Next year? We will sell less and we will have to lower prices-the majority of fashion managers admit. We will spend more on sustainability, without being able to recover, so we will have smaller margins. Revenues: -3/4 percent.
From greenhouse gas emissions to pesticides, from solvents and dyes to micro-plastics, the "dream" of seduction offered to female consumers by very expensive marketing is becoming a nightmare for everyone.
Profits collapse and behind the castle door numerous alternative materials press and fierce. ( 21 Nov 2019)
We look at the massacres of animals, brought into a state of indictment when carried out in function, exclusive or partial, of the voluptuous consumption, that is superfluous. The fur is already out, it will follow the leather. It is true that - commentators and magazines supported by the transfers of the advertised brands say- the S/S 2020 catwalks have exposed a lot of leather. It is more true - which no journalist has been able to reveal - that it was an obvious move by the Houses, given the petty cost of the animal mantle, less than half of 5 years ago. And going up the slope for something decayed and depreciated takes time and luck, both of which cannot be found today.
It is perceived, above all from the last generations, that this material is considered surpassed by 20\40 per cent of Americans and English (Morning Consult), both for different tastes and for their moral sensibility. The blah-blah on the welfare of the animal makes us laugh, because in a very large part of the globe- visited secretively by our "responsible" and "ethical" operators- it is absent and because the destiny traced by humans remains, unique and unchangeable, killing through slaughter.
The vegan leather, which can be synthetic or vegetable derived - definition that the German court of Hanover has declared legitimate - advances in long strides. In the last two years it has grown by 180% for U.K. Leather bags collapsed in the USA. ( / 11 November 2019) Europe has also preferred the backpacks. The car seats reject animal leather.
The technology is there to dispose of the prehistoric residues, including the contaminating activities of luxury. No doubt! The "intelligent skin", just described by Nature, promises a sensory life within the virtual communication: caress or kiss on the laptop that those on the other side feel immediately. This is a soft, flexible material that can be applied to the body, which receives or transmits sensor inputs. Fields of use, for now: social media, games, virtual reality, medicine. Here is an example:a virtual international business meeting is taking place, everyone can shake hands with remote participants, who perceive and return, simultaneously in collective rather than bilaterally. ( / 2019/11/20)
The avalanche gains speed and volume, unpredictable. The lords of the old fashion are silent and pretend; but anxiety suffocates them.
From greenhouse gas emissions to pesticides, from solvents and dyes to micro-plastics, the "dream" of seduction offered to female consumers by very expensive marketing is becoming a nightmare for everyone.
Profits collapse and behind the castle door numerous alternative materials press and fierce. ( 21 Nov 2019)
We look at the massacres of animals, brought into a state of indictment when carried out in function, exclusive or partial, of the voluptuous consumption, that is superfluous. The fur is already out, it will follow the leather. It is true that - commentators and magazines supported by the transfers of the advertised brands say- the S/S 2020 catwalks have exposed a lot of leather. It is more true - which no journalist has been able to reveal - that it was an obvious move by the Houses, given the petty cost of the animal mantle, less than half of 5 years ago. And going up the slope for something decayed and depreciated takes time and luck, both of which cannot be found today.
It is perceived, above all from the last generations, that this material is considered surpassed by 20\40 per cent of Americans and English (Morning Consult), both for different tastes and for their moral sensibility. The blah-blah on the welfare of the animal makes us laugh, because in a very large part of the globe- visited secretively by our "responsible" and "ethical" operators- it is absent and because the destiny traced by humans remains, unique and unchangeable, killing through slaughter.
The vegan leather, which can be synthetic or vegetable derived - definition that the German court of Hanover has declared legitimate - advances in long strides. In the last two years it has grown by 180% for U.K. Leather bags collapsed in the USA. ( / 11 November 2019) Europe has also preferred the backpacks. The car seats reject animal leather.
