Le aziende corrompono per battere la concorrenza. Nel mondo i governi spendono 4 trilioni di dollari (4 mila miliardi), specie nei P.V.S., per appalti pubblici, ponti, strade, telecomunicazioni, sanità etc., che a suon di mazzette tutti cercano di conquistare.
Per ogni dollaro americano pagato in bustarella tornano 11 dollari di beneficio.
400 miliardi di dollari anno girano dappertutto per tale destinazione, un investimento a breve. Sul lungo infatti l'impresa, che abitualmente lo fa, tralascia innovazione e reputazione.
Rolls-Royce tra il 1987 e il 2016 (v. Financial Times) passò da quasi 3 miliardi di sterline a 76 miliardi di entrate , grazie ad una corruzione organica, che arrivava ai funzionari statali di almeno 8 paesi (India, Cina, Russia etc). Ne derivarono 250 milioni di sterline in profitti. Scoperta , la società dovette sborsare 800 milioni di dollari in multe.
Un terzo degli imprenditori paga per ottenere contratti pubblici, ovunque. Cadute nel medesimo illecito Pfizer, Hewlett-Packard, Panasonic e via elencando. (theglobeandmail.com \March 22,2019)
Fenomeno diffuso con forme più rozze negli ambienti stile magliari: affabili, camaleontici, affabulatori che con 'pelli', maglie, tappeti fregavano e imbrogliano le persone sprovvedute.
Nel lusso dell'eccezionale boom , ultimo quarantennio, innumerevoli tangenti da venditore a compratore. Le griffe iniziarono a cambiare vorticosamente i propri buyer di materie prime , semilavorati etc per ridurre i corrotti interni, risparmiando danaro e guadagnando efficienza.
<Alla Fiat vogliono la grana per ordinare la mia pelle da imbottito!> lamentò negli anni '80 un trasformatore dell'est pianura padana.
Un altro, inserito nel mezzogiorno dei Comuni sospesi per mafia(camorra), tramite regali allo 'sceglitore' dei pellami della Casa, se la teneva per cliente, essendo celeberrima ditta di borsette toscana , ora francese. Aveva persino introdotto il 'prezzolato' nell'organo rappresentativo della propria associazione settoriale nazionale, a dispetto dell'incompatibilità commerciale tra fornitori e clienti.
La disonestà ammorba variegatamente, come il reclutamento di un avversario politico attraverso promesse elettorali o istituzionali.
Simile il tradimento del proprio a.d. (e famiglia) da parte di avvocato, al suo fianco per 20 anni, a cui un produttore 'ottentotto' prospettò carriera e compensi sicuri, allo scopo di impadronirsi della rappresentanza collettiva merceologica con lo stemma del boss, onde avvantaggiare i suoi articoli.
Per vago ricordo, Donat Cattin ai tempi di don Camillo e Peppone disse a chi gli candidava uno al cavalierato del lavoro: tutti i partiti pretendono qualcosa dal nominato, anche 'quelli là'..

Bribes, from Rolls-Royce to swindlers
Firms use bribes to beat competition. Governments around the world spend US $4-trillion, particularly in developing countries, for bridges, roads, telecommunications, health-care etc.
For every US $1 a company pays in kickbacks, it receives a US $11 in benefit.
Companies around the world annually pay US $400-billion in bribes on the low end. They are a good investment - but only in the short term, they come at the expense of innovation and reputation.
Rolls-Royce' revenues between 1987 and 2016 exploded from £2.8-billion to £76-billion, according to Financial Times. The key was a global system of bribery in at least eight countries (India, China, Russia etc). It reaped at least £250-million in profits but later it had to pay more than US $800-million in fines.
Today, nearly one-third of all global business use bribes.
Pfizer, Hewlett-Packard, Panasonic were among them. (theglobeandmail.com \ March 22,2019)
A widespread phenomenon with cruder forms in Magliari-style environments: affable, chameleon-like, storytellers who scrubbed and still cheat the naive persons with 'leathers', sweaters and rugs.
In the luxury of the exceptional boom, last forty years, countless bribes from seller to buyer. The labels began to change their buyers of raw materials, semi-finished products etc to reduce the corrupt interiors, saving money and gaining efficiency.
<At Fiat, they want money to order my upholstery leather!> a producer from the eastern Po valley complained in the 1980s.
Another, inserted in the South Italy of the Municipalities suspended for mafia (camorra), by giving gifts to the leather 'selector'of the brand, a very famous Tuscan handbag company, now French, was held as the primary supplier. He had even introduced the corrupted selector to the representative body of the national sectoral association, despite the commercial incompatibility between suppliers and customers.
Dishonesty spoils variegatedly, like the recruitment of a political adversary through electoral or institutional promises.
Similar the betrayal of one's own CEO (and his family) by lawyer, at his side for 20 years, to whom an 'hottentot' producer suggested career and safe payments, in order to take possession of the collective sector organization with the boss' emblem, to benefit his production.
For a vague recollection, Donat Cattin in the days of don Camillo and Peppone told those who recommended him someone to the 'knighthood of work': all the parties demand something from the nominated, even 'those there' ..
A widespread phenomenon with cruder forms in Magliari-style environments: affable, chameleon-like, storytellers who scrubbed and still cheat the naive persons with 'leathers', sweaters and rugs.
In the luxury of the exceptional boom, last forty years, countless bribes from seller to buyer. The labels began to change their buyers of raw materials, semi-finished products etc to reduce the corrupt interiors, saving money and gaining efficiency.
<At Fiat, they want money to order my upholstery leather!> a producer from the eastern Po valley complained in the 1980s.
Another, inserted in the South Italy of the Municipalities suspended for mafia (camorra), by giving gifts to the leather 'selector'of the brand, a very famous Tuscan handbag company, now French, was held as the primary supplier. He had even introduced the corrupted selector to the representative body of the national sectoral association, despite the commercial incompatibility between suppliers and customers.
Dishonesty spoils variegatedly, like the recruitment of a political adversary through electoral or institutional promises.
Similar the betrayal of one's own CEO (and his family) by lawyer, at his side for 20 years, to whom an 'hottentot' producer suggested career and safe payments, in order to take possession of the collective sector organization with the boss' emblem, to benefit his production.
For a vague recollection, Donat Cattin in the days of don Camillo and Peppone told those who recommended him someone to the 'knighthood of work': all the parties demand something from the nominated, even 'those there' ..
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