World Business Council for Sustainable Development is an association of industrialists who include hardened polluters, who defend their interests by joining the green fashion (see Latouche S. "Meetings of a conscientious objector", Saka Book, Milan, 2013). It is made up of Bain & Company, Basf, Bayer, Bloomberg, Clariant, Daimler, Dupont, Eni, Enel, Ikea, Kering, Tata, Total, Solvay, Pirelli, Henkel, Glencore, 3M .. for a total of about 200 companies.
Sustainable development is a controversial, misleading figure when played by market players, who have made it a mere advertising slogan. In fact, uncontrolled growth leads to poverty in the weak classes. It is a fig leaf for the powerful. ( / 2018 / June / 23)
As is the last recital on the same theme: the circular economy.
In 15 years the consumption of clothing and shoes will double, together with its environmental impact.
Fashion expands at a rate of 4-5% per year, it is impossible for circularity to be the solution; indeed, it is already stalled. Almost half of the companies are not interested, the less educated manufacturers of small companies still declaim it.
Neutral observers point the way to true environmental care: slowing down growth. After all, 85% of the production ends up in landfills or is burned and the supply is always in excess of demand. ( / 2019 / June / 12)
And then we need to abandon certain raw materials, from cotton to leather to plastic.
Pulse of the Fashion Industry has written that the most polluting material is the leather. Start from breeding with greenhouse gases, excrement, deforestation, huge masses of water and wheat. It continues with the dozens of chemicals for tanning (sulfides, acids, chromium, tar derivatives, formaldehyde, ammonium, dyes etc.). It concludes by using a lot of energy and chemistry to purify its polluted waters, to bury if not to hide the residues and processing waste or to derive anomalous fertilizers and secondary raw materials, often ending up poisoning agriculture. Here, the circular economy of this sector starts from agriculture and ends in agriculture with perverse methods and effects.
Labeled made in Italy or in France, the leather comes preferably, more or less transformed, from Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan, South America, Africa. They are areas where people frequently die before the age of 50 due to the poisons of the process, with cancer and the like. ( / 2019 / Oct / 11).
10% of the profit of the meat industry comes from the hides, except the present being worth very little, as rejected by the young generations, who know how animals can be killed only for their epidermis. In India it happens because they eat very little meat. ( / 2019 / Jan / 20)
Hide something to ... cheat? Yes. Throwing smoke on colleagues and employees, boasting generous retirement bonus in favor of the manager-a.d. forced to resign .. for his refusal of easement to individual interests. To claim to have given him almost one million euros, stealthily inserting in such sum 80% of his due for social security contributions, insurance provisions, obligatory sale of fair ownership shares etc.. And to deceive so employed, masters, even territorial industrial associations in charge of the formal transaction. Happened to the writer, right in the Italian leather home.
Moda che si nasconde dietro una foglia di fico + post scriptum
Sustainable development is a controversial, misleading figure when played by market players, who have made it a mere advertising slogan. In fact, uncontrolled growth leads to poverty in the weak classes. It is a fig leaf for the powerful. ( / 2018 / June / 23)
As is the last recital on the same theme: the circular economy.
In 15 years the consumption of clothing and shoes will double, together with its environmental impact.
Fashion expands at a rate of 4-5% per year, it is impossible for circularity to be the solution; indeed, it is already stalled. Almost half of the companies are not interested, the less educated manufacturers of small companies still declaim it.
Neutral observers point the way to true environmental care: slowing down growth. After all, 85% of the production ends up in landfills or is burned and the supply is always in excess of demand. ( / 2019 / June / 12)
And then we need to abandon certain raw materials, from cotton to leather to plastic.
Pulse of the Fashion Industry has written that the most polluting material is the leather. Start from breeding with greenhouse gases, excrement, deforestation, huge masses of water and wheat. It continues with the dozens of chemicals for tanning (sulfides, acids, chromium, tar derivatives, formaldehyde, ammonium, dyes etc.). It concludes by using a lot of energy and chemistry to purify its polluted waters, to bury if not to hide the residues and processing waste or to derive anomalous fertilizers and secondary raw materials, often ending up poisoning agriculture. Here, the circular economy of this sector starts from agriculture and ends in agriculture with perverse methods and effects.
Labeled made in Italy or in France, the leather comes preferably, more or less transformed, from Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan, South America, Africa. They are areas where people frequently die before the age of 50 due to the poisons of the process, with cancer and the like. ( / 2019 / Oct / 11).
