Western democracies at sunset? Yes. They have become oligarchies, which are perpetuated, which humiliate citizens, which impoverish taxpayers with taxes partially used to keep themselves in power.
Americans, especially young ones, seem insecure. They are dissatisfied with fragmented work, similar to an assembly line, and often suspect comrades and bosses. Whites must compete with immigrants for downward wages, as the model of continuous growth has been exhausted.
The recent non-profit environmentalism absorbs 10 percent of the workforce; but restrains the moderates because of its fanaticism. For example, the needs of animals prevail over those of humans or the doubts about the real drama of climate dynamics are criminalized.
Moreover, they suffer from the lack of that shelter, in which to calm down at the end of the day, always identified with the family home. They live a marital relationship cooled by the sexual revolution.
The Internet has accelerated the end of the traditional relation between the sexes. The males fear both the female colleagues for possible accusations of harassment and the wives for financially devastating divorces. The mystery and the pleasure of discovery in the man-woman contacts have been vanished. Sexual arousal is replaced by dolls and robots.
Single males are doubled, real sex among young people has clearly waned. Reports of erotic assaults, once repressed, now explode. The female reaction, still nourished by the maternal instinct despite having been attenuated, is violent, to the point that through #MeToo any accusation is given for real, even if it is devoid of testimonies and evidence. (the-american-interest.com / 2019/12/04)
The web has become the meeting point of the various genders.
Karyna, 24 years, knows him on a site. He's a designer, sweet. They go to bed six weeks later; but in the next meeting, he begins to tighten his fingers to her throat, she tries to loosen them without success. The thing is repeated frequently and tougher, so after a year the girl truncates.
Grace, a 22-year-old British woman, is strangled during a consensual copulation by one man found on Tinder, who goes online after the crime to watch porn.
The violence inside the couples increases. A third of English women under the age of 40 suffer slaps, gags, spits, suffocation during the sex.
A teenager, kneeling on the mattress for penetration, is suffocated by a rope, which she explained to the partner a little while ago how to pull. In the kink clips on Google, many female faces, mostly minors, appear in tears, frightened, tense.
Aggressive porn stimulates violent or misogynistic males. After all, there are girls who like or accept to retain their partners. The 'vanilla' act bores, the 'dominion' with 'submission' wins.
16 percent of the victims end up in the hospital. 85 per cent of judicial processes involve mating.. with animals. If sex is presented to children as violence, the male brain will react with erection and the search for ejaculation. (heraldpublicist.com / December 5/2019)
Nothing new instead from episodes similar to this one. We are in the USA. A teacher runs to the window pretending to look for something, because someone came into the class in the dark while a female student, under 16, is giving him a blowjob, a daily habit between the two for a whole quarter. (floridianpress.com / Dec 3, 2019)
Americans, especially young ones, seem insecure. They are dissatisfied with fragmented work, similar to an assembly line, and often suspect comrades and bosses. Whites must compete with immigrants for downward wages, as the model of continuous growth has been exhausted.
The recent non-profit environmentalism absorbs 10 percent of the workforce; but restrains the moderates because of its fanaticism. For example, the needs of animals prevail over those of humans or the doubts about the real drama of climate dynamics are criminalized.
Moreover, they suffer from the lack of that shelter, in which to calm down at the end of the day, always identified with the family home. They live a marital relationship cooled by the sexual revolution.
The Internet has accelerated the end of the traditional relation between the sexes. The males fear both the female colleagues for possible accusations of harassment and the wives for financially devastating divorces. The mystery and the pleasure of discovery in the man-woman contacts have been vanished. Sexual arousal is replaced by dolls and robots.
Single males are doubled, real sex among young people has clearly waned. Reports of erotic assaults, once repressed, now explode. The female reaction, still nourished by the maternal instinct despite having been attenuated, is violent, to the point that through #MeToo any accusation is given for real, even if it is devoid of testimonies and evidence. (the-american-interest.com / 2019/12/04)
The web has become the meeting point of the various genders.
Karyna, 24 years, knows him on a site. He's a designer, sweet. They go to bed six weeks later; but in the next meeting, he begins to tighten his fingers to her throat, she tries to loosen them without success. The thing is repeated frequently and tougher, so after a year the girl truncates.
Grace, a 22-year-old British woman, is strangled during a consensual copulation by one man found on Tinder, who goes online after the crime to watch porn.
The violence inside the couples increases. A third of English women under the age of 40 suffer slaps, gags, spits, suffocation during the sex.
