Fondazione Veronesi sostiene che per contrastare l'insorgenza del cancro si deve "evitare assolutamente la carne rossa". Esorta a mangiare molta frutta,dimenticandosi delle possibili tracce di pesticidi. Gli occidentali ,condizionati dai vegetariani militanti o impiegati in organizzazioni pubbliche internazionali,stanno riducendo il consumo di carne bovina da alcuni anni;mentre i Paesi Terzi lo aumentano.Non sono strategici,però.Gli argentini sono crollati da una media di quasi 80 kg pro capite a 55,i brasiliani guardano con più interesse maiale e pollo. Pare che, secondo studi citati da Mike Redwood di International Leather Maker,una minore produzione di bovina brasiliana potrebbe accrescere le emissioni di gas ad effetto serra,in quanto i pascoli permanenti per il bestiame trattengono il carbonio. Tempo fa,in uno degli innumerevoli eventi sulla sostenibilità nella moda, un signore venne a mostrarmi una borsetta fatta con una materia prima vegetale. Gli aperitivi favorivano un allegro scambio di opinioni e la promessa di ritrovarsi sobri a valutare se commissionare una ricerca sulla concia di skin da frutta,come banane etc. Accadeva il 1° Aprile...
The Veronesi foundation invites to avoid the red meat against the cancer and encourages to eat many fruits. Nothing says about the possible presence of pesticides. Western Countries are decreasing their consumptions of bovine meats and Third World is increasing. South Americans are turning to pork and chicken. It is risky as Mike Redwood writes on International Leather Maker because only long term grassland for pasture is good at the sequestration of carbon. During an event dedicated to the sustainability in the fashion a guy showed me a bag made from a vegetable raw material. We had drunk more than one aperitif so we slightly merry agreed to order a scientific research on the possibility of tanning the fruits skins like banana. It was April Fool's Day...
The Veronesi foundation invites to avoid the red meat against the cancer and encourages to eat many fruits. Nothing says about the possible presence of pesticides. Western Countries are decreasing their consumptions of bovine meats and Third World is increasing. South Americans are turning to pork and chicken. It is risky as Mike Redwood writes on International Leather Maker because only long term grassland for pasture is good at the sequestration of carbon. During an event dedicated to the sustainability in the fashion a guy showed me a bag made from a vegetable raw material. We had drunk more than one aperitif so we slightly merry agreed to order a scientific research on the possibility of tanning the fruits skins like banana. It was April Fool's Day...
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