Quarantine means loss of freedom, fear of infection, separation from everything. Then post-traumatic stress, insomnia, estrangement, anger come .
In Whuan, medical personnel also endure overload, isolation, frustration, discrimination.
A study on SARS (2007) showed that carers from higher-risk patients fell into chronic stress, major anxiety and depression.
The fear of a disease scares more than the disease itself.
The world of microbes is mysterious, threatening, frightening. We all fear the unknown.
Fear can lead to distrust in health authorities. (psychologytoday.com / Mar 5, 2020)
The (supposed) emergency of climate change has been replaced by coronavirus. It is the priority.
Humanity faces the immediate and the urgent, shelves the alarms on the melting glaciers or on the insects that disappear in the Amazon. Overheating fans console themselves by noting that, being sociable beings, we imitate and, for example, we save energy when we see it done by neighbors. (news.wttw.com / 2020/03/02)
The outbreak of racism was foreseeable.
Tribal nature has remained within us. The large infectious diseases brought by foreigners in the past eliminated entire communities.
The Europeans, who settled in the Americas, introduced flu and smallpox, which decimated the natives.
Less than 0.001% of Chinese people have coronavirus; but 99.999% of the Chinese are under ostracism.
Discrimination affects both survivors and treating staff. Their children are often unwelcome in kindergarten. It happened with SARS.
Only charismatic national leaders would be able to discourage racism and convince that Asian origin is extraneous to the probability of having or spreading COVID-19. (thehill.com / Mar 4,2020)
This virus has a low mortality rate. Mass panic would be unjustified. Social media, however, could induce it.
More than the interruption of supplies, the American economy may suffer from falling consumer demand. Go out and spend or isolate yourself and buy the essentials? Free economists hope that individualism will prevail in the end. (cnbc.com / 2020/02/27)
There is a fear underground. Those who have power or money can take advantage of this exceptionality . The WHO bureaucracies, if they managed to declare the contagion 'pandemic', would acquire a fearful international upper hand, superior to the governments. The alliance with the super billionaires, interested in annexing the markets, would be obvious.
Nobody would have the guarantee that, once the tragedy was over, they would surrender their dominant positions to those entitled, nominated by the peoples.
Coronavirus= razzismo e dittatura?
In Whuan, medical personnel also endure overload, isolation, frustration, discrimination.
A study on SARS (2007) showed that carers from higher-risk patients fell into chronic stress, major anxiety and depression.
The fear of a disease scares more than the disease itself.
The world of microbes is mysterious, threatening, frightening. We all fear the unknown.
Fear can lead to distrust in health authorities. (psychologytoday.com / Mar 5, 2020)
The (supposed) emergency of climate change has been replaced by coronavirus. It is the priority.
Humanity faces the immediate and the urgent, shelves the alarms on the melting glaciers or on the insects that disappear in the Amazon. Overheating fans console themselves by noting that, being sociable beings, we imitate and, for example, we save energy when we see it done by neighbors. (news.wttw.com / 2020/03/02)
The outbreak of racism was foreseeable.
Tribal nature has remained within us. The large infectious diseases brought by foreigners in the past eliminated entire communities.
The Europeans, who settled in the Americas, introduced flu and smallpox, which decimated the natives.
Less than 0.001% of Chinese people have coronavirus; but 99.999% of the Chinese are under ostracism.
Discrimination affects both survivors and treating staff. Their children are often unwelcome in kindergarten. It happened with SARS.
Only charismatic national leaders would be able to discourage racism and convince that Asian origin is extraneous to the probability of having or spreading COVID-19. (thehill.com / Mar 4,2020)
This virus has a low mortality rate. Mass panic would be unjustified. Social media, however, could induce it.
More than the interruption of supplies, the American economy may suffer from falling consumer demand. Go out and spend or isolate yourself and buy the essentials? Free economists hope that individualism will prevail in the end. (cnbc.com / 2020/02/27)
There is a fear underground. Those who have power or money can take advantage of this exceptionality . The WHO bureaucracies, if they managed to declare the contagion 'pandemic', would acquire a fearful international upper hand, superior to the governments. The alliance with the super billionaires, interested in annexing the markets, would be obvious.
Nobody would have the guarantee that, once the tragedy was over, they would surrender their dominant positions to those entitled, nominated by the peoples.
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The Hill |
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The Atlantic |
Coronavirus= razzismo e dittatura?
Quarantena significa perdita della libertà, paura dell'infezione, separazione da tutto. Dopo arrivano stress post-traumatico, insonnia, estraniazione, rabbia.
A Whuan anche il personale medico sopporta sovraccarico, isolamento, frustrazione, discriminazione.
Uno studio su SARS (2007) ha dimostrato che gli assistenti dei pazienti a più alto rischio sono caduti in stress cronico, in ansia e depressione maggiori.
La paura di una malattia spaventa più della malattia stessa.
Il mondo dei microbi è misterioso, minaccioso, spaventoso. Tutti temiamo l'ignoto.
La paura può condurre alla sfiducia nelle autorità sanitarie. (psychologytoday.com /Mar 5, 2020)
All'emergenza (supposta) del cambiamento climatico si è sostituita coronavirus. E' la priorità.
L'umanità affronta l'immediato e l'urgente, accantona gli allarmi sui ghiacciai che si sciolgono o sugli insetti che scompaiono in Amazzonia. I fan del surriscaldamento si consolano, osservando che, essendo esseri socievoli, imitiamo e, per esempio, ci mettiamo a risparmiare energia, quando vediamo farlo dai vicini. (news.wttw.com /2020/ 03/ 02)
Era prevedibile lo scoppio del razzismo.
La natura tribale ci è rimasta dentro. Le grosse malattie infettive, portate da stranieri, eliminarono in passato intere comunità.
Gli europei, che si insediarono nelle Americhe, introdussero influenza e vaiolo, che decimarono gli indigeni.
Meno dello 0,001% dei cinesi ha coronavirus; ma il 99,999% dei cinesi è sotto ostracismo.
La discriminazione colpisce sia i sopravvissuti sia il personale curante. I loro figli spesso sono sgraditi all'asilo. Accadde con SARS.
Solo leader nazionali carismatici saprebbero scoraggiare il razzismo e convincere che l'origine asiatica è estranea alla probabilità di avere o diffondere COVID-19. (thehill.com /Mar 4,2020)
Questo virus ha un basso tasso di mortalità. Un panico di massa sarebbe ingiustificato. I social media potrebbero però indurlo.
Più che dell'interruzione dei rifornimenti, l'economia americana potrebbe soffrire per la caduta di domanda dei consumatori. Uscire e spendere oppure isolarsi e comprare l'essenziale? Gli economisti liberi sperano che alla fine prevalga l'individualismo. (cnbc.com /2020/ 02/ 27)
C'è sotterraneo un timore. Chi ha potere o denaro può approfittare della straordinarietà. Le burocrazie dell'OMS, ove riuscissero a dichiarare 'pandemia' il contagio, acquisirebbero un temibile sopravvento internazionale, superiore ai governi. L'alleanza con i super miliardari, interessati ad annettersi i mercati, sarebbe scontata.
Nessuno avrebbe più la garanzia che, finita di fatto la tragedia, costoro cederebbero le proprie posizioni dominanti agli aventi diritto, nominati dai popoli.
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