The virus is absent in the seminal or vaginal fluid. The 6-foot distance - American size - is impossible in sex. Auto-erotic? Yes; but hands should be washed thoroughly, they may have the germ. If you want a partner, put a swab or cotton ball on nose and mouth, checking that neither saliva, mucus nor droplets from breathing come out.
The mask is the best guarantee and the worst brake of the acute excitation phases. ( / Mar 23/2020)
In the long run, all of this subsides desire.
The New York City Department of Health (NYDOH) has published detailed guidelines on "Sex and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Remembering the use of condoms or dental dam (latex or polyurethane), suitably lubricated against tearing, even in oral (blow job, cunnilingus) or anal performance, it does not recommend group sex, kissing with tongue, rimming ( mouth on anus) as the germ is found in the stools. Suggests sexting, chat rooms, video dates. ( / Mar 22/2020)
Remember to disinfect the screen when watching porn in company, to wash sex toys with hot soapy water.
We are under a pandemic that is taking away and ruining lives, bringing democratic civilization back in time, dramatically impoverishing the already weakened middle and popular classes.
There are the culprits, it must be remembered.
At the end of 2019, the Chinese authority is moving decisively to silence the now missing informants who were calling attention to the pandemic threat. Thus the virus could spread to the planet. Whuan blockade only begins on January 23, seven weeks after the onset of the infection. In seven days the diffusion becomes unstoppable. By that time 5 million people had left Whuan, wreaking havoc. Last year local experts warned of the probability that outbreaks similar to SARS or MERS would have arisen from certain bats (horseshoe bats) and from the consumption of exotic mammals in the south, unnecessarily calling for maximum caution.
Guilt must be reported. In Europe the same was done with Nazism and Soviet communism, through appeals, trials, commemorations, damages.
The Chinese Communist Party has put over a million Muslims and ethnic minorities in "re-education" camps, expelled the foreign press that wanted to tell about the new 'black death'. Its citizens have suffered and continue to suffer, the leaders of the authoritarian regime are responsible for it.
Tomorrow, with the crisis over and permanent devastation, relations with China will not return to normal.
The mask is the best guarantee and the worst brake of the acute excitation phases. ( / Mar 23/2020)
In the long run, all of this subsides desire.
The New York City Department of Health (NYDOH) has published detailed guidelines on "Sex and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Remembering the use of condoms or dental dam (latex or polyurethane), suitably lubricated against tearing, even in oral (blow job, cunnilingus) or anal performance, it does not recommend group sex, kissing with tongue, rimming ( mouth on anus) as the germ is found in the stools. Suggests sexting, chat rooms, video dates. ( / Mar 22/2020)
Remember to disinfect the screen when watching porn in company, to wash sex toys with hot soapy water.
We are under a pandemic that is taking away and ruining lives, bringing democratic civilization back in time, dramatically impoverishing the already weakened middle and popular classes.
There are the culprits, it must be remembered.
At the end of 2019, the Chinese authority is moving decisively to silence the now missing informants who were calling attention to the pandemic threat. Thus the virus could spread to the planet. Whuan blockade only begins on January 23, seven weeks after the onset of the infection. In seven days the diffusion becomes unstoppable. By that time 5 million people had left Whuan, wreaking havoc. Last year local experts warned of the probability that outbreaks similar to SARS or MERS would have arisen from certain bats (horseshoe bats) and from the consumption of exotic mammals in the south, unnecessarily calling for maximum caution.
Guilt must be reported. In Europe the same was done with Nazism and Soviet communism, through appeals, trials, commemorations, damages.
The Chinese Communist Party has put over a million Muslims and ethnic minorities in "re-education" camps, expelled the foreign press that wanted to tell about the new 'black death'. Its citizens have suffered and continue to suffer, the leaders of the authoritarian regime are responsible for it.
Tomorrow, with the crisis over and permanent devastation, relations with China will not return to normal.
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Rickshaws in Kolkata for the nationwide lockdown against virus from Whuan |
Dopo Whuan: "sei tu il partner sessuale più sicuro!"
Il virus è assente nel liquido seminale o vaginale. La distanza di 6 piedi- misura americana- è irrealizzabile nel sesso. Autoerotismo? Si; ma le mani vanno lavate accuratamente, potrebbero avere il germe. Se si vuole un partner, va messo un tampone o batuffolo di cotone al naso e alla bocca, verificando che né saliva né muco né goccioline da respirazione fuoriescano.
La maschera costituisce la garanzia migliore e il freno peggiore delle fasi acute di eccitazione. ( /Mar 23/ 2020)
Alla lunga tutto ciò sopisce il desiderio.
Il Dipartimento della Salute di New York City (NYDOH) ha pubblicato dettagliate linee guida su "Sex and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Ricordando l'uso del preservativo oppure del dental dam (in lattice o poliuretano), opportunamente lubrificato contro lo strappo, anche nella prestazione orale ( blow job, cunnilingus) o anale, sconsiglia il sesso di gruppo, il bacio con lingua, il rimming (mouth on anus) in quanto il germe si trova nelle feci. Suggerisce sexting, chat room, date video. ( /Mar 22/ 2020)
Ricorda di disinfettare lo schermo se si guarda porno in compagnia, di lavare i sex toys con acqua calda e sapone.
Siamo sotto una pandemia che sta togliendo e rovinando vite, riportando la civiltà democratica indietro nel tempo, impoverendo drammaticamente le classi medie e popolari già indebolite.
Ci sono i colpevoli, va ricordato.
A fine 2019 l'autorità cinese si muove in modo deciso per..zittire gli informatori, ora scomparsi, che richiamavano attenzione per la minaccia pandemica. Il virus così ha potuto diffondersi sul pianeta. Il blocco di Whuan inizia solo il 23 gennaio, sette settimane dopo l'insorgere dell'infezione. In sette giorni la diffusione diventa inarrestabile. A quella data 5 milioni di persone avevano lasciato Whuan, seminando il contagio. L'anno scorso esperti locali avvertirono della probabilità che focolai simili alla SARS o al MERS sarebbero probabilmente nati da certi pipistrelli (horseshoe bats) e dal consumo di mammiferi esotici nel meridione, invitando inutilmente alla massima prudenza.
La colpa va denunciata. In Europa si fece lo stesso con nazismo e comunismo sovietico, attraverso appelli, processi, commemorazioni, risarcimenti danni.
Il partito comunista cinese ha messo oltre un milione di musulmani e minoranze etniche nei campi di "rieducazione", ha espulso la stampa estera che voleva raccontare della nuova 'morte nera'. I suoi cittadini hanno sofferto e continuano a soffrire, ne sono responsabili i dirigenti del regime autoritario.
Domani, a crisi finita e devastazioni permanenti, le relazioni con la Cina non potranno tornare normali.
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