Molti leader politici usano abbondantemente i "social", ad esempio Twitter. Vedi Donald Trump e, sui generis, Papa Francesco. Scoprono e scoraggiano pure l'upskirting tra le cosce, tipo Facebook.
L'anno scorso il grosso flusso dei chatter Twitter anticipò di fatto la vittoria di sovranisti e populisti nelle elezioni italiane. Entrambi i movimenti sembrano ora avviati a primeggiare nel prossimo voto europeo di maggio, in base ai commenti quotidiani su Twitter.
L'anno scorso il grosso flusso dei chatter Twitter anticipò di fatto la vittoria di sovranisti e populisti nelle elezioni italiane. Entrambi i movimenti sembrano ora avviati a primeggiare nel prossimo voto europeo di maggio, in base ai commenti quotidiani su Twitter.
La piattaforma costituisce uno strumento di conversazione mondiale su tutto.
Parecchi paesi manifestano gravi violazioni dei diritti umani oppure caos politico e sociale. La massiccia diffusione di video, hashtag e foto su Twitter , ritwittati migliaia di volte, aiuta la gente a manifestare il proprio pensiero a un miliardo di lettori in qualche secondo.
#BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, #BreakTheSilence, #BringBackOurGirls sono alcune delle più note 'piazze' digitali, che hanno avviato la rivoluzione dei social.
Recentemente un'adolescente del Saudi Arabia ha condiviso la sua storia su Twitter. Scappata dalla famiglia durante un viaggio, nella tappa intermedia di Bangkok chiedeva asilo. Giornalisti e Human Rights Watch ne leggevano le traversie, finché il Canada le concedeva rifugio.
H.R.W. mi chiese varie volte, anche con telefonate da New York, quando ero CEO e co-proprietario della esposizione Lineapelle, di eliminare le concerie del Bangladesh , che vi esponevano, per le loro violazioni di uomini, donne e ambiente. Mancando evidenze, tacqui; ma oggi le caccerei. Vanno invece ancora indisturbate nei padiglioni di Fiera Milano.
Altro successo di questi media è stato il cd. 'upskirting', cioè la foto presa all'insaputa della ragazza sotto la gonna o, aggiungono 'alcuni', il kilt scozzese. La cosa è divenuta crimine nel Regno Unito, dopo che una spettatrice di concerto era stata ripresa da uno , che le aveva messo il cell. in mezzo alle gambe. Lei condivise con post su Facebook, divenuto virale, coinvolgendo migliaia di persone con la stessa esperienza. Una petizione firmata da oltre 50,000 inoltrata al parlamento inglese e il reato è appena diventato legge.
Possono anche rovinare la vita di innocenti.
A Vancouver nel 2011, un ragazzo ubriaco si trovò in una zuffa, finendo per accoltellare alla gola un altro teenager. Il fatto emerse rapidamente sulla rete, che lo definì un 'tipo sbagliato', rovinandogli la vita , poiché venne licenziato e minacciato di morte.
Gli scambi però possono aiutare ad affrontare i propri demoni interni. E' più facile infatti dividere con estranei i problemi personali.
L'on line si trasforma talora in orrore per persecuzioni, crimini informatici, umiliazioni fisiche (moderndiplomacy, Jan. 18, 2019).
La perversione sessuale di chi fotografa segretamente le parti intime altrui sotto la gonna, solitamente con il telefonino, per guardarsele successivamente, diventa uno specifico delitto, non più una bravata. I casi sono numerosi.
In un computer vennero trovati migliaia di video e immagini indecenti, si scoprirono altrove filmati di uno spogliatoio di piscina pubblica. Solitamente avvengono in treno, negozio, scuole, ospedali, spettacoli.
E' accaduto che nel voyeurismo, ormai sanzionato in varie nazioni, incappassero pure i tutori dell'ordine. Un poliziotto era solito sbirciare e immortalare con la macchina fotografica ciò che avveniva nelle camere dell'hotel a ore (coppie irregolari, prostitute), posto sotto la sua sorveglianza, ad Halifax, Canada. Magari rivendendolo ad altri amatori. Una casistica interminabile e soprattutto inimmaginabile.

Facebook, no upskirting. Politicians on Twitter who..
Many political leaders use platforms such as Twitter. See Donald Trump and, sui generis, Pope Francisco. Or upskirting has been discovered and discouraged via Facebook.
Last year the win of sovereignists and populists in Italian elections was easily foreseen in Twitter chats. The same seems going to happen in European poll on next May.
Internet has become a global conversation among the citizens of the world.
Many countries witness gross violation of human rights and political and social chaos. The massive explosion of videos, hashtags and photographs on Twitter which are retweeted thousands of times, help people voice their concerns to a billion people in a span of seconds.
#BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, #BreakTheSilence, #BringBackOurGirls are few international digital platforms that have started social revolutions.
Recently a Saudi Arabian teenager used Twitter to share her story. She escaped from her family while they were on a trip, boarded at Bangkok airport where she asked asylum. Her ordeal was picked up by Human Rights Watch and journalists from across the world and later she was granted asylum in Canada.
