Fu Giorgio Napolitano, ministro dell'Interno (governo Prodi, maggio 1996-ottobre 1998) ad opporre il segreto di Stato alla notizia del territorio campano avvelenato dal clan dei casalesi?
E l'accusa a questo governo ? Con l'art. 41 'decreto Genova' (n.109, 28 settembre 2018) ha posato una bomba ecologica e sanitaria, innalzando di 20 volte il limite degli inquinanti nei fanghi utilizzabili in agricoltura, definiti rifiuti speciali , pur provenienti da farmaceutica, plastiche, pelli, detergenti etc.
Il 43% del traffico organizzato di rifiuti è costituito dai fanghi di depurazione.
Dal gennaio scorso è sparita la tracciabilità dei rifiuti speciali, nel cui Rapporto 2018 di Ispra è scritto che molti produttori imbrogliano, dichiarando che i fanghi, poi spalmati sui campi agricoli, sono destinati ad altro uso.
La Regione Lombardia aveva alzato il contenuto di sostanza secca per gli idrocarburi nei fanghi di depurazione. Il 'decreto Genova' lo ha cambiato in sostanza tal quale , per cui attraverso la diluizione della concentrazione dei rifiuti con acqua si alza il limite di 5-6 volte. Terre dei Fuochi, figliate lungo la penisola dalla madre descritta da Roberto Saviano e disegnata nell'immagine sotto , sostanzialmente legalizzate, enormi masse di fanghi da depurazione messe a disposizione delle ecomafie con le conseguenti, successive bonifiche (pressenza.com \ Andrea Intonti \20-01-2019).
La camorra venne chiamata a Napoli dal prefetto Liborio Romano a fungere da polizia cittadina, quando nacque l'Italia ad opera dei piemontesi.
E' rimasta protagonista in una società sfilacciata.
Dietro le paranze adolescenziali si cela una borghesia di commercialisti, avvocati, imprenditori dell'abbigliamento, commercianti di tessuti, pizzaioli, con ramificazioni finanziarie internazionali e tonnellate di soldi- informa L'Espresso (espresso-repubblica.it \26, luglio, '18).
Veleni ovunque, entrano nelle colture, negli allevamenti, nei cibi (mozzarelle alla diossina, incluse), nelle patologie gravi o mortali, nelle relazioni sociali e professionali.
Delinquenza emigrata al nord, pianura Padana ed Europa. Piemonte, Lombardia, Veneto, depositi illegali , incendi dolosi, silenzio diffuso. E sospetti, che sporcano azioni positive.
Aziende della pelle prendono qualche milione dalla fiera internazionale e intersettoriale organizzata (2\3 delle entrate sono di altri espositori, tradizionalmente 'sodomizzati') per investirli in società di trasformazione residui da lavorazione e depuratori, onde risolvere il proprio guaio dell'inquinamento. Basta però che una cocorita ciangotti un'improbabile "economia circolare", corvo infido sullo sfondo, da una 'terra dei fuochi' per sollevare ombre, insinuazioni, indizi...
Le ecomafie incassano 22 miliardi all'anno dalla gestione illecita del ciclo dei rifiuti, dal loro interramento all'affondamento di navi cariche di scarti industriali , tossici e speciali.
I cementifici romeni bruciano immondizia sanitaria e fanghi tossici industriali italiani, divenuti impossibili da spalmare nelle campagne toscane. (balcanicaucaso.org \20\03\2010)
Si parte insomma dall'intento di pulire fuori casa e fuori ditta; ma si arriva, per ragioni di soldi, alla criminalità.

An Italian false sustainability
Was Giorgio Napolitano, Minister of the Interior (Prodi government, May 1996-October 1998) to oppose the secret of the State to the news of the Campania territory poisoned by the Casalesi clan?
And the accusation against this government? With the art. 41 'Genoa decree' (n.109, 28 September 2018) laid an ecological and sanitary bomb, raising the limit of pollutants in sludge that can be used in agriculture by 20 times, defined as special waste, even from pharmaceuticals, plastics, leather and detergents etc.
43% of organized waste traffic consists of sewage sludge.
Since last January, the traceability of special waste has disappeared, in which Ispra's 2018 Report states that many producers cheat, stating that the sludge, then spread on agricultural fields, is destined for other use.
