110 vaccines are being studied and 8 being tested, stock exchanges (StoneCo -one of Buffett's choices- is lighting up the market) are on the alert, billions of dollars invested, hopes of suppressing the disease soon, even hypotheses on the amount of glass needed to bottle millions of doses.
Stocks of tele-health services in huge growth amid pandemic as Teladoc: patients consult physicians from home at any time, there are 50,000 clinicians worldwide in more than 40 languages.
If the United States finds it, will they vaccinate their citizens first?
The practice is that manipulated virus or its fragment is injected to obtain an immune response. It occurs for polio, tetanus, cholera, typhoid, measles. Moderna, a biotechnology company (Massachusetts) has 8 volunteers, they developed neutralizing antibodies but it is not yet known how protective the answer is, even if Fauci gives a positive opinion.
In dengue fever it was observed that the anti-bodily reaction could decrease over time, so the antibodies favored the infection.
Antony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infections Diseases, reminds US senators that vaccines can strengthen the infection rather than kill it, which can only protect some. Anti-flu reduces the risk from 40 to 60% and protects for 6 months. Not all vaccines work like those against polio, measles, smallpox. Only about half of American say they get a COVID-19 vaccine if scientists working furiously to create one suceed. Jan Haydon, 29, a volunteer in Moderna's trial fainted, had high fever but now is ok.
Moderna awaits the scientific answers to the publication of its experimentation, the system is being organized to produce the doses even before the definitive insurance, to start immediately with the distribution.
To end the pandemic, more vaccines, treatments and therapies would be needed. Remdesivir has shortened the life of Covid-19, the plasma drawn from patients promises. (ocregister.com / 2020/05/25)
Services industries -retail, healthcare etc- are strong mechanism for flu spread. Would help more 'sick days' to avoid workers concerned on missing pay when in mild symptons do not stay at home and spread virus?
Are alarms, press conferences, newsletters, interviews from governments and scientific researchers exaggerated, organized to scare and push for absolute lockdowns? Yes, they are and they hide a hoarding of power, money, consensus. Suspicions about numbers are starting to spread.
Freedom Foundation (Washington) openly doubts the official counts and believes that they are inflated by 13% as they include all those who have had a positive test: <not all people who tested positive then died from the coronavirus>. Bear in mind that it can take one day or six months to determine the cause of death. To combat the advance of the infection, nobody in the front line had time to check. In the complaints it was discovered that some deaths were from a firearm, others from cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's and others from people who had never been tested. It may take a year to get a certain number. The public death record has an entry on the cause, which is filled hastily or may remain empty. (heraldnet.com / May 24/2020)
In Pennsylvania, opioid or violence-related deaths entered and the calculation is made on the basis of residence and not the place of death. (post-gazette.com / 2020 / 05/25)
To monitor the epidemic, the American CDC (Atlanta, Georgia) combines the values of 2 tests that could inflate the result, that is, the diagnostic ones that identify current infections and the serological ones, which detect who has been previously infected. (cnbc.com / 2020/05/21)
The Washington-Beijing confrontation stands against the backdrop of this frantic war on the massacre that came out of China.
An authoritarian, totalitarian state, controlled by the Communist party, with world leadership ambitions, has triggered the compact reaction of the American people, Republicans and Democrats together.
The refusal to admit Taiwan to the WHO, only because Xi wants to annex it, the repression in Hong Kong, disloyalty in international trade, territorial claims against India and other South China Sea states, the persecution of ethnic and religious minorities in Xinjiang, reticent behavior in the epidemic that became guilty of turning it into a pandemic have alienated the trust of the global community. Europe, after the British dominance prior to the First World War and the disastrous Nazi twelve-year period, has lost any leading role and is still divided between the cultural affinity with America and the interest in the Chinese economy. The right is in favor of the west, the left in favor of the east, in which German Joschka Fisher, former foreign minister and member of the green party, plays. (project-syndacate.org / May 25/2020)

La corsa rischiosa per il vaccino tra numeri gonfiati
Stocks of tele-health services in huge growth amid pandemic as Teladoc: patients consult physicians from home at any time, there are 50,000 clinicians worldwide in more than 40 languages.
If the United States finds it, will they vaccinate their citizens first?
