Online romantic relationships on the rise after the movie "There's mail for you" (1998, Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks). Social media and dating apps booming, with specialties: professionals, over 50s, widows etc.
10% of new accounts on these sites are scammers. In America the first place of fraud would be precisely this, favorite victims: middle-aged women, divorced or elderly subjects.
FBI explained to his fellow countrymen that the trickster mostly appears as a US citizen living abroad, declaring himself a doctor of international humanitarian organizations or a military man on a mission, an oil rig worker, an entrepreneur. He has an imaginary or stolen name, quickly shows attraction, esteem, affection.
He therefore suggests transferring the chat to text messages, e-mails or other closed apps. The victim falls for him, ready to believe in the emergency that is being presented: medical expenses, surgery, necessary travel, visits to his\her home, purchase of tools to better chat and see each other ... He asks for a prepaid card for small amounts initially, subsequently the situations become difficult so the amounts of money and bank transfers go up.
Those who fall into it are convinced of having a profound bond little by little, sometimes giving their savings entirely. When the discovery of deception takes place, he\she experiences internal devastation due to the loss of his partner worse than the disappearance of his\her possessions.
Those who attend Twitter in Italy are showered with 'single, sincere, serious French women, eager for protection', who hook up with a 'ciao'. Behind them operate criminal organizations that take photos and identity. It happens to find the same face with a different name, perhaps belonging to the dead ..
Impulsive, trusting and addictive subjects easily give up: love at first sight, need to believe them, gambler's perception.
After the end of the 'dream' embarrassment and shame take over, the complaint is kept silent and avoided. ( / 2019/09/27)
The amorous nicknames also circulate in web seduction.
'Sweetums', 'sugar lips', 'love muffin', 'sweetness', 'pastry', 'biscuit', 'angel face', 'cutie patootie', 'tesorino', 'pumpkiny wumpkiny', 'zucchetta,' cocuzza ' and on to infinity.
The timbre of childish voice with which they must be pronounced is impossible in the messages, it remains reserved for couples in intimacy. Small, dear, love, they are now in the familiar language more than proper names, which are scanned when one is angry.
Why does it happen? It dates back to childhood, to life with the mother, where the child learns by playing and keeps the emotional connection. As adults, it is resumed in similar sentimental situations, gratified by 'baby', 'sweet pea', 'passerottino', 'patatina', 'culetto' .. Not always! ( / Nov 12/2019)
10% of new accounts on these sites are scammers. In America the first place of fraud would be precisely this, favorite victims: middle-aged women, divorced or elderly subjects.
FBI explained to his fellow countrymen that the trickster mostly appears as a US citizen living abroad, declaring himself a doctor of international humanitarian organizations or a military man on a mission, an oil rig worker, an entrepreneur. He has an imaginary or stolen name, quickly shows attraction, esteem, affection.
He therefore suggests transferring the chat to text messages, e-mails or other closed apps. The victim falls for him, ready to believe in the emergency that is being presented: medical expenses, surgery, necessary travel, visits to his\her home, purchase of tools to better chat and see each other ... He asks for a prepaid card for small amounts initially, subsequently the situations become difficult so the amounts of money and bank transfers go up.
Those who fall into it are convinced of having a profound bond little by little, sometimes giving their savings entirely. When the discovery of deception takes place, he\she experiences internal devastation due to the loss of his partner worse than the disappearance of his\her possessions.
Those who attend Twitter in Italy are showered with 'single, sincere, serious French women, eager for protection', who hook up with a 'ciao'. Behind them operate criminal organizations that take photos and identity. It happens to find the same face with a different name, perhaps belonging to the dead ..
Impulsive, trusting and addictive subjects easily give up: love at first sight, need to believe them, gambler's perception.
After the end of the 'dream' embarrassment and shame take over, the complaint is kept silent and avoided. ( / 2019/09/27)
The amorous nicknames also circulate in web seduction.