10% of the profit of the meat industry comes from the hides, except the present being worth very little, as rejected by the young generations, who know how animals can be killed only for their epidermis. In India it happens because they eat very little meat. ( / 2019 / Jan / 20)
Hide something to ... cheat? Yes. Throwing smoke on colleagues and employees, boasting generous retirement bonus in favor of the manager-a.d. forced to resign .. for his refusal of easement to individual interests. To claim to have given him almost one million euros, stealthily inserting in such sum 80% of his due for social security contributions, insurance provisions, obligatory sale of fair ownership shares etc.. And to deceive so employed, masters, even territorial industrial associations in charge of the formal transaction. Happened to the writer, right in the Italian leather home.
World Business Council for Sustainable Development è ..associazione di industriali cui appartengono inquinatori incalliti, che difendono i propri interessi accodandosi alla moda verde ( vedi Latouche S. "Incontri di un obiettore di coscienza", Saka Book, Milano, 2013). Ne fanno parte Bain&Company, Basf, Bayer, Bloomberg, Clariant, Daimler, Dupont, Eni, Enel, Ikea, Kering, Tata, Total, Solvay, Pirelli, Henkel, Glencore, 3M ..per un totale di ca 200 società.
Sviluppo sostenibile è figura controversa, ingannevole se recitata dagli attori del mercato, che ne hanno fatto mero slogan pubblicitario. La crescita incontrollata infatti porta povertà nelle classi deboli. E' una foglia di fico per i potenti. ( /2018 / June/ 23)
Come lo è l'ultima recita sullo stesso tema: l'economia circolare.
In 15 anni il consumo di abbigliamento e scarpe raddoppierà, insieme con il suo impatto ambientale.
La moda si espande al tasso del 4-5% annuo, impossibile che la circolarità sia la soluzione; anzi, è già in fase di stallo. Quasi metà delle imprese se ne disinteressa, i fabbricanti meno colti delle piccole aziende la declamano ancora.
Gli osservatori neutrali indicano la strada per una vera cura dell'ambiente: rallentare la crescita. In fondo l'85% della produzione finisce in discarica o viene bruciata e l'offerta è sempre assai eccedente la domanda. ( /2019/ June /12)
Eppoi occorre abbandonare certe materie prime, dal cotone alla pelle alla plastica.
Pulse of the Fashion Industry ha scritto che il materiale più inquinante è la pelle. Inizia dall'allevamento con i gas serra, gli escrementi, le deforestazioni, le enormi masse di acqua e grano. Prosegue con le decine di sostanze chimiche per la concia (solfuri, acidi, cromo, derivati del catrame, formaldeide, ammonio, coloranti etc.). Conclude utilizzando parecchia energia e chimica per depurare le sue acque inquinate, per interrare se non nascondere i residui e gli scarti della lavorazione oppure per derivarne concimi anomali e materie prime seconde, finendo spesso per avvelenare l'agricoltura. Ecco, l'economia circolare di questo settore comincia dall'agricoltura e termina nell'agricoltura con modalità ed effetti perversi.
Etichettato made in Italy o in France, il pellame proviene preferibilmente, più o meno trasformato, da Bangladesh, Cina, India, Pakistan, Sud America, Africa. Sono zone ove frequentemente si muore prima dei 50 anni a causa dei veleni del processo, con cancro e simili. ( /2019 /oct/ 11).
Il 10% del profitto dell'industria della carne giunge dalle pelli, tranne il presente valendo esse pochissimo, in quanto rifiutate dalle giovani generazioni, che sanno come gli animali possano essere uccisi solo per la loro epidermide. In India avviene, poiché mangiano poca carne. ( /2019/ Jan/ 20)
Post Scriptum
Nascondere qualcosa per ..imbrogliare? Si. Gettare fumo su imprenditori e su dipendenti, vantando generose buonuscite a favore del dirigente\a.d. costretto a dimettersi ..per il suo rifiuto di servitù di singoli interessi. Sostenere di avergli donato quasi un milione di euro, mettendoci dentro furtivamente l'80% di spettanze dovute ( per versamenti contributivi previdenziali, accantonamenti assicurativi, vendita obbligata delle quote di proprietà fieristica etc.). E ingannare così impiegate, padroni, persino associazioni industriali territoriali incaricate della formale transazione. Accaduto allo scrivente, proprio in casa della pelle nazionale.
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