The Lombardy Region had raised the dry substance content for hydrocarbons in sewage sludge. The 'Genoa decree' has changed it in substance 'tal quale', so that through the dilution of the waste concentration with water the limit of 5-6 times is raised. Terre dei Fuochi(lands of fires), litters along the peninsula from the mother described by Roberto Saviano and drawn in the image above, substantially legalized, huge masses of sewage sludge made available to the eco-mafias with the subsequent reclamations (pressenza.com Andrea Intonti -01-2019).
The Camorra was called to Naples by the prefect Liborio Romano to act as city police, when Italy was born by the Piedmontese State.
It has remained a protagonist in a frayed society.
Behind the teenage parties lies a bourgeoisie of accountants, lawyers, clothing entrepreneurs, textile traders, pizza makers, with international financial ramifications and tons of money - informs L'Espresso (espresso-repubblica.it 26, July, '18 ).
Poisons everywhere, they enter crops, farms, foods (including dioxin mozzarella), serious or fatal diseases, social and professional relationships.
Camorra has emigrated to the north, the Po Valley and Europe. Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, illegal deposits, arson, widespread silence. And suspects, which dirty positive actions.
Leather companies take a few million from their international and intersectoral fair (two-thirds of the revenues are from other exhibitors, traditionally 'sodomized') to invest them in a processing residues' company, in order to solve their pollution problem. It is enough, however, that a parakeet bables an improbable "circular economy", a treacherous crow in the background, from a 'land of fires' to lift shadows, insinuations, clues ...
The eco-mafias collect 22 billion a year from the illegal management of the waste cycle, from their burial to the sinking of ships loaded with industrial, toxic and special waste.
Romanian cement plants burn sanitary garbage and Italian industrial toxic sludge, which became impossible to spread in the Tuscan countryside. (balcanicaucaso.org 20 03 2010)
In short, we start with the intention of cleaning outside the home and outside the company; but for reasons of money one arrives at crime.
Was Giorgio Napolitano, Minister of the Interior (Prodi government, May 1996-October 1998) to oppose the secret of the State to the news of the Campania territory poisoned by the Casalesi clan?
And the accusation against this government? With the art. 41 'Genoa decree' (n.109, 28 September 2018) laid an ecological and sanitary bomb, raising the limit of pollutants in sludge that can be used in agriculture by 20 times, defined as special waste, even from pharmaceuticals, plastics, leather and detergents etc.
43% of organized waste traffic consists of sewage sludge.
Since last January, the traceability of special waste has disappeared, in which Ispra's 2018 Report states that many producers cheat, stating that the sludge, then spread on agricultural fields, is destined for other use.
The Lombardy Region had raised the dry substance content for hydrocarbons in sewage sludge. The 'Genoa decree' has changed it in substance 'tal quale', so that through the dilution of the waste concentration with water the limit of 5-6 times is raised. Terre dei Fuochi(lands of fires), litters along the peninsula from the mother described by Roberto Saviano and drawn in the image above, substantially legalized, huge masses of sewage sludge made available to the eco-mafias with the subsequent reclamations (pressenza.com Andrea Intonti -01-2019).
The Camorra was called to Naples by the prefect Liborio Romano to act as city police, when Italy was born by the Piedmontese State.
It has remained a protagonist in a frayed society.
Behind the teenage parties lies a bourgeoisie of accountants, lawyers, clothing entrepreneurs, textile traders, pizza makers, with international financial ramifications and tons of money - informs L'Espresso (espresso-repubblica.it 26, July, '18 ).
Poisons everywhere, they enter crops, farms, foods (including dioxin mozzarella), serious or fatal diseases, social and professional relationships.
Camorra has emigrated to the north, the Po Valley and Europe. Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, illegal deposits, arson, widespread silence. And suspects, which dirty positive actions.
Leather companies take a few million from their international and intersectoral fair (two-thirds of the revenues are from other exhibitors, traditionally 'sodomized') to invest them in a processing residues' company, in order to solve their pollution problem. It is enough, however, that a parakeet bables an improbable "circular economy", a treacherous crow in the background, from a 'land of fires' to lift shadows, insinuations, clues ...
The eco-mafias collect 22 billion a year from the illegal management of the waste cycle, from their burial to the sinking of ships loaded with industrial, toxic and special waste.
Romanian cement plants burn sanitary garbage and Italian industrial toxic sludge, which became impossible to spread in the Tuscan countryside. (balcanicaucaso.org 20 03 2010)
In short, we start with the intention of cleaning outside the home and outside the company; but for reasons of money one arrives at crime.
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