<.. I'm terrified, I can't speak, how I ended up here, they twist my arm, I don't move, one of them kneels and spreads my legs, they cut my bra, the one between my legs takes my breast, he pulls down the zip of my trousers and ... penetrates me, I remain calm in confusion, now another enters me, then a third pushes his penis into, horrible to feel these animals enjoy inside me, my hair hurts because they pull them to hold my head stop ..>, by "The Rape" of Franca Rame, Italian actress wife of Dario Fo (Nobel prize), raped in March 1973, Milan.
The US Virgin Islands government prosecutes suicidal billionaire pedophile Jeffry Epstein. In Manhattan, the film producer Harvey Weinstein is tried for 5 sexual crimes, 80 women accusing him. #MeToo could regain momentum, given that out of 1,000 rape cases, only 13 go to a public prosecutor and 7 end with a conviction.
'Sexual harassment', a journalistic coinage (Lin Farley) of the 70s, spread since 1991, when Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas of the United States Supreme Court of the sexual crime but he has been re-confirmed in office. On the one hand those rich, famous, powerful and on the other women who work, for example, in agriculture, who are a frequent sexual prey and stay silent to keep their jobs. (latimes.com / Jan 19,2020)
'Rape' is non-consensual act with penetration (vagina, anus, mouth) also with hand, fingers, object.
It is the least reported crime. In the US 23 million women and 1.7 million men have suffered from it. You have 'sexual abuse' without consent, it may include insults, refusal of a contraceptive method, intentionally causing physical pain, deliberately infecting. If performed on a child, it is generally based on a relationship of trust, power and authority.
'Sexual violence' occurs on anyone who refuses, on a frightened or manipulated person, unable because of alcohol, drugs and the like. It affects at least 20-30% of women. (Istitutobeck.com)
In a hospital of Campania (Italy), a 55-year-old hospitalized woman: <.. a male nurse enters the room to help me turn on the TV, then he brings me handkerchiefs and goes to put them in the bathroom, calls me, closes the door and forces me to sexual intercourse, his hands everywhere. I was crying, he continued until he saw the blood of the vagina, he finished, cleaned himself and left. After a few hours he came back, he wanted to rape me again, he couldn't, he forced me to touch him to make him come>. The management of the health facility asked her not to tell the carabinieri. (teleclubitalia.it / Jan 11, 2020)
Raped by two ex-schoolmates in Leitrim (Ireland) after being passed out drunk at a house party. She had drunk Prosecco, then whiskey in a pub and 'Stiffy's' shots. Going home in the car with one of the two there was a short kiss, at the house party she drinks wine and makes two shots of cannabis. When she wakes up she is in bed with the first man, who penetrates her by slapping her and squeezing her neck. The next memory is the second man, the noise of the condom that he takes off and the head approached forcefully to his member for a blow job. She then calls her boyfriend to be picked up. The first sentence last November was appealed and postponed until February, because they both claim she allowed them. (longfordleader.ie / 18 Jan 2020)
The US Virgin Islands government prosecutes suicidal billionaire pedophile Jeffry Epstein. In Manhattan, the film producer Harvey Weinstein is tried for 5 sexual crimes, 80 women accusing him. #MeToo could regain momentum, given that out of 1,000 rape cases, only 13 go to a public prosecutor and 7 end with a conviction.
'Sexual harassment', a journalistic coinage (Lin Farley) of the 70s, spread since 1991, when Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas of the United States Supreme Court of the sexual crime but he has been re-confirmed in office. On the one hand those rich, famous, powerful and on the other women who work, for example, in agriculture, who are a frequent sexual prey and stay silent to keep their jobs. (latimes.com / Jan 19,2020)
'Rape' is non-consensual act with penetration (vagina, anus, mouth) also with hand, fingers, object.
It is the least reported crime. In the US 23 million women and 1.7 million men have suffered from it. You have 'sexual abuse' without consent, it may include insults, refusal of a contraceptive method, intentionally causing physical pain, deliberately infecting. If performed on a child, it is generally based on a relationship of trust, power and authority.
