It was a very serious unpreparedness to be discovered in the face of a pandemic, which had been repeatedly foreseen. It was a mortal fault, for the lives and for the poverty caused. Will they respond to justice? Unlikely, they control it. The electorate? No, because hysteria was born there. Yet, at least where there is a national health system (Italy in the lead), voters are stolen large portions of wages, salaries, pensions to feed it, although everyone knows how to be plundered by the congenital dishonesty of politics.
Western political leaders have immobilized entire populations rather than quarantining their groups at risk, rushing with the media complicity to exploit each new infection to justify the brutality of the lockdowns. They rode fears to stay in the saddle and possibly increase the power and money of their family assets.
In Los Angeles last week it emerged that the infected with no health consequences were much more numerous than estimates. They should have been pleased with it as an element of lesser lethality. No, they used it to fulfill their social distancing.
In Italy 6-10 million out of 60 million 'positive' citizens are assumed. The cases ascertained with the swab are 200,000. The government coalition, however, has locked the complete nation, with the expected result of killing the economy, causing extensive poverty and killing 27,000 people (2nd state in the world for deaths!), through a chaotic and convulsive management of hospitals, houses nursing homes, hospices for the elderly.
Israeli scientist Isaac Ben-Israel concluded that, regardless of dictatorial or light restrictions, the disease everywhere takes 6 weeks to peak and wanes from the 8th.
South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore have applied mild limitations, with better results than the USA and Western Europe. On the one hand they took advantage of the past SARS experience, which allowed immediate distribution of masks and effective treatments; on the other, they have softened the wild stay-at-home of the West, which has overwhelmed the most reasonable precautions, such as suspension of large meetings, body distance, hand washing.
Spain, Italy, France have authoritatively imposed with police and army much more abrupt brakes than Germany and than Sweden, even more liberal with the permission to meet under 50 people. The first 3 were devastated, the remaining two were not.
In the United States they are better thanks to lower barriers Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota.
Politics must be ready for emergencies, politics must govern the panic of the community, politics must rationally calculate the relationship between life and economy, which to a large extent coincide. Otherwise what's the use? Or who needs it, if not for itself? ( / Monday 27/2020)
The West has lost.
Beijing will accumulate cereals and we will risk famine, will finance and control the WHO, will increase the reserves of cheaply bought oil (only in March its import + 4.5%), will hostilely acquire Western companies depreciated by the crisis, will sell medical technology to whom it infected. Covid will remain a priority for people around the Atlantic Ocean, not those on the Yellow Sea. ( / Apr 27/2020)
Occidente sconfitto per colpa dei suoi politici
Western political leaders have immobilized entire populations rather than quarantining their groups at risk, rushing with the media complicity to exploit each new infection to justify the brutality of the lockdowns. They rode fears to stay in the saddle and possibly increase the power and money of their family assets.
In Los Angeles last week it emerged that the infected with no health consequences were much more numerous than estimates. They should have been pleased with it as an element of lesser lethality. No, they used it to fulfill their social distancing.
In Italy 6-10 million out of 60 million 'positive' citizens are assumed. The cases ascertained with the swab are 200,000. The government coalition, however, has locked the complete nation, with the expected result of killing the economy, causing extensive poverty and killing 27,000 people (2nd state in the world for deaths!), through a chaotic and convulsive management of hospitals, houses nursing homes, hospices for the elderly.
Israeli scientist Isaac Ben-Israel concluded that, regardless of dictatorial or light restrictions, the disease everywhere takes 6 weeks to peak and wanes from the 8th.
South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore have applied mild limitations, with better results than the USA and Western Europe. On the one hand they took advantage of the past SARS experience, which allowed immediate distribution of masks and effective treatments; on the other, they have softened the wild stay-at-home of the West, which has overwhelmed the most reasonable precautions, such as suspension of large meetings, body distance, hand washing.
Spain, Italy, France have authoritatively imposed with police and army much more abrupt brakes than Germany and than Sweden, even more liberal with the permission to meet under 50 people. The first 3 were devastated, the remaining two were not.
In the United States they are better thanks to lower barriers Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota.
