Sam, una notte uccide con 19 coltellate un ex compagno di scuola, Blaze. California. Milita nel gruppo nazista "Divisione Atomwaffen" e controlla la sincerità dei nuovi aderenti. Blaze è gay.
L'associazione è stata già collegata a 4 omicidi, oltre a campagne feroci contro ebrei e gay.
Per entrarci basta essere bianchi e odiare i nemici.
Sam espresse una volta curiosità per Jared, apertamente gay, che successivamente lo rivelò a Blaze.
Conobbe anche Bil, faccia da bambino, che leggeva Nietzsche e adorava Julius Evola, divenuto dopo leader della comunità fascista iFunny.
<Eravamo adolescenti angosciati, isolati, pochi amici, e avevamo bisogno di un'identità e quella (nazi-fascista) era l'unica, al momento giusto- confessa Bil al giornalista- Cercavamo 'accettazione' (nella confraternita) e 'sesso' (più complicato).>
Sam e Blaze iniziarono il collegamento a Tinder nel giugno 2017.
Quella notte Sam raccontò al poliziotto di essere stato baciato da Blaze, cosa per lui disgustosa; ma che l'idea di stare con un altro uomo fosse cosa interessante.
Nel parco, una piccola radura, Sam scava la fossa, poi torna a casa, conserva il coltello pieghevole macchiato di sangue, ci sta inciso il nome del padre. ( 2019\03)

A gay, a nazi, a homicide
Sam, one night he kills a former classmate, Blaze, with 19 stabs in the neck. California. He plays in the Nazi group "Atomwaffen Division" and checks the sincerity of the new members. Blaze is gay.
The association has already been linked to 4 murders, as well as ferocious campaigns against Jews and gays.
To enter it, just be white and hate your enemies.
Sam once expressed curiosity about openly gay Jared, who later revealed it to Blaze.
He also met Bil, a child's face, who read Nietzsche and adored Julius Evola. Bil later became leader of the iFunny fascist community.
<We were anguished teenagers, isolated, a few friends, and we needed an identity and the one (Nazi-fascist) was the only one, at the right time - Bil confesses to the journalist - We were looking for 'acceptance' (in the brotherhood) and 'sex' (more complicated).>
Sam and Blaze began the connection to Tinder in June 2017.
That night Sam told the policeman that he had been kissed by Blaze, which was disgusting to him; but that the idea of being with another man was interesting.
In the park, a small clearing, Sam digs the pit, then returns home, keeps the folding knife stained with blood, there is engraved the name of his father. ( 2019 03)
Sam, one night he kills a former classmate, Blaze, with 19 stabs in the neck. California. He plays in the Nazi group "Atomwaffen Division" and checks the sincerity of the new members. Blaze is gay.
The association has already been linked to 4 murders, as well as ferocious campaigns against Jews and gays.
To enter it, just be white and hate your enemies.
Sam once expressed curiosity about openly gay Jared, who later revealed it to Blaze.
He also met Bil, a child's face, who read Nietzsche and adored Julius Evola. Bil later became leader of the iFunny fascist community.
<We were anguished teenagers, isolated, a few friends, and we needed an identity and the one (Nazi-fascist) was the only one, at the right time - Bil confesses to the journalist - We were looking for 'acceptance' (in the brotherhood) and 'sex' (more complicated).>
Sam and Blaze began the connection to Tinder in June 2017.
That night Sam told the policeman that he had been kissed by Blaze, which was disgusting to him; but that the idea of being with another man was interesting.
In the park, a small clearing, Sam digs the pit, then returns home, keeps the folding knife stained with blood, there is engraved the name of his father. ( 2019 03)
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