Doctor, Minnesota Senator Scott Jensen, reveals that federal guidelines urge doctors to mark Covid-19 as the cause of death even when it isn't, the number must be inflated to condition the American election and weaken Trump.
In Italy elective democracy has been suspended for many years, left-wing parties prevent elections through the presidents of the republic, their expression. The violent pandemic, according to the subjectively calculated data, disseminated and propagated by the authorities in power, was providential. It allowed the coalition government to suspend regional elections, which would have given victory to the right, in particular to the Salvini's League. In other countries, however, the vote took place.
The Italian Institute of Health confirms that there is always a correlation between pre-existing diseases and Covid-19, so that only a small percentage of infected succumbs exclusively to the virus. Elon Musk (Tesla) tweeted: "Classifying all deaths as a 'crown' even though 'crown' was not the cause is simply a lie."
Another question is arising: will the lives saved with the lockdowns be higher or lower than the suicides that will occur in the coming months due to the induced recession?
In Europe when unemployment exceeds 3%, suicides increase by at least 4%, as in Australia. With an unemployment rate of 15% we will therefore have 2,760 suicides, to which must be added those for solitude, equal to 4000. ( / 2020/05) In poor countries, the loss of employment is fatal due to the absence of alternatives. For example, India already has 380 people who have committed suicide.
Restrictions on freedoms must end due to their negative effects on politics, to the confusion of health measures, to the nature and culture of modern man. We need to get used to living with this epidemic for a certain period.
The damage is extensive.
400 artists, musicians, creatives from the United Kingdom feared a cultural desert without financial support. Those who take a monthly wage have mortgages, rents, food, medical care, car installments and the like, which the benefits partially and temporarily cover. What will happen next? In America, the $ 56,000 a year paid workers, taken by the majority, disappeared in a few days, replaced by the $ 1,200 paid individually by Washington. Then? In England, 80% of the salary is received, in the Netherlands 90%, Denmark 70-90%, South Korea 70%, Canada $ 2,000 a month. And then?
Lockdown is a luxury that many cannot afford. ( / 2020/05/09)
Closed schools have deprived children of indispensable sociality, the future of young people will be painful, chronic diseases will increase, episodes of self-harm as well, earnings from subordinate work brutally cut, small entrepreneurs in ruins, loneliness and depression everywhere, social isolation forced but deleterious.
The arrests, fines, bans, house arrest will produce legal reactions, where, as in Italy (the prime minister never elected by the people has constantly bypassed Parliament) and New Zealand, they were hastily adopted, trampling on constitutional guarantees.
Physical health has been looked at, putting psychic health aside, the fears, the terror of the elderly, the anxieties of the parents, the breakdown of family and social relationships for the infectious suspect.
The elites of power, wealth, and journalistic communication have robbed the freedoms in a wild way to increase their and the consequent revenues. They will also pay in the tragedy that is gathering.
In Italy elective democracy has been suspended for many years, left-wing parties prevent elections through the presidents of the republic, their expression. The violent pandemic, according to the subjectively calculated data, disseminated and propagated by the authorities in power, was providential. It allowed the coalition government to suspend regional elections, which would have given victory to the right, in particular to the Salvini's League. In other countries, however, the vote took place.
The Italian Institute of Health confirms that there is always a correlation between pre-existing diseases and Covid-19, so that only a small percentage of infected succumbs exclusively to the virus. Elon Musk (Tesla) tweeted: "Classifying all deaths as a 'crown' even though 'crown' was not the cause is simply a lie."
Another question is arising: will the lives saved with the lockdowns be higher or lower than the suicides that will occur in the coming months due to the induced recession?
In Europe when unemployment exceeds 3%, suicides increase by at least 4%, as in Australia. With an unemployment rate of 15% we will therefore have 2,760 suicides, to which must be added those for solitude, equal to 4000. ( / 2020/05) In poor countries, the loss of employment is fatal due to the absence of alternatives. For example, India already has 380 people who have committed suicide.
Restrictions on freedoms must end due to their negative effects on politics, to the confusion of health measures, to the nature and culture of modern man. We need to get used to living with this epidemic for a certain period.
The damage is extensive.
400 artists, musicians, creatives from the United Kingdom feared a cultural desert without financial support. Those who take a monthly wage have mortgages, rents, food, medical care, car installments and the like, which the benefits partially and temporarily cover. What will happen next? In America, the $ 56,000 a year paid workers, taken by the majority, disappeared in a few days, replaced by the $ 1,200 paid individually by Washington. Then? In England, 80% of the salary is received, in the Netherlands 90%, Denmark 70-90%, South Korea 70%, Canada $ 2,000 a month. And then?