'Sweetums', 'sugar lips', 'love muffin', 'sweetness', 'pastry', 'biscuit', 'angel face', 'cutie patootie', 'tesorino', 'pumpkiny wumpkiny', 'zucchetta,' cocuzza ' and on to infinity.
The timbre of childish voice with which they must be pronounced is impossible in the messages, it remains reserved for couples in intimacy. Small, dear, love, they are now in the familiar language more than proper names, which are scanned when one is angry.
Why does it happen? It dates back to childhood, to life with the mother, where the child learns by playing and keeps the emotional connection. As adults, it is resumed in similar sentimental situations, gratified by 'baby', 'sweet pea', 'passerottino', 'patatina', 'culetto' .. Not always! ( / Nov 12/2019)
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at this time amorous endorsements and easier sexual hugs in front of the show, fishing sunrise in Hong Kong |
Nel dating 'dolce pisello', 'pumpkiny wumpkiny' e...
Relazioni sentimentali on line in aumento dopo il film "C'è posta per te" (1998, Meg Ryan e Tom Hanks). Social media e app di incontri\dating in boom, con specialità: professionisti, over 50, vedove etc.
Il 10% di nuovi account su tali siti è di truffatori. In America il primo posto delle frodi sarebbe proprio questo, vittime preferite: donne di mezza età, soggetti divorziati o anziani .
FBI ha spiegato ai connazionali che l'imbroglione si presenta perlopiù come cittadino statunitense che vive all'estero, dichiarandosi medico di organizzazioni umanitarie internazionali oppure militare in missione, addetto a piattaforme petrolifere, imprenditore. Ha un nome immaginario o rubato, manifesta rapidamente attrazione, stima, affetto.
Suggerisce quindi di trasferire la chat su sms, e-mail o altre app chiuse. La vittima ci casca, pronta a credere nell'emergenza che viene prospettata: spese mediche, interventi chirurgici, viaggi necessari, visite a casa sua, acquisto di strumenti per chattare meglio e vedersi... Chiede carta prepagata per piccole cifre inizialmente, successivamente le situazioni si presentano difficili, per cui salgono quantità di danaro e bonifici bancari.
Chi ci cade si convince poco alla volta di avere un legame profondo, talora dona i risparmi interamente. Quando avviene la scoperta dell'inganno, prova una devastazione interna per la perdita del partner peggiore della scomparsa dei propri averi.
Coloro che frequentano Twitter in Italia sono tempestati da una pioggia di donne francesi 'single, sincere, serie, desiderose di protezione', che agganciano con un 'ciao'. Dietro operano organizzazioni criminali, che si appropriano di foto e di identità. Capita di trovare lo stesso viso con nome diverso, forse appartenente a defunte..
I soggetti impulsivi, fiduciosi, propensi alla dipendenza cedono facilmente: amore a prima vista, bisogno di credergli, percezione da giocatore d'azzardo.
Dopo la fine del 'sogno' subentra imbarazzo e vergogna, si tace e si evita la denuncia. ( /2019/09/ 27)
I soprannomi amorosi anche circolano nella seduzione in rete.
'Sweetums', 'sugar lips', 'love muffin', 'dolcezza', 'pasticcino', 'biscottino', 'angel face', 'cutie patootie', 'tesorino', 'pumpkiny wumpkiny', 'zucchetta, 'cocuzza' e via all'infinito.
Il timbro di voce infantile con cui vanno pronunciati è impossibile nei messaggi, resta riservato alle coppie nell'intimità . Piccola, cara, amore stanno ormai nel linguaggio familiare più dei nomi propri, che vengono scanditi quando si è arrabbiati.
Perché succede? Risale all'infanzia, alla vita con la madre, ove il bimbo impara giocando e trattiene il collegamento affettivo. Da adulti lo si riprende nelle situazioni sentimentali analoghe, gratificati da 'baby', 'dolce pisello', 'passerottino', 'patatina', 'culetto'.. Non sempre! ( /Nov 12/2019)
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