher, is alarmed, being a great connoisseur of bio-politics and rights denied during states of exception. Massimo Cacciari, a philosopher, sees the pandemic as a tool to further strengthen the Roman executive.
Draghi had accused the Turkish Erdogan of being a dictator in April; but he moves the same way.
According to Carla Bassi, professor at the University of Sassari, the green pass is compatible with the Constitution. The economy tends to grow by 7%. (politico.eu/ Nov 22,2021)
"either Franza or Spain, as long as if magna" wrote Francesco Guicciardini in the sixteenth century, first ambassador of Florence in Spain, then allied with France, both having great power over the Duchies and the Italic Lordships.
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