Lockdown is a luxury that many cannot afford. ( / 2020/05/09)
Closed schools have deprived children of indispensable sociality, the future of young people will be painful, chronic diseases will increase, episodes of self-harm as well, earnings from subordinate work brutally cut, small entrepreneurs in ruins, loneliness and depression everywhere, social isolation forced but deleterious.
The arrests, fines, bans, house arrest will produce legal reactions, where, as in Italy (the prime minister never elected by the people has constantly bypassed Parliament) and New Zealand, they were hastily adopted, trampling on constitutional guarantees.
Physical health has been looked at, putting psychic health aside, the fears, the terror of the elderly, the anxieties of the parents, the breakdown of family and social relationships for the infectious suspect.
The elites of power, wealth, and journalistic communication have robbed the freedoms in a wild way to increase their and the consequent revenues. They will also pay in the tragedy that is gathering.
Canaglia che viaggia in lockdown per fare politica e suicidi che arrivano a ondate
Medico, senatore del Minnesota, Scott Jensen, rivela che le linee guida federali invitano i medici a segnare Covid-19 come causa di morte anche quando non lo è, il numero deve essere gonfiato per condizionare le elezioni americane e indebolire Trump.
In Italia la democrazia elettiva è sospesa da molti anni, i partiti di sinistra impediscono le elezioni attraverso i presidenti della repubblica, loro espressione. La pandemia violenta, secondo i dati calcolati soggettivamente, diffusi e propagandati dalle autorità al potere, è stata provvidenziale. Ha consentito alla coalizione di governo la sospensione delle elezioni regionali, che avrebbero dato la vittoria alle destre, in particolare alla Lega di Salvini. In altri Paesi invece il voto è avvenuto.
L'Istituto Superiore di Sanità italiano conferma che esiste sempre correlazione tra malattie preesistenti e Covid-19, per cui solo una piccola percentuale di infettati soccombe esclusivamente per il virus. Elon Musk (Tesla) ha twittato: "Classificare tutti i decessi come 'corona' anche se 'corona' non ne è stata la causa è semplicemente una bugia".
Sta sorgendo un altro interrogativo: le vite salvate con i lockdown saranno superiori o inferiori ai suicidi che nei prossimi mesi avverranno per la recessione indotta?
In Europa quando la disoccupazione supera il 3% i suicidi crescono di almeno il 4%, come in Australia. Con tasso di disoccupazione del 15% avremo dunque 2.760 suicidi, a cui si dovranno aggiungere quelli per solitudine, pari a 4000. ( /2020/05) Nei Paesi poveri la perdita di occupazione è fatale per assenza di alternative. L'India per esempio già conta 380 persone, che si sono tolte la vita.
Le restrizioni delle libertà devono finire per i loro effetti negativi su politica, per la confusione delle misure sanitarie, per la natura e la cultura dell'uomo moderno. Occorre abituarsi a convivere per un certo periodo con questa epidemia.
I danni sono estesi.
400 artisti, musicisti, creativi del Regno Unito hanno paventato il deserto culturale senza supporti finanziari. Chi prende un salario mensile ha mutui, affitti, alimentazione, cure mediche, rate per automobile e simili, che i sussidi coprono parzialmente e temporaneamente. Dopo che succederà? In America i 56.000 dollari anno di retribuzione, presi dalla maggioranza, sono scomparsi in pochi giorni, rimpiazzati dai 1.200 dollari erogati individualmente da Washington. Poi? In Inghilterra si riceve l'80% dello stipendio, nei Paesi Bassi il 90%, Danimarca 70-90%, Corea del Sud 70%, Canada 2.000 dollari al mese. Eppoi?
Il lockdown è un lusso che moltissimi non si possono permettere. ( /2020/ 05/ 09)
Le scuole chiuse hanno privato i ragazzi di socialità indispensabile, il futuro dei giovani sarà doloroso, le malattie croniche aumenteranno, gli episodi di autolesionismo pure, redditi da lavoro subordinato tagliati brutalmente, piccoli imprenditori in rovina, solitudine e depressione ovunque, isolamento sociale obbligato ma deleterio.
Gli arresti, le multe, i divieti, i sequestri domiciliari produrranno reazioni legali, ove, come in Italia (il premier mai eletto dal popolo ha scavalcato costantemente il Parlamento) e Nuova Zelanda, sono stati adottati frettolosamente, calpestando le garanzie costituzionali.
Si è guardato alla salute fisica, accantonando quella psichica, le paure, il terrore degli anziani, le ansie dei genitori, la rottura dei rapporti familiari e sociali per il sospetto infettivo.
Le elite del potere, della ricchezza, della comunicazione giornalistica hanno rapinato in modo selvaggio le libertà per accrescere le loro ed i conseguenti ricavi. Pagheranno anche loro nella tragedia che si sta addensando.
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