A major trial against opioid manufacturers and distributors in New York state has been postponed because of the coronavirus. Also Native American tribes have sued companies up and down the opioid supply chain. (washingtonpost.com /2020/03/ 10)
Is Xi's gamble on a global role through foreign operations and infrastructure sunk by the Whuan virus?
Chinese rejected everywhere, supply chains with the West interrupted, then Trump successful in calling for the return at home of U.S. industries
The communist party could lose a lot of power due to unemployment and the cut in growth, which should have doubled this year over the 2010. It will take time to convince the world that it is still a safe place for business, despite the increased cost of labor and the customs war had undermined its centrality of production.
Opportunist France suffers from 90-95% dependence on Chinese supplies for cars, pharmaceuticals, aeronautics. Sanofi is in fact gearing up to get rid of it.
Beijing remains proud when it expels journalists from the Wall Street Journal for calling China "the real sick of Asia". Last year, China praised Italy for joining the Xi's Belt and Road Initiative immediately, now slowing down; but a few months later it bitterly criticized Italian government for the blockade of bilateral flights due to epidemic. China even suggested that the virus may have originated outside of China, using online sites, such as WeChat. (news.yahoo.com / Mar 10, 2020)
There are Italian infectious disease specialists who believe the epidemic came to their country from Germany rather than China.
What the Trump trade war was struggling to achieve, that is the disengagement of US companies from Chinese suppliers and buyers, seems to be offered by the Whuan virus.
Coca Cola has lost its supplies of artificial dietary sweeteners, Procter & Gamble has seen its 400 suppliers stop. Apple throws alarms to investors both for the interruption of supplies and for the rapid collapse of Chinese customers. General Motors has plants in Michigan and Texas without China-made parts. Ford has joint ventures, Changan Ford and SMC, which are struggling to regain the production standard. There are numerous appeals by Chinese companies to the "force majeure" clause to justify non-compliance with the contracts. Difficulty for Hyundai in South Korea and for the Italian-American Fiat-Chrysler in Serbia.
Chinese exports January-February at -17% over the same period last year.
Diversification seems to favor southern Asia; but the planetary spread of the infection could frustrate all alternatives. (washingtonpost.com/ Mar, 11,2020)
So, doors wide open to localism and nationalism?
Whuan virus ferma auto, farmaci, ..processi per droga
Is Xi's gamble on a global role through foreign operations and infrastructure sunk by the Whuan virus?
Chinese rejected everywhere, supply chains with the West interrupted, then Trump successful in calling for the return at home of U.S. industries
The communist party could lose a lot of power due to unemployment and the cut in growth, which should have doubled this year over the 2010. It will take time to convince the world that it is still a safe place for business, despite the increased cost of labor and the customs war had undermined its centrality of production.
Opportunist France suffers from 90-95% dependence on Chinese supplies for cars, pharmaceuticals, aeronautics. Sanofi is in fact gearing up to get rid of it.
Beijing remains proud when it expels journalists from the Wall Street Journal for calling China "the real sick of Asia". Last year, China praised Italy for joining the Xi's Belt and Road Initiative immediately, now slowing down; but a few months later it bitterly criticized Italian government for the blockade of bilateral flights due to epidemic. China even suggested that the virus may have originated outside of China, using online sites, such as WeChat. (news.yahoo.com / Mar 10, 2020)
There are Italian infectious disease specialists who believe the epidemic came to their country from Germany rather than China.
What the Trump trade war was struggling to achieve, that is the disengagement of US companies from Chinese suppliers and buyers, seems to be offered by the Whuan virus.
Coca Cola has lost its supplies of artificial dietary sweeteners, Procter & Gamble has seen its 400 suppliers stop. Apple throws alarms to investors both for the interruption of supplies and for the rapid collapse of Chinese customers. General Motors has plants in Michigan and Texas without China-made parts. Ford has joint ventures, Changan Ford and SMC, which are struggling to regain the production standard. There are numerous appeals by Chinese companies to the "force majeure" clause to justify non-compliance with the contracts. Difficulty for Hyundai in South Korea and for the Italian-American Fiat-Chrysler in Serbia.
Chinese exports January-February at -17% over the same period last year.
Diversification seems to favor southern Asia; but the planetary spread of the infection could frustrate all alternatives. (washingtonpost.com/ Mar, 11,2020)
So, doors wide open to localism and nationalism?
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La Voce alessandrina |
Whuan virus ferma auto, farmaci, ..processi per droga
Un importante processo contro i produttori e i venditori di oppiacei a New York è stato posticipato a causa del coronavirus. Anche le tribù dei Native Americans hanno citato in giudizio le compagnie, poste lungo la catena dei rifornimenti delle droghe. (washingtonpost.com /2020/ 03/ 10)
La scommessa di Xi su un ruolo mondiale attraverso attività e infrastrutture estere viene affossata dal virus di Whuan?
Cinesi respinti dappertutto, catene di rifornimento con l'Occidente interrotte, Trump vincente nel chiedere il ritorno a casa delle industrie U.S.
Il partito comunista potrebbe perdere molto potere a causa della disoccupazione e del taglio nella crescita, che avrebbe dovuto quest'anno raddoppiare sul 2010. Richiederà tempo convincere il mondo che è ancora un posto sicuro per gli affari, nonostante l'aumentato costo del lavoro e la guerra daziaria ne avessero scalfito la centralità produttiva.
La Francia opportunista soffre per dipendere del 90-95 % dagli approvvigionamenti cinesi in auto, farmaceutico, aeronautica. Sanofi infatti si sta attrezzando per liberarsene.
Pechino resta orgogliosa, quando espelle giornalisti del Wall Street Journal per avere definito la Cina "il vero malato dell'Asia". Verso l'Italia tessé l'anno scorso lodi per essersi subito iscritta alla Xi's Belt and Road Initiative, ora in rallentamento; ma pochi mesi dopo la criticò aspramente per il blocco sanitario dei voli bilaterali. Ha persino suggerito che il virus potrebbe essere nato fuori dalla Cina, usando siti on line, quali WeChat. (news.yahoo.com / Mar 10, 2020)
Ci sono infettivologi italiani che ritengono l'epidemia essere arrivata nella loro nazione dalla Germania anziché dalla Cina.
Ciò che la guerra commerciale di Trump stentava a raggiungere, cioè il disimpegno delle aziende statunitensi dai fornitori e compratori cinesi, sembra offrirlo il Whuan virus.
Coca Cola ha perso i rifornimenti di dolcificanti artificiali dietetici, Procter&Gamble ha visto arrestarsi i suoi ca 400 fornitori. Apple getta allarmi agli investitori sia per l'interruzione degli approvvigionamenti sia per il rapido crollo delle clientele cinesi. General Motors ha gli stabilimenti in Michigan e Texas senza i ricambi fatti in Cina. Ford ha joint venture, Changan Ford e SMC, che faticano a riprendere lo standard produttivo. Sono numerosi i ricorsi di aziende cinesi alla clausola di "forza maggiore" per giustificare il mancato rispetto dei contratti. Difficoltà per Hyundai in Corea del Sud e per l'italo-americana Fiat-Chrysler in Serbia.
L'export cinese gennaio-febbraio a -17% sullo stesso periodo anno scorso.
La diversificazione pare privilegiare l'Asia meridionale; ma la diffusione planetaria dell'infezione potrebbe vanificare tutte le alternative. (washingtonpost.com/ Mar,11,2020)
Dunque, porte spalancate al localismo e al nazionalismo?
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