The practice is that manipulated virus or its fragment is injected to obtain an immune response. It occurs for polio, tetanus, cholera, typhoid, measles. Moderna, a biotechnology company (Massachusetts) has 8 volunteers, they developed neutralizing antibodies but it is not yet known how protective the answer is, even if Fauci gives a positive opinion.
In dengue fever it was observed that the anti-bodily reaction could decrease over time, so the antibodies favored the infection.
Antony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infections Diseases, reminds US senators that vaccines can strengthen the infection rather than kill it, which can only protect some. Anti-flu reduces the risk from 40 to 60% and protects for 6 months. Not all vaccines work like those against polio, measles, smallpox. Only about half of American say they get a COVID-19 vaccine if scientists working furiously to create one suceed. Jan Haydon, 29, a volunteer in Moderna's trial fainted, had high fever but now is ok.
Moderna awaits the scientific answers to the publication of its experimentation, the system is being organized to produce the doses even before the definitive insurance, to start immediately with the distribution.
To end the pandemic, more vaccines, treatments and therapies would be needed. Remdesivir has shortened the life of Covid-19, the plasma drawn from patients promises. (ocregister.com / 2020/05/25)
Services industries -retail, healthcare etc- are strong mechanism for flu spread. Would help more 'sick days' to avoid workers concerned on missing pay when in mild symptons do not stay at home and spread virus?
Are alarms, press conferences, newsletters, interviews from governments and scientific researchers exaggerated, organized to scare and push for absolute lockdowns? Yes, they are and they hide a hoarding of power, money, consensus. Suspicions about numbers are starting to spread.
Freedom Foundation (Washington) openly doubts the official counts and believes that they are inflated by 13% as they include all those who have had a positive test: <not all people who tested positive then died from the coronavirus>. Bear in mind that it can take one day or six months to determine the cause of death. To combat the advance of the infection, nobody in the front line had time to check. In the complaints it was discovered that some deaths were from a firearm, others from cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's and others from people who had never been tested. It may take a year to get a certain number. The public death record has an entry on the cause, which is filled hastily or may remain empty. (heraldnet.com / May 24/2020)
In Pennsylvania, opioid or violence-related deaths entered and the calculation is made on the basis of residence and not the place of death. (post-gazette.com / 2020 / 05/25)
To monitor the epidemic, the American CDC (Atlanta, Georgia) combines the values of 2 tests that could inflate the result, that is, the diagnostic ones that identify current infections and the serological ones, which detect who has been previously infected. (cnbc.com / 2020/05/21)
The Washington-Beijing confrontation stands against the backdrop of this frantic war on the massacre that came out of China.
An authoritarian, totalitarian state, controlled by the Communist party, with world leadership ambitions, has triggered the compact reaction of the American people, Republicans and Democrats together.

La corsa rischiosa per il vaccino tra numeri gonfiati
110 vaccini alo studio, 8 in fase sperimentale, stock exchange(StoneCo- una delle scelte di Buffett- sta brillando nel mercato) sono all'erta, miliardi in dollari investiti, speranze di sopprimere presto il morbo, persino ipotesi sulla quantità di vetro necessaria per imbottigliare milioni di dosi.
Le azioni dei servizi di telemedicina in forte crescita per la pandemia come è per Teladoc: i pazienti consultano i medici da casa a qualsiasi ora, scegliendo tra 50,000 medici nel mondo e più di 40 lingue parlate.Se gli Stati Uniti lo trovano, vaccineranno prima i loro cittadini?
Le azioni dei servizi di telemedicina in forte crescita per la pandemia come è per Teladoc: i pazienti consultano i medici da casa a qualsiasi ora, scegliendo tra 50,000 medici nel mondo e più di 40 lingue parlate.Se gli Stati Uniti lo trovano, vaccineranno prima i loro cittadini?
La prassi è iniettare il virus manipolato o suo frammento per ottenere una risposta immunitaria. Avviene per polio, tetano, colera, tifo, morbillo. Nel Massachusetts la società di biotecnologia Moderna ha 8 volontari, hanno sviluppato gli anticorpi neutralizzanti; ma non si sa ancora come e per quanto la risposta sia protettiva, anche se Fauci ne dà giudizio positivo.
Nella febbre dengue si osservò che la reazione anti-corporale poteva diminuire nel tempo, così gli anticorpi favorivano l'infezione.
