They eat more meat, in America, in China, in P.V.S. .. but vegetarians and vegans increase.
And consumers are expanding, who in the USA refuse leather shoes and car interiors in animal material.
30% of them eat, often or regularly, non-meat dishes.
The alternative industry is in strong development, billions of dollars in turnover for chicken, fish, dairy products, vegetarian meat, leather made with pineapple, apple peel and mushrooms.
After the pioneer Bill Gates (Microsoft) the investors of Beyond Meat Inc. gradually grew thicker and this year its IPO brought shares 600% ahead in 3 months. This reception has given great optimism to the vegan \vegetarian economy.
The pro-animal ethical drive is now joined by the climatic concern, which breeding and tanning of the hides and skins feed.
About a third of the English have moved away, a lot or a little, from the steak and 50% of the Australians have reduced their intake.
Young people are turning to food novelties with a taste and texture similar to meat and milk derivatives.
It has just been verified that the demand was greater than the offer in the vegan parmesan and ricotta, in the milk from walnuts, oats (Oatly), rice, soy processed by Impossible Burger.
In 10 years, according to Barclays Plc the alternative meat sector will touch the 140 billion dollars, that is 10% of the global animal meat market.
If the British chew less because of animal abuse, elsewhere the main reason is personal health. Now the anxiety of global warming is added.
14.5% of the terrestrial emissions of greenhouse gases emanate from the cattle, which also favors deforestation and therefore the absorption capacity of carbon dioxide.
The meat diet should drop by 90% to keep the globe thermometer under control; but in 30 years we will have to feed, we do not know how, another 2 billion people, concludes the fresh Bloomberg research.
( / Sept. 24, 2019)
It is easy to predict that consumer goods in animal leather, already in a strong and perhaps irreversible crisis, as proof of the collapse of the international raw hides&skins and the fall in demand of tanned leather, especially Italian (see my blog "Two old things", August 28, 2019 ), will step back gradually and inexorably. French luxury will have to change course.
Gli americani schivano scarpe e interni auto in pelle. I vegani britannici e..
And consumers are expanding, who in the USA refuse leather shoes and car interiors in animal material.
30% of them eat, often or regularly, non-meat dishes.
The alternative industry is in strong development, billions of dollars in turnover for chicken, fish, dairy products, vegetarian meat, leather made with pineapple, apple peel and mushrooms.
After the pioneer Bill Gates (Microsoft) the investors of Beyond Meat Inc. gradually grew thicker and this year its IPO brought shares 600% ahead in 3 months. This reception has given great optimism to the vegan \vegetarian economy.
The pro-animal ethical drive is now joined by the climatic concern, which breeding and tanning of the hides and skins feed.
About a third of the English have moved away, a lot or a little, from the steak and 50% of the Australians have reduced their intake.
Young people are turning to food novelties with a taste and texture similar to meat and milk derivatives.
It has just been verified that the demand was greater than the offer in the vegan parmesan and ricotta, in the milk from walnuts, oats (Oatly), rice, soy processed by Impossible Burger.
In 10 years, according to Barclays Plc the alternative meat sector will touch the 140 billion dollars, that is 10% of the global animal meat market.
If the British chew less because of animal abuse, elsewhere the main reason is personal health. Now the anxiety of global warming is added.
14.5% of the terrestrial emissions of greenhouse gases emanate from the cattle, which also favors deforestation and therefore the absorption capacity of carbon dioxide.
The meat diet should drop by 90% to keep the globe thermometer under control; but in 30 years we will have to feed, we do not know how, another 2 billion people, concludes the fresh Bloomberg research.
( / Sept. 24, 2019)
It is easy to predict that consumer goods in animal leather, already in a strong and perhaps irreversible crisis, as proof of the collapse of the international raw hides&skins and the fall in demand of tanned leather, especially Italian (see my blog "Two old things", August 28, 2019 ), will step back gradually and inexorably. French luxury will have to change course.
Gli americani schivano scarpe e interni auto in pelle. I vegani britannici e..
Mangiano più carne, in America, in Cina, nei P.V.S. .. ma vegetariani e vegani aumentano.
E si espandono i consumatori, che in USA rifiutano le scarpe in pelle e gli interni auto in materiale animale.
Il 30% degli stessi si ciba, spesso o regolarmente, di piatti non carnei.
E' in forte sviluppo l'industria alternativa, miliardi di dollari in fatturato per pollo, pesce, latticini, carne vegetariana, pelle o cuoio fatto con ananas, buccia di mela, funghi.
Dopo il pioniere Bill Gates (Microsoft) gli investitori di Beyond Meat Inc. si sono man mano infoltiti e quest'anno la sua IPO ha fatto balzare in avanti le azioni del 600% in 3 mesi. Tale accoglienza ha steso grande ottimismo sull'economia vegano\vegetariana.
Dopo il pioniere Bill Gates (Microsoft) gli investitori di Beyond Meat Inc. si sono man mano infoltiti e quest'anno la sua IPO ha fatto balzare in avanti le azioni del 600% in 3 mesi. Tale accoglienza ha steso grande ottimismo sull'economia vegano\vegetariana.
Alla pulsione etica pro animali si affianca ora la preoccupazione climatica, che allevamento e concia delle pelli alimentano.
Gli inglesi per un terzo circa si sono allontanati, tanto o poco, dalla bistecca e il 50% degli australiani ne ha diminuito l'assunzione.
I giovani si orientano verso le novità alimentari dal gusto e dalla consistenza simili a carne e derivati del latte.
Si è appena verificato che la domanda sia risultata maggiore dell'offerta nel parmigiano e ricotta vegani, nel latte da noci, avena(Oatly), riso, soia elaborati da Impossible Burger.
In 10 anni, secondo Barclays Plc il settore delle carni alternative toccherà i 140 miliardi di dollari, cioè il 10% del mercato globale della carne animale.
Se i britannici ne masticano meno a causa del maltrattamento delle bestie, altrove il motivo principale è la salute personale. Ora si aggiunge, sempre più forte, l'ansia da surriscaldamento planetario.
Il 14,5% delle emissioni terrestri di gas serra emana dal bestiame, che favorisce pure la deforestazione e perciò la capacità di assorbimento di anidride carbonica.
La dieta carnea dovrebbe calare del 90% per tenere sotto controllo il termometro del globo; ma in 30 anni si dovranno sfamare, non sappiamo come, altri 2 miliardi di persone, conclude la fresca ricerca Bloomberg.
( / Sept. 24, 2019)
Facile prevedere che i beni di consumo in pelle animale, già in forte e forse irreversibile crisi, come prova il crollo del grezzo internazionale e la caduta di richiesta della pelle conciata soprattutto italiana (vedi mio blog "Two old things", August 28, 2019), indietreggeranno gradualmente e inesorabilmente. Il lusso francese dovrà cambiare strada.
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