George Soros can't even cheat competent people into local office, so what exactly makes the "stateless statesman" qualified to bring a New World Over? For example, he backed for high office in Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and District Attorney Kim Foxx. They are idiots, and Chicago is an unflushed toilet full of number two. He backs incompetence, therefore it stands to reason that he is also incompetent.
Bill Gates can't even design a computer operating system that isn't vulnerable to outside code attack, and yet he thinks he's expert on human disease all of a sudden. He lectures us on climate change from a private jet as his daughter buys an 8,000 square feet energy hog of palace to live in.
Who else shouldn't be allowed near government design? Rockefeller! We did it their way for a century, and ended up with a blue-haired, nonbinary, gender-confused mess. The worst propagandists of our age broadcast live from Rockefeller Center, and the Rockefeller-funded "educational" foundations have created a mess of our schools and our society. And they did it on purpose, in orde to convince you that self-determination is a bad idea, that family is a bad idea and that families are "dysfunctional".
The people who are trying to re-set us created this caos, so they can "save" you from it. It's 7 billion versus a few dozen trust brats and secret club benefactors who have never held elected office. ( /Feb 22/2023)
The US told China not to support Russia or that they would impose sanctions on China as they have done with Russia. An arrogant way that suggests it is deliberate. They deliberately move Russia and China together against the west. The world teeters on the edge of World War between Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran against the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, and Europe.
Diplomatic effort to reach a peaceful settlement are seriously lacking. The Biden Administration appears to be taking the advice of Adolf Hitler:"When diplomacy ends, war begins".
China has responded to Biden :"The US is in no position to tell China what to do".
The United Nations have become a joke. They have refused to remain unbiased. Should have imposed sanctions on Germany, France, the UK, and the United States for their bad faith in negotiating the Minsk Agreement and for their unwarranted sanctions of Russia that even began before the 2022 invasion. Russia has already displayed tactical nuclear weapons on all its ships. ( Feb23, 2023)
Europeans should be storming their own parliaments demanding the end to supporting Ukraine and honoring the Minsk Agreement and demand an immediate encephalogram for the heads of their national governments.
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![]() | Giovan Francesco Locatelli |
George Soros non può nemmeno imbrogliare persone competenti in un ufficio qualsiasi, quindi cosa lo rende esattamente "statista apolide" qualificato per portarci a un Nuovo Mondo? Ad esempio, ha sostenuto le alte cariche del sindaco di Chicago Lori Lightfoot e del procuratore distrettuale Kim Foxx. Sono idioti e Chicago è un wc senza sciacquone, piena di seconde linee. Lui tutela l'incompetenza, quindi è ovvio che sia anche lui incompetente.
La Russia ha già disposto le armi nucleari tattiche su tutte le sue navi. ( febbraio 2023)
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