'Sexual violence' occurs on anyone who refuses, on a frightened or manipulated person, unable because of alcohol, drugs and the like. It affects at least 20-30% of women. (Istitutobeck.com)
In a hospital of Campania (Italy), a 55-year-old hospitalized woman: <.. a male nurse enters the room to help me turn on the TV, then he brings me handkerchiefs and goes to put them in the bathroom, calls me, closes the door and forces me to sexual intercourse, his hands everywhere. I was crying, he continued until he saw the blood of the vagina, he finished, cleaned himself and left. After a few hours he came back, he wanted to rape me again, he couldn't, he forced me to touch him to make him come>. The management of the health facility asked her not to tell the carabinieri. (teleclubitalia.it / Jan 11, 2020)
Raped by two ex-schoolmates in Leitrim (Ireland) after being passed out drunk at a house party. She had drunk Prosecco, then whiskey in a pub and 'Stiffy's' shots. Going home in the car with one of the two there was a short kiss, at the house party she drinks wine and makes two shots of cannabis. When she wakes up she is in bed with the first man, who penetrates her by slapping her and squeezing her neck. The next memory is the second man, the noise of the condom that he takes off and the head approached forcefully to his member for a blow job. She then calls her boyfriend to be picked up. The first sentence last November was appealed and postponed until February, because they both claim she allowed them. (longfordleader.ie / 18 Jan 2020)
E' stupro o no?
<..sono terrorizzata, non riesco a parlare, come sono finita qui, mi torcono il braccio, non mi muovo, uno di loro si inginocchia e mi allarga le gambe, mi tagliano il reggipetto, quello tra le mie gambe mi prende il seno, mi tira giù lo zip dei pantaloni e..mi penetra, resto calma confusa, ora un altro lo spinge dentro me, poi un terzo, orribile sentire questi animali godere dentro di me, i capelli mi fanno male me li tirano per tenere la testa ferma..>, da Lo Stupro di Franca Rame, attrice italiana moglie di Dario Fo (premio Nobel), stuprata nel marzo 1973, Milano.
Il governo americano delle Isole Vergini persegue il miliardario pedofilo suicida Jeffry Epstein. A Manhattan il produttore cinematografico Harvey Weinstein è processato per 5 crimini sessuali, 80 le donne accusatrici. #MeToo potrebbe riprendere slancio, visto che su 1.000 casi di stupro, solo 13 vanno ad un pubblico ministero e 7 si concludono con una condanna.
'Molestie sessuali', conio giornalistico (Lin Farley) degli anni '70, si diffuse dal 1991, quando Anita Hill accusò del reato Clarence Thomas, Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti, poi riconfermato nella carica. Da un lato quelle ricche, celebri, potenti e dall'altro le donne che lavorano, per esempio, in agricoltura, preda sessuale frequente, che tace per conservare il posto di lavoro. (latimes.com /Jan 19,2020)
'Stupro' è atto non consensuale con penetrazione (vagina, ano,bocca) anche con mano, dita, oggetto.
E' il crimine meno denunciato. Negli Usa 23 milioni di donne e 1.7 milioni di uomini lo hanno subito. Si ha 'abuso sessuale' senza consenso, può includere insulti, rifiuto di metodo contraccettivo, causare intenzionalmente dolore fisico, contagiare deliberatamente. Se compiuto su bambino, è generalmente basato su rapporto di fiducia, potere, autorità del carnefice.
La 'violenza sessuale' avviene su chi rifiuta, su persona spaventata o manipolata, impossibilitata a causa di alcool, droga e simili. Tocca almeno il 20\30% delle donne. (istitutobeck.com)
Ospedale della Campania (Italia), una 55enne ricoverata: <..l'infermiere entra in camera per aiutarmi ad accendere il televisore, poi mi porta dei fazzoletti, che va a mettere in bagno, mi chiama, chiude la porta e mi costringe ad un rapporto sessuale, le sue mani dappertutto. Piangevo, ha continuato fin quando ha visto il sangue della vagina, ha finito, si è pulito e se ne è andato. Dopo qualche ora è tornato, voleva violentarmi ancora, non ci riusciva, mi ha forzato a toccarlo per farlo venire>. La direzione della struttura sanitaria le chiese di non dirlo ai carabinieri. (teleclubitalia.it / Jan 11, 2020)
Violentata da due, ex compagni di scuola, a Leitrim (Irlanda), dopo essere svenuta ubriaca ad una festa in casa. Lei aveva bevuto Prosecco, poi whisky in un locale dove ballando prendeva colpi di 'stiffy' dai maschi eccitati. Andando a casa in macchina con uno dei due c'era stato un breve bacio, nella festa in casa beve vino e fa due tirate di cannabis. Quando si risveglia è a letto con il primo uomo, che la penetra schiaffeggiandola e stringendole il collo. Il ricordo successivo è il secondo uomo, rumore del preservativo che lui si toglie e la testa avvicinata con forza al suo membro per un rapporto orale. Lei poi chiama il suo ragazzo per farsi venire a prendere. La prima sentenza di condanna, novembre scorso, è stata appellata e rinviata a febbraio, perché entrambi sostengono che ci fu consenso. (longfordleader.ie /18 Jan 2020)
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