A teenager, kneeling on the mattress for penetration, is suffocated by a rope, which she explained to the partner a little while ago how to pull. In the kink clips on Google, many female faces, mostly minors, appear in tears, frightened, tense.
Aggressive porn stimulates violent or misogynistic males. After all, there are girls who like or accept to retain their partners. The 'vanilla' act bores, the 'dominion' with 'submission' wins.
16 percent of the victims end up in the hospital. 85 per cent of judicial processes involve mating.. with animals. If sex is presented to children as violence, the male brain will react with erection and the search for ejaculation. (heraldpublicist.com / December 5/2019)
Nothing new instead from episodes similar to this one. We are in the USA. A teacher runs to the window pretending to look for something, because someone came into the class in the dark while a female student, under 16, is giving him a blowjob, a daily habit between the two for a whole quarter. (floridianpress.com / Dec 3, 2019)
La fine dei vecchi modelli. Anche nel sesso
Democrazie occidentali al tramonto? Si. Sono diventate oligarchie, che si perpetuano, che umiliano i cittadini, che impoveriscono i contribuenti con tasse parzialmente utilizzate per mantenersi al potere.
Gli americani, soprattutto giovani, sembrano insicuri. Sono insoddisfatti per il lavoro parcellizzato, simile a una catena di montaggio, e spesso sospettano compagni e capi. I bianchi devono competere con gli immigrati per salari in discesa, essendosi ormai esaurito il modello della crescita continua.
Il no profit ambientalista, recente novità, assorbe il 10 per cento della forza lavoro; ma frena i moderati a causa delle sue estremizzazioni. Ad esempio i bisogni degli animali prevalgono su quelli umani o i dubbi sulla reale drammaticità delle dinamiche climatiche vengono criminalizzati.
Inoltre, soffrono per la mancanza di quel rifugio, in cui ripararsi alla fine della giornata, da sempre identificato con il domicilio familiare. Vivono un rapporto coniugale raffreddato dalla rivoluzione sessuale.
Internet ha accelerato la fine del tradizionale legame tra i sessi. I maschi temono sia le colleghe per possibili accuse di molestie sia le mogli per divorzi finanziariamente devastanti. Il mistero e il piacere della scoperta nei contatti uomo-donna sono svaniti. L'eccitazione sessuale viene surrogata da bambole e robot.
I single maschi sono raddoppiati, il vero sesso tra giovani è nettamente scemato. Le denunce di aggressioni erotiche, in passato represse, ora esplodono. La reazione femminile, tuttora alimentata dall'istinto materno nonostante si sia attenuato, è violenta, al punto che tramite #MeToo qualsiasi accusa viene data per reale, pure se è priva di testimonianze e di prove. (the-american-interest.com /2019/12/04)
Il web è diventato il meeting point dei vari generi.
Karyna, 24 anni, lo conosce su un sito. E' un designer, dolce. Vanno a letto sei settimane dopo; ma nel successivo incontro, lui comincia a stringerle le dita alla gola, lei cerca di allentarle senza riuscirci. La cosa si ripete frequentemente con maggiore forza, così dopo un anno la ragazza tronca.
Grace, britannica di 22 anni, viene strangolata in copulazione consensuale da uno trovato su Tinder, che dopo il delitto si mette on line per vedere porno.
La violenza dentro le coppie aumenta. Un terzo delle donne inglesi sotto i 40 anni subisce schiaffi, bavagli, sputi, soffocamenti nel corso del congiungimento.
Una adolescente, inginocchiata sul materasso per la penetrazione, è soffocata da una corda, che lei stessa poco prima ha spiegato al partner come tirare. Nelle clip di kink su Google molti visi femminili , per lo più minorenni, appaiono in lacrime, spaventati, tesi.
Il porno aggressivo stimola i maschi già violenti o misogini. Del resto esistono ragazze a cui piace o che accettano per trattenere il partner. L'atto 'vaniglia' annoia, vince il 'dominio' con 'sottomissione'.
Il 16 per cento delle vittime finisce all'ospedale. L'85 per cento dei processi giudiziari riguarda accoppiamenti con..animali. Se si presenta ai figli il sesso come violenza, il cervello maschile reagirà con erezione e ricerca di eiaculazione. (heraldpublicist.com /December 5/2019)
Nulla di nuovo invece da episodi analoghi a questo. Siamo in USA. Un insegnante corre alla finestra fingendo di cercare qualcosa, poiché nella classe al buio è entrato qualcuno mentre una sua studentessa, meno di 16 anni, gli sta praticando una fellazione, abitudine quotidiana fra i due per un intero trimestre. (floridianpress.com /Dec3, 2019)
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