Antony Fauci, direttore del National Institute for Allergy and Infections Diseases, ricorda ai senatori americani che i vaccini possono rafforzare l'infezione anziché ucciderla, che possono proteggere solo alcuni. L'anti-influenzale riduce il rischio dal 40 al 60% e tutela per 6 mesi. Non tutti i vaccini funzionano come quelli contro polio, morbillo, vaiolo. Solo la metà degli americani si dice disposta ad assumere un vaccino anti virus, se gli scienziati che vi stanno lavorando impetuosamente avranno successo. Jan Haydon, 29 anni, volontario nelle sperimentazione di Moderna è svenuto ed ha avuto febbre alta ma ora è ok.
Moderna attende le risposte scientifiche alla pubblicazione della sua sperimentazione, il sistema si va organizzando per produrre le dosi anche prima delle assicurazioni definitive, per partire immediatamente con la distribuzione.
Per stroncare la pandemia servirebbero più vaccini, trattamenti, terapie. Il remdesivir ha accorciato la durata del Covid-19, il plasma tratto dai pazienti promette. (ocregister.com /2020/05/ 25)
Il settore dei servizi -dettaglio, sanità etc- è un forte propagatore di influenze. Sarebbe opportuno aumentare i giorni pagati di malattia per evitare che le persone con sintomi ancora lievi vadano al lavoro per non perdere soldi?
Il settore dei servizi -dettaglio, sanità etc- è un forte propagatore di influenze. Sarebbe opportuno aumentare i giorni pagati di malattia per evitare che le persone con sintomi ancora lievi vadano al lavoro per non perdere soldi?
Gli allarmi, le conferenze stampa, i bollettini, le interviste di governi e ricercatori scientifici sono esagerati, organizzati per spaventare e spingere ai lockdown assoluti? Si, lo sono e nascondono accaparramento di potere, di soldi, di consensi. Iniziano a diffondersi sospetti sui numeri.
Freedom Foundation(Washington) dubita apertamente dei conteggi ufficiali e ritiene che siano gonfiati del 13% in quanto includono tutti quelli che hanno avuto un test positivo: <non tutte le persone risultate positive sono poi morte per il coronavirus>. Si tenga presente che per determinare la causa di morte può servire un giorno oppure 6 mesi. Per combattere l'avanzata dell'infezione nessuno della prima linea ha avuto il tempo di stare a verificare. Nelle denunce è stato scoperto che alcuni decessi erano per arma da fuoco, altri per cancro, ictus, Alzheimer e altri ancora di gente che non si era mai sottoposta al test. Ci vorrà forse un anno per avere un numero certo. La registrazione pubblica di morte ha una voce sulla causa, che viene riempita frettolosamente o può restare vuota. (heraldnet.com /May 24 / 2020)
In Pennsylvania nei decessi sono entrati quelli per oppiacei o per violenza e il computo viene fatto in base alla residenza e non al luogo del decesso. (post-gazette.com /2020/ 05/25)
Per monitorare l'epidemia l'americano CDC (Atlanta, Georgia) combina i valori di 2 test che potrebbero gonfiare il risultato, cioè quelli diagnostici, che identificano le infezioni attuali, e quelli sierologici, che rilevano chi è stato precedentemente infettato. (cnbc.com / 2020/ 05/ 21)
Sullo sfondo di questa frenetica guerra al massacro, uscito dalla Cina, si erge il confronto Washington- Pechino.
Uno stato autoritario, totalitario, controllato dal partito comunista, con ambizioni di leadership mondiale, ha scatenato la reazione compatta del popolo americano, repubblicani e democratici insieme.
Il rifiuto di ammettere Taiwan nell'OMS, solo perché Xi vuole annetterlo, la repressione a Hong Kong, la slealtà nel commercio internazionale, le pretese territoriali contro India e altri Stati del Mare Cinese Meridionale, la persecuzione delle minoranze etniche e religiose nello Xinjiang, il comportamento reticente nell'epidemia diventato colpevole per averla fatta diventare pandemia hanno alienato la fiducia della comunità globale. L'Europa, dopo il predominio britannico anteriore alla prima guerra mondiale e il disastroso dodicennio nazista, ha perso qualsiasi ruolo da protagonista ed è comunque divisa tra l'affinità culturale con l'America e l'interesse per l'economia cinese. Le destre sono pro ovest e pro est le sinistre, in cui milita il tedesco Joschka Fisher, ex ministro degli esteri e membro del partito verde. (project-syndacate.org / May 25/2020)
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