More coarse grains, legumes, nuts, seeds and (imperatively!) less meat, to reduce methane. One half in fact exhales from cattle and paddy fields.
Intensive agriculture has contributed to multiplying the world population from 1.9 billion a century ago to 7.7 billion today; but it has eroded the soil and reduced the organic material in the land.
Vegetarian and vegan diets become priority.
This is the latest warning from IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), from Geneva. ( / Aug 5, 2019)
Lobbying and governments protect the livestock supply chain, from chemicals to.. bags. Eh! Yes, luxury has a prominent role in the demand for residues in this sector.
The French, copied by the Italians, launched victoriously, incredible profits, animal skin as a synonym of quality, exclusivity, elegance, uniqueness (.. every beast has a different coat ..). Animalists claim an alternative, it will take decades.
Environmentalists will be removing soil under the feet of the luxury labels, hiding the 'poisoned apple' under the ground. Meaning?
Waste and pollution of water, poisoning of aquifer and underground with discharges and hidden landfills of industrial waste. The tanneries, the main culprits, will be left to themselves and the costly remediation of what they have hidden under the agricultural surfaces over the decades (see the Neapolitan 'Terra dei Fuochi') will last years, together with the harmfulness caused to the feeding of minors and adults.
Environmentalism seems ready both to eliminate, some old capitalism, cynical and deceptive, and to use political extremism to hasten solutions.
The white man who just killed 22 people in El Paso had drawn up a manifesto: "non-whites have the faults of waste and climate change". He titled it "The Inconvenient Truth", similar to Al Gore.
The theme of racial and environmental purity of Adolf Hitler is in memory.
In order to save language, culture and frontier, many of the extreme right are waving the environmental banner. According to "The Atlantic" several nationalists, native white Americans, point to the destruction of the environment to get rid of the Latinos. Population growth has favored climatic deterioration, so the manifesto concludes: <if we can get rid of a suitable amount of people, we will have a more sustainable life>. ( / 2019/08/6)
Natural resources are dwindling and the war to get hold of them seems inevitable, as it will be for water. The defense of one's race or nation in which one lives, beginning with the stop to the migrant masses, will quickly emerge as an unavoidable goal, which will overwhelm politicians and scientists occupied to tax citizens and conceal reality.
Intensive agriculture has contributed to multiplying the world population from 1.9 billion a century ago to 7.7 billion today; but it has eroded the soil and reduced the organic material in the land.
Vegetarian and vegan diets become priority.
This is the latest warning from IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), from Geneva. ( / Aug 5, 2019)
Lobbying and governments protect the livestock supply chain, from chemicals to.. bags. Eh! Yes, luxury has a prominent role in the demand for residues in this sector.
The French, copied by the Italians, launched victoriously, incredible profits, animal skin as a synonym of quality, exclusivity, elegance, uniqueness (.. every beast has a different coat ..). Animalists claim an alternative, it will take decades.
Environmentalists will be removing soil under the feet of the luxury labels, hiding the 'poisoned apple' under the ground. Meaning?
Waste and pollution of water, poisoning of aquifer and underground with discharges and hidden landfills of industrial waste. The tanneries, the main culprits, will be left to themselves and the costly remediation of what they have hidden under the agricultural surfaces over the decades (see the Neapolitan 'Terra dei Fuochi') will last years, together with the harmfulness caused to the feeding of minors and adults.
Environmentalism seems ready both to eliminate, some old capitalism, cynical and deceptive, and to use political extremism to hasten solutions.
The white man who just killed 22 people in El Paso had drawn up a manifesto: "non-whites have the faults of waste and climate change". He titled it "The Inconvenient Truth", similar to Al Gore.
The theme of racial and environmental purity of Adolf Hitler is in memory.
In order to save language, culture and frontier, many of the extreme right are waving the environmental banner. According to "The Atlantic" several nationalists, native white Americans, point to the destruction of the environment to get rid of the Latinos. Population growth has favored climatic deterioration, so the manifesto concludes: <if we can get rid of a suitable amount of people, we will have a more sustainable life>. ( / 2019/08/6)
Natural resources are dwindling and the war to get hold of them seems inevitable, as it will be for water. The defense of one's race or nation in which one lives, beginning with the stop to the migrant masses, will quickly emerge as an unavoidable goal, which will overwhelm politicians and scientists occupied to tax citizens and conceal reality.
Surriscaldamento da lusso e da sovrappopolazione
Più cereali a grana grossa, legumi, noci, semi e (tassativo!) meno carne, per ridurre il metano. Una metà infatti esala da bovini e risaie.
L'agricoltura intensiva ha contribuito a moltiplicare la popolazione mondiale dagli 1,9 miliardi di un secolo fa ai 7,7 miliardi di oggi; ma ha eroso il suolo e diminuito il materiale organico nei terreni.
Dieta vegetariana e vegana divengono priorità.
Questo l'ultimo allarme di IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), da Ginevra. ( /Aug 5, 2019)
Lobby e governi proteggono la filiera zootecnica, dalla chimica alla..borsetta. Eh! Si, il lusso ha ruolo preminente nella domanda di residui di tale settore.
I francesi, copiati dagli italiani, lanciarono vittoriosamente, profitti incredibili, la pelle animale quale sinonimo di qualità, esclusività, eleganza, unicità (..ogni bestia ha un manto diverso..). Gli animalisti reclamano un'alternativa, ci vorranno decenni.
Saranno gli ambientalisti a togliere terreno sotto i piedi delle griffe, impegnate a nascondere la 'mela avvelenata' sotto il suolo. Cioè?
Spreco e inquinamento di acque, avvelenamento di falde e di sottoterra con scarichi e interramenti occulti di residui industriali. Le concerie, maggiori responsabili, verranno abbandonate a se stesse e le costose bonifiche di quanto nei decenni hanno nascosto sotto le superfici agricole ( vedi Terra dei Fuochi napoletana) dureranno anni, insieme con le nocività causate all'alimentazione di minori e adulti.
L'ambientalismo sembra pronto sia ad eliminare certo, vecchio capitalismo, cinico e ingannevole, sia a utilizzare l'estremismo politico per affrettare le soluzioni.
Il bianco che ha appena ammazzato 22 persone a El Paso aveva redatto un manifesto: <i non bianchi hanno le colpe dei rifiuti e dei cambiamenti climatici>. Lo aveva titolato "The Inconvenient Truth", similmente ad Al Gore.
Il tema della purezza razziale e ambientale di Adolf Hitler è in memoria.
Pur di salvare lingua, cultura e frontiera molti dell'estrema destra sventolano l'insegna ambientalista. Secondo "The Atlantic" parecchi nazionalisti, nativi bianchi americani, additano la distruzione dell'ambiente per liberarsi dei Latinos. La crescita della popolazione ha favorito il peggioramento climatico, per cui il manifesto conclude:<se possiamo liberarci di un'idonea quantità di gente, avremo una vita più sostenibile>. ( /2019/08/6)
Le risorse naturali scemano e la guerra per accaparrarsele appare inevitabile, come sarà per l'acqua. La difesa della propria razza o nazione in cui si vive, a cominciare dallo stop alle masse migranti, emergerà rapidamente come obiettivo ineludibile, che travolgerà politici e scienziati occupati a tassare i cittadini e celare la realtà.
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