Non entrare sola in ascensore con un collega molto euforico per la fresca promozione. E' regola suggerita da recente ricerca, che spiega come le persone dedite al sesso occasionale, donne comprese, pensano che i subalterni siano attratti dalla crescita di potere, all'opposto di quanto succede a chi evita i rapporti casuali. Più autorità stimola all'approccio chi si è trovato in posizione inferiore per lungo tempo,che sia maschio o femmina. Insomma, se il primo racconta facilmente , la seconda tace; ma entrambi provano le medesime sensazioni davanti al comando( Psychology Today "What is the link between sex and power in sexual harassment?" Nov 8, 2017). <Gli uomini europei pensano che guardare un seno non costituisca vessazione> è il titolo scandalizzato di un pezzo, scritto da una giornalista su Newsweek (Nov 10,2017). Davanti ad una scollatura, generosa e intenzionale, di una bella giovane chiudere gli occhi oppure voltarsi, incappando magari nelle tette avvizzite di una vecchia? Ecco una storia vera: <Una piccola società mi affidò un progetto da condurre con una senior. Lei disse subito che preferiva lavorare di notte, anche dopo mezzanotte quando nessun altro c'era. Ai primi incontri lei mi chiese quando la avrei portata fuori. Poi mi comunicò che aveva deciso di fare sesso insieme. Mi propose di disegnare il mio corpo nudo. Mi negai e cercai di navigare con attenzione , fingendo di credere che per lei fosse solo un gioco. Ogni notte lavoravo, voleva che mi sedessi lontano dalla porta e vicino a lei. Io facevo il massimo per svolgere bene i compiti, ringraziandola continuamente per ciò che mi insegnava. Iniziò a torchiarmi perché non andavo con lei. Alla fine il progetto terminò ed io venni assegnato ad altro , così lei la smise. Sono convinto che se mi fossi lamentato formalmente, lei era il mio superiore, niente di positivo mi sarebbe arrivato.>(>ideas,May 9, 2017). Il 17% delle denunce Usa di molestie subite proviene da uomini: ritorsioni per dinieghi, toccate e carezze, commenti e battute(Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). Salgono le pressioni con rappresaglia di uomini, colleghi o capi, su altri maschi. Parecchi tacciono per timore di essere derisi. Ancor più aumentano i tentativi sui gay impiegati nell'industria. Statistiche assenti sulle signore che lo fanno su altre donne; ma si sa che spesso sono attratte dall'omosessualità come dalle fantasie di soggiacere a violenza. #Metoo per loro? #Vengo anch'io per noi oppure taglio del pene?
Sexual harassment of cougars who are boss in the work place. Don't get into the lift with anyone who seems to be especially relishing his recent elevation. Among men and women strongly interested in casual sex , more power increases belief that subordinates are sexually interested in them. In contrast, more power decreased discernment of a subordinate's sexual interest among those already less interested in casual sex. While men ,in general, are likely to report what happened compared to the women, both men and women are influenced by power in the same way. "Men don't think looking at women's breast is sexual harassment" was the title of a Newsweek's article(Nov 10,2017), written by a female journalist, referring to Europeans. What to do in front of a cleavage consciously showed by a young pretty woman? Stare at the wizened breast of an old woman? Here a true story:<A small company assigned me to do a project with a woman who was senior. She informed me that she liked to work late at night-well past midnight, when no one else was there. At first interactions she began asking me when I was going to take her out. Then, she informed me that she had decided we were going to have sex. She spoke graphically my body and asked me to draw pictures of myself naked. I declined and tried to navigate the situation carefully, playing it off as though I thought she was just joking. We worked together night after night, I did my job well thanking her for teaching me but she started grilling me on why I didn't go with her. She had instructed me to sit farther from the door and closer to her. Eventually, the project was completed and I got new assignment. She dropped the effort. But if I had tried to complain, nothing good would have come of it>. Male on male workplace sexual harassment claims are becoming more common and may include both sexual advances from male co-workers and supervisors and sexual-based hazing. Some men don't report because they are afraid of being mocked by co-workers. Besides sexual harassment of gay men in the industry is rampant. There aren't statistics on women who harass other women but it's well-known that the same-sex attraction exists among them as the dream of being raped.
quadro di Tamara De Lempicka
Sexual harassment of cougars who are boss in the work place. Don't get into the lift with anyone who seems to be especially relishing his recent elevation. Among men and women strongly interested in casual sex , more power increases belief that subordinates are sexually interested in them. In contrast, more power decreased discernment of a subordinate's sexual interest among those already less interested in casual sex. While men ,in general, are likely to report what happened compared to the women, both men and women are influenced by power in the same way. "Men don't think looking at women's breast is sexual harassment" was the title of a Newsweek's article(Nov 10,2017), written by a female journalist, referring to Europeans. What to do in front of a cleavage consciously showed by a young pretty woman? Stare at the wizened breast of an old woman? Here a true story:<A small company assigned me to do a project with a woman who was senior. She informed me that she liked to work late at night-well past midnight, when no one else was there. At first interactions she began asking me when I was going to take her out. Then, she informed me that she had decided we were going to have sex. She spoke graphically my body and asked me to draw pictures of myself naked. I declined and tried to navigate the situation carefully, playing it off as though I thought she was just joking. We worked together night after night, I did my job well thanking her for teaching me but she started grilling me on why I didn't go with her. She had instructed me to sit farther from the door and closer to her. Eventually, the project was completed and I got new assignment. She dropped the effort. But if I had tried to complain, nothing good would have come of it>. Male on male workplace sexual harassment claims are becoming more common and may include both sexual advances from male co-workers and supervisors and sexual-based hazing. Some men don't report because they are afraid of being mocked by co-workers. Besides sexual harassment of gay men in the industry is rampant. There aren't statistics on women who harass other women but it's well-known that the same-sex attraction exists among them as the dream of being raped.
Creative director:Marcello Morra Next: Nov20,2017
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