If a teenager and a little touchy, due to hormonal development, she remains indoors due to shyness or joins the group enthusiastically. After puberty she will have to produce milk at full speed for human will.
She is a cow. British Columbia University of Canada has conducted special research, discovering behavioral similarities with our 12/13 year olds. (thecut.com / 2020/02/11)
Adults today also intervene on sexual orientations. According to the Jewish Bar-Mitzvah rite at that age one should have full responsibility for one's own actions.
A boy who commits suicide because of bullying, who attacks his homosexuality, is often the victim of incorrect behavior by educators.
With the pill, the sexual revolution also involved adolescents who were basically gay. Western schools implemented maximum tolerance on one side and war on bullying, especially in cases of homosexuality, on the other. The preferred weapon was the public complaint. Error, the bullies are fierce with peers who, together with the family, have denounced. Mockery, derision become hatred and aggression. (mercatonet.com //Feb. 12, 2020)
In Bibbiano (Reggio Emilia, Italy) it was discovered that assistants, psychotherapists, nurses, in charge of helping abused minors, washed the brains of children, manipulating their drawings, dreams and words. With a light electroshock they created false memories of abuse, in order to steal them from families in difficulty and send them, for financial compensation, to other families. Among the adoptive parents police found some who abused the minors. The letters, the gifts sent by the real parents ended up hidden in a warehouse. (thelocal.it / 20190628) A little girl, entrusted to a couple of lesbian women, described the effusions of the two with sex toys. (ilprimatonazionale.it /Jan.,15,'20)
Pedophilia is different from child molestation. The first is sexual interest for those under the age of 11 (pre-pubescent), which brain studies classify as a biological phenomenon that is difficult to modify. Pedophiles can commit to repressing desire, such as avoiding child pornography. The latter are perversions that lead to unscrupulous abuse. (Lihs.orgbr)
<Coronavirus is in the chronicles; while the explosion of transgender teenagers, mainly girls, has become another epidemic, underestimated by public opinion,> said P. Parkison of the University of Queesland recently. The Australian Psychology Society has excluded that gender identity can be corrected with psychological, medical, spiritual methods. (qnews.com.au / Feb. 12/2020)
<Doctors who treat young trans look like Nazi doctors who practiced eugenics> , Irish writer Graham Linehan says on BBC Newsnight (10 February '20). (pinknews.co.uk / 2020 / 02/11).
Obviously, interpretations and controversies on the topic are endless.
She is a cow. British Columbia University of Canada has conducted special research, discovering behavioral similarities with our 12/13 year olds. (thecut.com / 2020/02/11)
Adults today also intervene on sexual orientations. According to the Jewish Bar-Mitzvah rite at that age one should have full responsibility for one's own actions.
A boy who commits suicide because of bullying, who attacks his homosexuality, is often the victim of incorrect behavior by educators.
With the pill, the sexual revolution also involved adolescents who were basically gay. Western schools implemented maximum tolerance on one side and war on bullying, especially in cases of homosexuality, on the other. The preferred weapon was the public complaint. Error, the bullies are fierce with peers who, together with the family, have denounced. Mockery, derision become hatred and aggression. (mercatonet.com //Feb. 12, 2020)
In Bibbiano (Reggio Emilia, Italy) it was discovered that assistants, psychotherapists, nurses, in charge of helping abused minors, washed the brains of children, manipulating their drawings, dreams and words. With a light electroshock they created false memories of abuse, in order to steal them from families in difficulty and send them, for financial compensation, to other families. Among the adoptive parents police found some who abused the minors. The letters, the gifts sent by the real parents ended up hidden in a warehouse. (thelocal.it / 20190628) A little girl, entrusted to a couple of lesbian women, described the effusions of the two with sex toys. (ilprimatonazionale.it /Jan.,15,'20)
Pedophilia is different from child molestation. The first is sexual interest for those under the age of 11 (pre-pubescent), which brain studies classify as a biological phenomenon that is difficult to modify. Pedophiles can commit to repressing desire, such as avoiding child pornography. The latter are perversions that lead to unscrupulous abuse. (Lihs.orgbr)
<Coronavirus is in the chronicles; while the explosion of transgender teenagers, mainly girls, has become another epidemic, underestimated by public opinion,> said P. Parkison of the University of Queesland recently. The Australian Psychology Society has excluded that gender identity can be corrected with psychological, medical, spiritual methods. (qnews.com.au / Feb. 12/2020)
<Doctors who treat young trans look like Nazi doctors who practiced eugenics> , Irish writer Graham Linehan says on BBC Newsnight (10 February '20). (pinknews.co.uk / 2020 / 02/11).