The technology is there to dispose of the prehistoric residues, including the contaminating activities of luxury. No doubt! The "intelligent skin", just described by Nature, promises a sensory life within the virtual communication: caress or kiss on the laptop that those on the other side feel immediately. This is a soft, flexible material that can be applied to the body, which receives or transmits sensor inputs. Fields of use, for now: social media, games, virtual reality, medicine. Here is an example:a virtual international business meeting is taking place, everyone can shake hands with remote participants, who perceive and return, simultaneously in collective rather than bilaterally. ( / 2019/11/20)
The avalanche gains speed and volume, unpredictable. The lords of the old fashion are silent and pretend; but anxiety suffocates them.
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Artificial intelligence is adept at identifying garments in photos and telling users more ( |
Brutto futuro per la moda. Qualcuno è già moribondo
Prossimo anno? Venderemo meno e dovremo abbassare i prezzi, ammette la maggioranza dei manager della moda. Spenderemo di più per la sostenibilità, senza riuscire a recuperare, quindi avremo margini minori. Ricavi: -3/4 per cento.
Dalle emissioni di gas serra all'uso dei pesticidi, dai solventi e coloranti alle micro-plastiche, il "sogno" della seduzione offerto alle consumatrici con marketing costosissimi sta diventando un incubo per tutti.
I profitti crollano e dietro il portone del castello premono numerosi e agguerriti i materiali alternativi. ( 21 Nov 2019)
Guardiamo le stragi di animali, messe in stato di accusa quando compiute in funzione, esclusiva o parziale, del consumo voluttuario, cioè superfluo. La pelliccia è già out, seguirà la pelle. E' vero che- dicono opinioniste e riviste sostenute dai bonifici delle griffe pubblicizzate- le passerelle P/E 2020 hanno esposto molta pelle. E' più vero - cosa che nessuna giornalista ha saputo rivelare- che si è trattato di una mossa ovvia delle Case, dato il costo meschino del manto animale, pari a meno della metà di 5 anni fa. E risalire la china per qualcosa decaduto e deprezzato vuole tempo e fortuna, entrambi attualmente introvabili.
Si percepisce, soprattutto dalle ultime generazioni, che tale materiale viene considerato superato dal 20\40 per cento di americani ed inglesi (Morning Consult), sia per gusti diversi sia per sopraggiunta sensibilità morale. Il bla bla sul benessere dell'animale fa ridere, perché in grandissima parte del globo, frequentata riservatamente dai nostri operatori 'responsabili' ed 'etici', è assente e perché il destino tracciato dagli umani resta, unico e immodificabile, l'uccisione tramite macellazione.
La pelle vegana , che può essere sintetico o derivato vegetale- definizione che il tribunale tedesco di Hanover ha dichiarato legittima- avanza a lunghe falcate. Negli ultimi due anni è cresciuta del 180% per l'abbigliamento U.K. Le borse in pelle sono crollate in USA. ( /11 November 2019) L'Europa pure ha svoltato sullo zainetto. I sedili della auto rifiutano il pellame di animale.
La tecnologia è lì lì per smaltire i residui preistorici, tra cui le attività contaminanti del lusso, nessun dubbio. La "pelle intelligente", appena descritta da Nature, promette una vita sensoriale entro la comunicazione virtuale: carezza o bacio sul laptop che chi è dall'altra parte sente immediatamente. Trattasi di materiale morbido, flessibile, applicabile sul corpo, che riceve o trasmette input sensori. Campi di utilizzo, per adesso: social media, giochi, realtà virtuale, medicina. Ecco un esempio: sta svolgendosi una riunione internazionale d'affari virtuale. Tutti possono stringere la mano ai partecipanti in remoto, che percepiscono e restituiscono, contemporaneamente in collettivo anziché bilateralmente. ( /2019/11/20)
La valanga acquista velocità e volume, imprevedibili. I lord della vecchia moda tacciono e fingono; ma l'ansia li soffoca.
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