When I was CEO and owner of the international exhibition Lineapelle H.R.W. denounced the Bangladesh's tanners exhibitors for their violations of human rights and of environment. I had no evidence, so I kept them in my business. Today if asked I would refuse them; but they continue to attend the show in the Milan fair.
Another successful social media campaign was the 'Upskirting'. It has become a crime in the United Kingdom after a woman was a victim of upskirting during a concert where a man placed a phone between her legs. She shared her story via a Facebook post, which went viral and shared by thousands of women victims of same experiences. Then a petition was signed by over 50,000 people and introduced in the Parliament , so the bill was approved.
Social media can also ruin innocent people's live. In Vancouver in 2011, a drunk guy got into a fight and ended up stabbing a teenager through the neck. The incident was quickly taken up on social media and people named the "wrong guy" in their posts. It nearly destroyed his life as he was dropped from his job and sent death threats.
The chats can help people deal with their inner demons, it is easy to share your ordeals with a stranger. Internet can be a place of horror with regards to bullying, cyber-crime, body shaming.(moderndiplomacy, Jan. 18, 2019).
The victims of the intrusive offence are much more than we believe.They are now able to prosecute who takes picture up someone's skirt, usually on his phone. Who takes photographs under another person's clothing , often covertly, with the intention of viewing her\his private parts is illegal.
Here some examples. In a sized computer were found thousands of indecent images and videos, a number of videos appeared to have been covertly filmed in a communal swimming pool changing area. Trains, shops, schools, hospitals, shows are the usual opportunities of the crime.
The 'voyeurism' is by now persecuted in many countries. It happens that who is in charge to check the infringements could become an infringer. A police officer was caught on camera peeping into the rooms of hotel guests , mostly prostitutes and occasional couples, at Halifax, Canada. May be he traded the shots.
E' accaduto che nel voyeurismo, ormai sanzionato in varie nazioni, incappassero pure i tutori dell'ordine. Un poliziotto era solito sbirciare e immortalare con la macchina fotografica ciò che avveniva nelle camere dell'hotel a ore (coppie irregolari, prostitute), posto sotto la sua sorveglianza, ad Halifax, Canada. Magari rivendendolo ad altri amatori. Una casistica interminabile e soprattutto inimmaginabile.

is it peeping?
Facebook, no upskirting. Politicians on Twitter who..
Many political leaders use platforms such as Twitter. See Donald Trump and, sui generis, Pope Francisco. Or upskirting has been discovered and discouraged via Facebook.
Last year the win of sovereignists and populists in Italian elections was easily foreseen in Twitter chats. The same seems going to happen in European poll on next May.
Internet has become a global conversation among the citizens of the world.
Many countries witness gross violation of human rights and political and social chaos. The massive explosion of videos, hashtags and photographs on Twitter which are retweeted thousands of times, help people voice their concerns to a billion people in a span of seconds.
#BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, #BreakTheSilence, #BringBackOurGirls are few international digital platforms that have started social revolutions.
Recently a Saudi Arabian teenager used Twitter to share her story. She escaped from her family while they were on a trip, boarded at Bangkok airport where she asked asylum. Her ordeal was picked up by Human Rights Watch and journalists from across the world and later she was granted asylum in Canada.
When I was CEO and owner of the international exhibition Lineapelle H.R.W. denounced the Bangladesh's tanners exhibitors for their violations of human rights and of environment. I had no evidence, so I kept them in my business. Today if asked I would refuse them; but they continue to attend the show in the Milan fair.
Another successful social media campaign was the 'Upskirting'. It has become a crime in the United Kingdom after a woman was a victim of upskirting during a concert where a man placed a phone between her legs. She shared her story via a Facebook post, which went viral and shared by thousands of women victims of same experiences. Then a petition was signed by over 50,000 people and introduced in the Parliament , so the bill was approved.
Social media can also ruin innocent people's live. In Vancouver in 2011, a drunk guy got into a fight and ended up stabbing a teenager through the neck. The incident was quickly taken up on social media and people named the "wrong guy" in their posts. It nearly destroyed his life as he was dropped from his job and sent death threats.
The chats can help people deal with their inner demons, it is easy to share your ordeals with a stranger. Internet can be a place of horror with regards to bullying, cyber-crime, body shaming.(moderndiplomacy, Jan. 18, 2019).
The victims of the intrusive offence are much more than we believe.They are now able to prosecute who takes picture up someone's skirt, usually on his phone. Who takes photographs under another person's clothing , often covertly, with the intention of viewing her\his private parts is illegal.
Here some examples. In a sized computer were found thousands of indecent images and videos, a number of videos appeared to have been covertly filmed in a communal swimming pool changing area. Trains, shops, schools, hospitals, shows are the usual opportunities of the crime.
The 'voyeurism' is by now persecuted in many countries. It happens that who is in charge to check the infringements could become an infringer. A police officer was caught on camera peeping into the rooms of hotel guests , mostly prostitutes and occasional couples, at Halifax, Canada. May be he traded the shots.
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