They set fire to the Amazonia also because we want shoes, belts, bags in animal leather. Reiterated a few days ago on The Guardian, which added the LVMH promise (Bernard Arnault) to allocate a few million of its billions to the problem. So much so, consumers will continue to buy what brands showcase.
10 years ago Greenpeace denounced the fact that, in addition to meat, the 'rich' leather, understood as a primary good and not a by-product (fig leaf behind which tanners try to hide), fed deforestation.
The French brands and their suppliers supplied themselves abundantly. It still happens and Macron wags to "socialize" these responsibilities to Western nations. European luxury claims to avoid raw materials, derived from herds raised in areas under deforestation. Lies.
"If all the shoes that profess themselves Italian - the English newspaper writes - came from Italian cattle, there would be so many animals that you would see them drinking at the Trevi fountain or in Piazza San Marco". ( / 2019 / aug / 29). The storytellers should be asked where the made in Italy begins and where it ends.
In fact, Italians buy abroad 90% of the raw material to be tanned or finished, of which the Brazilian wet-blue is a huge share. A way for everyone to pretend to be unaware of the Amazonian origin and to be able to threaten the suspension of purchases from local operators with hypocritical French style.
China too has become important for Brazilian entrepreneurs. The 25% duty imposed by Beijing last year on American soy and beef has opened up great prospects both for the soy with which the beef is fed and for the meat. Foregone that to meet the Chinese demand they will recover unproductive forest areas in favor of agriculture. Such new areas could increase by 39%, according to the journal Nature. ( / Aug, 31, 2019).
Fires develop everywhere, from Siberia to Africa, now on average and now not. It is striking the exaggerated alarmism of certain European politicians, including the Elysee head, who made the climate a workhorse with the hope of entering history .. He called the Amazonia "our home".But has France ever spent time and money to keep it in order and help its inhabitants? Arrogant!
Incendiano Amazzonia anche perché vogliamo scarpe, cinture, borse in pelle animale. Ribadito pochi giorni fa su The Guardian, che ha aggiunto la promessa LVMH (Bernard Arnault) di destinare qualche milione dei suoi miliardi al problema. Tanto, i consumatori continueranno a comprare ciò che gli si mette in vetrina.
10 years ago Greenpeace denounced the fact that, in addition to meat, the 'rich' leather, understood as a primary good and not a by-product (fig leaf behind which tanners try to hide), fed deforestation.
The French brands and their suppliers supplied themselves abundantly. It still happens and Macron wags to "socialize" these responsibilities to Western nations. European luxury claims to avoid raw materials, derived from herds raised in areas under deforestation. Lies.
"If all the shoes that profess themselves Italian - the English newspaper writes - came from Italian cattle, there would be so many animals that you would see them drinking at the Trevi fountain or in Piazza San Marco". ( / 2019 / aug / 29). The storytellers should be asked where the made in Italy begins and where it ends.
In fact, Italians buy abroad 90% of the raw material to be tanned or finished, of which the Brazilian wet-blue is a huge share. A way for everyone to pretend to be unaware of the Amazonian origin and to be able to threaten the suspension of purchases from local operators with hypocritical French style.
China too has become important for Brazilian entrepreneurs. The 25% duty imposed by Beijing last year on American soy and beef has opened up great prospects both for the soy with which the beef is fed and for the meat. Foregone that to meet the Chinese demand they will recover unproductive forest areas in favor of agriculture. Such new areas could increase by 39%, according to the journal Nature. ( / Aug, 31, 2019).
Fires develop everywhere, from Siberia to Africa, now on average and now not. It is striking the exaggerated alarmism of certain European politicians, including the Elysee head, who made the climate a workhorse with the hope of entering history .. He called the Amazonia "our home".But has France ever spent time and money to keep it in order and help its inhabitants? Arrogant!
Amazzonia brucia causa...pelle, Macron per entrare ...nella storia
10 anni fa Greenpeace denunciava il fatto che, oltre alla carne, la 'ricca' pelle, intesa come bene primario e non sottoprodotto (foglia di fico dietro cui i conciatori cercano di nascondersi), alimentasse il disboscamento.
I brand francesi e i loro fornitori vi si rifornivano abbondantemente. Succede ancora e Macron si agita per 'socializzare' tali responsabilità presso le nazioni occidentali. Il lusso europeo dichiara di evitare le materie prime, ricavate da mandrie allevate in aree sotto deforestazione. Mente.
"Se tutte le scarpe che si professano italiane- scrive il quotidiano inglese- provenissero da bovini italiani, ci sarebbero così tanti animali che li si vedrebbe bere alla fontana di Trevi o in piazza San Marco". ( /2019 / aug /29). Agli affabulatori bisognerebbe domandare dove comincia il made in Italy e dove finisce.
In effetti, gli italiani comprano all'estero il 90% della materia prima o da conciare o da rifinire, di cui il wet-blue brasiliano costituisce quota enorme. Un modo per tutti di fingere inconsapevolezza dell'origine amazzonica e poter minacciare con ipocrisia francese la sospensione degli acquisti dai locali operatori.
La Cina pure è diventata importante per gli imprenditori brasiliani. Il dazio del 25%, imposto da Pechino lo scorso anno su soia e carne bovina americane, ha aperto grosse prospettive sia per la derrata con cui il manzo viene alimentato sia per la carne. Pacifico che per soddisfare la domanda cinese recuperino a favore dell'agricoltura le aree boschive improduttive. Potrebbero aumentare del 39%, secondo la rivista Nature. ( / Aug, 31, 2019).
Gli incendi si sviluppano dappertutto, dalla Siberia all'Africa, ora nella media ora non. Colpisce l'allarmismo esagerato di certi politici europei, tra cui il capo dell'Eliseo, che ha fatto del clima un cavallo di battaglia con la speranza di entrare nella storia.. Ha definito l'Amazzonia "casa nostra"; ma la Francia ha mai speso tempo e denaro per tenerla in ordine e dare una mano ai suoi abitanti? Arrogante!
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