Brexit ormai problema cronico, almeno fino a tutto Ottobre, in attesa o di una rinuncia o di altro referendum piuttosto che di elezioni, probabilmente favorevoli al Labour di Corbyn.
FMI abbassa ancora le previsioni di crescita, fissandole al 3,3%.
E' una percentuale altissima , incredibile per gli italiani, straccioni che spontaneamente sono sprofondati , chissà per quanti anni, nella palude dello zero più o zero meno.
Le aspettative per U.E. sono state ridimensionate rispetto agli altri, per l'intero 2019, appesantite da rischi protezionistici e vulnerabilità dei mercati emergenti, a prescindere dai soliti 'fattori geopolitici', in realtà ormai una variabile costante per la crisi endemica delle democrazie parlamentari guidate da burocrazie elitarie.
Meglio gli Usa, con investimenti più attraenti di quelli europei. Trump mantiene e rispetta la priorità del deficit commerciale. Il locale dettaglio si dovrebbe riprendere, dopo il calo di Febbraio, sia pure moderatamente.
Il Giappone , in colloquio commerciale con Washington domani e dopodomani, appare determinato a respingere le quote di importazione sulle auto, un settore riflessivo che sta indebolendo presente e prospettive dei produttori di interni in pelle, materiale già penalizzato nella moda.
Il governo cinese ha posto l'obiettivo del +6\6,5% al PIL, smentendo i profeti del suo collasso economico imminente; sebbene dall'interno vari osservatori abbiano comunicato che in otto anni (2008-2016) la crescita vera fosse stata dell'1,7% inferiore a quella ufficiale.
Come a dire che l'interpretazione di quanto vi succede realmente resti assai difficile. ( \ Apr 14, 2019)
Per tale paese questo è l'anno del 'maiale'. Sembra però che di grasso ce ne sia meno e che il dimagrimento sia destinato a continuare.

Pig with rigged data and tramps that not even have them
Brexit now a chronic problem, at least until the end of October, pending either a renunciation or other referendum rather than elections, probably favorable to Jeremy Corbyn's Labor Party
FMI still lowers growth forecasts, setting them at 3.3%.
It is a very high percentage, unbelievable for the Italians, beggars who have collapsed spontaneously, who knows for how many years, in the swamp of zero more or zero less.
Expectations for U.E. have been downsized compared to the others, for the entire 2019, weighed down by protectionist risks and vulnerability of the emerging markets, regardless of the usual 'geopolitical factors', actually now a constant variable for the endemic crisis of parliamentary democracies led by elite bureaucracies.
Better the US, with investments more attractive than those in Europe. Trump maintains and respects the priority of the trade deficit. The local retail should be resumed, after the fall in February, albeit moderately.
Japan, in a business conversation with Washington tomorrow and the day after, appears determined to reject import quotas on cars, a reflective sector that is weakening the present and the perspectives of leather interior producers, a material already penalized in the fashion .
The Chinese government has set the target of +6.5% to GDP, denying the prophets of its imminent economic collapse; although from the inside several observers have communicated that in eight years (2008-2016) the true growth had been of 1.7% inferior to the official one.
As if to say that the interpretation of what really happens there remains very difficult. ( Apr 14, 2019)
For such country this is the year of the 'pig'. However, it seems that there is less fat and that the weight loss is destined to continue.
FMI still lowers growth forecasts, setting them at 3.3%.
It is a very high percentage, unbelievable for the Italians, beggars who have collapsed spontaneously, who knows for how many years, in the swamp of zero more or zero less.
Expectations for U.E. have been downsized compared to the others, for the entire 2019, weighed down by protectionist risks and vulnerability of the emerging markets, regardless of the usual 'geopolitical factors', actually now a constant variable for the endemic crisis of parliamentary democracies led by elite bureaucracies.
Better the US, with investments more attractive than those in Europe. Trump maintains and respects the priority of the trade deficit. The local retail should be resumed, after the fall in February, albeit moderately.
Japan, in a business conversation with Washington tomorrow and the day after, appears determined to reject import quotas on cars, a reflective sector that is weakening the present and the perspectives of leather interior producers, a material already penalized in the fashion .
The Chinese government has set the target of +6.5% to GDP, denying the prophets of its imminent economic collapse; although from the inside several observers have communicated that in eight years (2008-2016) the true growth had been of 1.7% inferior to the official one.
As if to say that the interpretation of what really happens there remains very difficult. ( Apr 14, 2019)
For such country this is the year of the 'pig'. However, it seems that there is less fat and that the weight loss is destined to continue.
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