Obviously, interpretations and controversies on the topic are endless.
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Trans girls by imgur |
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Trans-Europe Express by German electronic music band Kraftwerk album, mid-1976, recorded in Dusseldorf |
Medici nazisti per l'epidemia trans
Se adolescente e un po' permalosa, a causa dello sviluppo ormonale, rimane al chiuso per timidezza oppure si unisce entusiasta al gruppo. Dopo la pubertà dovrà produrre per volere umano latte a pieno ritmo.
E' una mucca. La British Columbia University del Canada ha condotto apposita ricerca, scoprendo somiglianze comportamentali con le nostre dodicenni /tredicenni. (thecut.com /2020/02/11)
Gli adulti oggi intervengono anche sugli orientamenti sessuali. Secondo il rito giudaico Bar-Mitzvah a quell'età si dovrebbe avere piena responsabilità delle proprie azioni.
Un ragazzo che si suicida per colpa del bullismo, che aggredisce la sua omosessualità, è spesso vittima di errati comportamenti degli educatori.
Con la pillola la rivoluzione sessuale coinvolse pure gli adolescenti tendenzialmente gay. Le scuole occidentali attuarono massima tolleranza e guerra al bullismo, specie nei casi di omosessualità. L'arma preferita è stata la denuncia pubblica. Errore, i bulli si accaniscono con i coetanei che, insieme con la famiglia, hanno denunciato. Lo scherno, la derisione diventano odio e aggressione. (mercatonet.com //Feb.12, 2020)
A Bibbiano (Reggio Emilia, Italy) è stato scoperto che assistenti, psicoterapeuti, infermiere, incaricati di aiutare i minori maltrattati, lavavano il cervello ai piccoli, manipolandone disegni, sogni, parole. Con un elettroshock leggero creavano falsi ricordi di abuso, allo scopo di sottrarli alle famiglie in difficoltà e mandarli, dietro compenso economico, in altri nuclei. Tra i genitori adottivi hanno trovato alcuni che ne abusavano. Le lettere, i regali spediti dai genitori veri finivano nascoste in un magazzino. (thelocal.it /20190628) Una bambina, affidata a coppia di donne lesbiche, ha descritto le effusioni delle due con sex toys. (ilprimatonazionale.it /Jan.,15,'20)
La pedofilia è diversa dalle molestie infantili. La prima è interesse sessuale per chi è sotto gli 11 anni (pre-pubescente), che gli studi sul cervello classificano fenomeno biologico, difficilmente modificabile. I pedofili possono impegnarsi a reprimere il desiderio, come l'evitare la pornografia infantile. Le seconde sono perversioni che spingono ad abusare senza scrupolo. (lihs.orgbr)
<Coronavirus è nelle cronache; mentre l'esplosione di adolescenti transgender, principalmente ragazze, è diventata un'altra epidemia, sottovalutata dall'opinione pubblica>, ha dichiarato recentemente P.Parkison dell'Università del Queesland. L'Australian Psychology Society ha escluso che l'identità di genere possa essere corretta con metodi psicologici, medici, spirituali. (qnews.com.au /Feb. 12/ 2020)
<I medici che trattano i giovani trans assomigliano ai medici nazisti che praticavano l'eugenetica>, dichiara su BBC Newsnight (10 febbraio '20) lo scrittore irlandese Graham Linehan. (pinknews.co.uk /2020/ 02/11).
Interpretazioni e polemiche sul tema ovviamente si sprecano.
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