"I sell millions of eggs at school canteens but despite the pandemic and empty shops I can't do it at retail, so I have to eliminate thousands of chickens." The mass food industry is suffocating. Even Tyson Food, the giant meat distributor, warns: soon there will be a shortage, the slaughterhouses are stopping, too many workers infected. They are mostly immigrants, piled up along production lines too fast to even walk away a few seconds to sneeze or cough. A plant that closes breaks the entire supply chain.
80% of US cattle are worked by four companies, 60% of pigs by four other companies.
If you stop or slow down, it is impossible to continue feeding animals, including young pigs, because they become too big for the spaces available. The history of chickens is similar, after 6-7 weeks of life they become fragile in bones and heart.
Millions, bipeds and quadrupeds must be suppressed.
Meat was a luxury. The US industrial model made it available to everyone. Once tens of thousands of small farmers brought the animals to local slaughterhouses, the product was for few.
Workers - many undocumented from abroad - cut or bone, pick salads or tomatoes in the sun, drive refrigerated trucks everywhere. They are important, essential. With the emergency they realized it, protested, went on strike. Summer and autumn will be lean.
The local food system has been reinvigorating for 20 years in moderate recovery and now faster.
Deindustrialization and decentralization, even temporarily? The diet would be healthier but more expensive, therefore selective if not elitist.
Corn and soybeans, grown in America extensively to feed farming, induce meaty nutrition, which favors diabetes, hypertension, obesity, that is, the pathologies that have made half of coronavirus cases lethal. (nybooks.com / June 11,2020 issue)
We are in Germany. Several immigrants from Eastern Europe are employed. 48-year-old Romanian, Westfleisch slaughterhouse, positive for the test, he doesn't know if he will be paid for his absence, a wire mesh prevents him and his companions from going out: "... but we can call to have something to eat or for some problem" he says . (cbsaustin.com / May 13th 2020)
In Europe the offer is less concentrated, the impact will be bearable. In Brazil, small slaughterhouses operate around large pastures, sanitary precautions are easier.
Is the boom in cultivated meat coming?
Not the vegetable one but the one that developed in bio-reactors through cell agriculture and tissue engineering. In a couple of years it will be on the market. The 70 billion beasts slaughtered each year will disappear. Cells will be collected with biopsy under anesthesia to be grown in the laboratory. No growth hormones such as synthetic estrogen and testosterone suspected of carcinogenicity. No antibiotics against diseases and infections of animals and slaughterhouses. End of intercontinental transport, being cultivable everywhere indoors. Impossibility of covid shock to consumption and production. Reduction of greenhouse gases, as long as the energy needed to grow it is clean and non-fossil. Elimination of deforestation and arson. Saving water and its pollution from farms and tannery-like activities. According to the prospects of the current producers, it will be economic: the Dutch Mosa Meat, the Californian Memphis Meats, the Israeli Future Meat Technologies. (greenqueen.com.hk / May 13/2020)
80% of US cattle are worked by four companies, 60% of pigs by four other companies.
If you stop or slow down, it is impossible to continue feeding animals, including young pigs, because they become too big for the spaces available. The history of chickens is similar, after 6-7 weeks of life they become fragile in bones and heart.
Millions, bipeds and quadrupeds must be suppressed.
Meat was a luxury. The US industrial model made it available to everyone. Once tens of thousands of small farmers brought the animals to local slaughterhouses, the product was for few.
Workers - many undocumented from abroad - cut or bone, pick salads or tomatoes in the sun, drive refrigerated trucks everywhere. They are important, essential. With the emergency they realized it, protested, went on strike. Summer and autumn will be lean.
The local food system has been reinvigorating for 20 years in moderate recovery and now faster.
Deindustrialization and decentralization, even temporarily? The diet would be healthier but more expensive, therefore selective if not elitist.
Corn and soybeans, grown in America extensively to feed farming, induce meaty nutrition, which favors diabetes, hypertension, obesity, that is, the pathologies that have made half of coronavirus cases lethal. (nybooks.com / June 11,2020 issue)
We are in Germany. Several immigrants from Eastern Europe are employed. 48-year-old Romanian, Westfleisch slaughterhouse, positive for the test, he doesn't know if he will be paid for his absence, a wire mesh prevents him and his companions from going out: "... but we can call to have something to eat or for some problem" he says . (cbsaustin.com / May 13th 2020)
In Europe the offer is less concentrated, the impact will be bearable. In Brazil, small slaughterhouses operate around large pastures, sanitary precautions are easier.
Is the boom in cultivated meat coming?