Politics must be ready for emergencies, politics must govern the panic of the community, politics must rationally calculate the relationship between life and economy, which to a large extent coincide. Otherwise what's the use? Or who needs it, if not for itself? ( / Monday 27/2020)
The West has lost.
Beijing will accumulate cereals and we will risk famine, will finance and control the WHO, will increase the reserves of cheaply bought oil (only in March its import + 4.5%), will hostilely acquire Western companies depreciated by the crisis, will sell medical technology to whom it infected. Covid will remain a priority for people around the Atlantic Ocean, not those on the Yellow Sea. ( / Apr 27/2020)
Occidente sconfitto per colpa dei suoi politici
E' stata una gravissima impreparazione farsi trovare scoperti davanti a una pandemia, che era stata più volte prevista. Una colpa mortale, per le vite e per le povertà causate. Ne risponderanno alla giustizia? Improbabile, la controllano. L'elettorato? No, perché l'isteria è nata lì. Eppure, almeno dove esiste un sistema sanitario nazionale (Italia in testa), agli elettori vengono sottratte quote ingenti di salario, stipendio, pensione per alimentarlo, nonostante tutti sappiano essere depredato dalla congenita disonestà della politica.
I leader politici occidentali hanno immobilizzato popolazioni intere anziché metterne in quarantena i gruppi a rischio, precipitandosi con la complicità mediatica a sfruttare ogni nuova infezione per giustificare la brutalità dei lockdown. Hanno cavalcato le paure per restare in sella e possibilmente accrescere potere e soldi dei loro patrimoni familiari.
A Los Angeles settimana scorsa è emerso che i contagiati senza conseguenze sanitarie erano assai più numerosi delle stime. Avrebbero dovuto compiacersene, quale elemento di minore letalità. No, l'hanno usato per assolvere il proprio distanziamento sociale.
In Italia si ipotizzano 6-10 milioni su 60 milioni di cittadini 'positivi'. I casi accertati con il tampone sono 200.000. La coalizione governativa però ha chiuso a chiave la nazione completa, con il previsto risultato di uccidere l'economia, causare estesa povertà e far morire 27000 persone( 2° Stato al mondo per decessi!) tramite una gestione caotica e convulsa di ospedali, case di cura, ospizi per anziani.
Lo scienziato israeliano Isaac Ben-Israel ha concluso che, a prescindere dalle restrizioni dittatoriali o leggere, la malattia ovunque impiega 6 settimane per raggiungere il picco e scema dalla 8° .
Corea del Sud, Taiwan, Singapore hanno applicato limitazioni lievi, con risultati migliori di USA ed Europa occidentale. Da un lato hanno goduto della passata esperienza SARS, che ha consentito immediata distribuzione di mascherine e trattamenti efficaci; dall'altro hanno addolcito il selvaggio stay-at-home dell'ovest, che ha travolto le più ragionevoli precauzioni, come sospensioni di grandi riunioni, lontananza corporea, lavaggio mani.
Spagna, Italia, Francia hanno imposto autoritariamente con polizia ed esercito frenate molto più brusche di Germania e di Svezia, ancora più liberale con il permesso di riunione sotto i 50. I primi tre sono stati devastati, i due rimanenti no.
Negli Stati Uniti vanno meglio grazie a barriere meno alte Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota.
La politica deve essere pronta alle emergenze, la politica deve governare il panico della collettività, la politica deve calcolare razionalmente il rapporto tra vita ed economia, che in larga misura coincidono. Altrimenti a che serve? O a chi serve, se non a se stessa? ( /Monday 27/ 2020)
L'occidente ha perso.
Pechino accumulerà cereali e noi rischieremo la carestia, finanzierà e controllerà l'OMS, aumenterà le riserve di petrolio comprato a buon mercato ( nel solo marzo suo import + 4,5%), acquisirà ostilmente società occidentali deprezzate dalla crisi, venderà tecnologia medica a chi ha infettato. Covid rimarrà priorità per le genti intorno all'oceano Atlantico, non per quelle sul Mar Giallo. ( / Apr 27/2020)
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