Not the vegetable one but the one that developed in bio-reactors through cell agriculture and tissue engineering. In a couple of years it will be on the market. The 70 billion beasts slaughtered each year will disappear. Cells will be collected with biopsy under anesthesia to be grown in the laboratory. No growth hormones such as synthetic estrogen and testosterone suspected of carcinogenicity. No antibiotics against diseases and infections of animals and slaughterhouses. End of intercontinental transport, being cultivable everywhere indoors. Impossibility of covid shock to consumption and production. Reduction of greenhouse gases, as long as the energy needed to grow it is clean and non-fossil. Elimination of deforestation and arson. Saving water and its pollution from farms and tannery-like activities. According to the prospects of the current producers, it will be economic: the Dutch Mosa Meat, the Californian Memphis Meats, the Israeli Future Meat Technologies. (greenqueen.com.hk / May 13/2020)
Carne soffocata dal virus eccetto..
"Vendo milioni di uova alle mense scolastiche ma nonostante pandemia e negozi vuoti non posso farlo al dettaglio, così devo eliminare migliaia di galline". L'industria alimentare di massa sta soffocando. Anche Tyson Food, il gigantesco distributore di carni, avverte: presto ci sarà carenza, i mattatoi si stanno fermando, eccesso di operai infettati. Sono per lo più immigrati, ammassati lungo le linee di produzione troppo veloci persino per allontanarsi qualche secondo a starnutire o tossire. Un impianto che chiude rompe l'intera filiera.
L'80% dei bovini USA è lavorato da quattro società, il 60% dei maiali da altre quattro aziende.
Se ci si ferma o rallenta, è impossibile continuare ad alimentare gli animali, compresi i giovani maialini, perché diventano troppo grossi per gli spazi a disposizione. Analoga la storia dei polli, dopo le 6-7 settimane programmate di vita diventano fragili nelle ossa e nel cuore.
Vanno soppressi a milioni, bipedi e quadrupedi.
La carne era un lusso. Il modello industriale USA l'ha messa a disposizione di tutti. Una volta decine di migliaia di piccoli allevatori portavano le bestie ai macelli locali, il prodotto era per pochi.
I lavoratori- molti senza documenti arrivati dall'estero- tagliano o disossano, raccolgono insalate o pomodori sotto il sole, guidano camion frigo dappertutto. Sono importanti, irrinunciabili. Con l'emergenza se ne sono accorti, protestano, scioperano. Estate e autunno si annunciano magre.
Sta rinvigorendosi il sistema alimentare locale, da 20 anni in moderata ripresa.
Deindustrializzazione e decentramento, anche transitoriamente? La dieta sarebbe più sana ma più costosa, perciò selettiva se non elitaria.
Mais e soia, coltivati in America estesamente per nutrire gli allevamenti, inducono ad una nutrizione carnea, che favorisce diabete, ipertensione, obesità, cioè le patologie che hanno reso letale la metà dei casi di coronavirus. (nybooks.com /June 11,2020 issue)
Siamo in Germania. Ci sono occupati parecchi immigrati dall'Europa dell'Est. 48 anni, rumeno, macello di Westfleisch, positivo al test, non sa se verrà pagato per l'assenza, una rete metallica impedisce a lui e compagni di uscire: "..ma possiamo chiamare per avere da mangiare o per qualche problema" racconta. (cbsaustin.com /May 13th 2020)
In Europa l'offerta è meno concentrata, l'impatto sarà sopportabile. In Brasile operano piccoli mattatoi intorno alle grandi estensioni dei pascoli, le precauzioni sanitarie sono più facili.
Arriva il boom della carne coltivata?
Non quella vegetale bensì quella sviluppatasi in bio-reattori tramite agricoltura cellulare e ingegneria dei tessuti. In un paio di anni sarà sul mercato. I 70 miliardi di bestie macellate ogni anno scompariranno. Gli verranno prelevate cellule con biopsia in anestesia da coltivare in laboratorio. Nessun ormone di crescita quali estrogeno sintetico e testosterone, sospettati di cancerogenicità. Niente antibiotici contro malattie ed infezioni di animali e macelli. Fine dei trasporti intercontinentali, essendo coltivabile ovunque al chiuso. Impossibilità di shock da covid al consumo e alla produzione. Riduzione dei gas serra, purché l'energia occorrente per coltivarla sia pulita e non fossile. Eliminazione delle deforestazioni e degli incendi dolosi. Risparmio di acqua e suo inquinamento da allevamento e attività tipo la conceria. Secondo le prospettive degli attuali produttori sarà economica: l'olandese Mosa Meat, la californiana Memphis Meats, l'israeliana Future Meat Technologies. (greenqueen.com.hk /May 13/2020)
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