Many scientists claim that covid has gone from animals to humans. Even for WHO it is zoonosis. 75% of human infectious diseases are zoonoses.
Jane Goodall, famous in the 1960s for studying chimpanzees in Tanzania threatened by habitat destruction, shares the opportunity to eat less or no meat, replacing it with vegetable diets. ( / 220/06)
The virus of these days among German slaughterhouse workers is explained by the owners as imported from Eastern Europe (Romanians, Hungarians), rather than as a consequence of physical proximity in the production chain.
In America (Cactus, Texas) the plants (JBS) give employees (3000), who go to work anyway, half of an Angus eye, equivalent to half a day's wages (hourly wages: $ 16.20). In other cases chicken meat, 5 kg, or other is given. JBS managers promised $ 600 to workers without unjustified absences.
National Beef (Marfrig G.F.) raised wages temporarily by $ 2 plus $ 500 to those who would always be present.
These bonuses were essential in enabling U.S. production to feed citizens fighting coronavirus terror.
Tyson Foods, Cargill, National Beef, JBS control 80% of the US meat market, making the price cartel easy.
Americans consume 224 pounds per year, at very low prices. During the acute phase of the pandemic, they ate more.
Even in the places where the still hot animal is cut in half, tearing the label from the tongue, the workers are massed without the 6 feet distance. Where protected by plexiglas or steel barriers, they breathe with difficulty mainly because harmful fumes remain trapped inside. Like Germans, US workers are mostly older people, refugees, women, immigrants with language difficulties, undocumented people. Of them just under 40% are foreigners.
Beef prices have doubled there, it happened here for fruit and vegetables.
Vegetable meat consumption is below 10% and the price is clearly higher than red meat. ( / June 18/2020)
The fact that by-products, primarily leather, are heading for commercial extinction, seems irrelevant in the demand for meat, which is growing everywhere. The virtuous cycle is breaking, significantly eroding the slaughterers' revenues, so it could slowly weaken and erode their meat supply.
The post-pandemic offices will decrease by half the number of chairs for cutting workers and the preferred material, up to now fabrics and leather, will be synthetic or alternatively wood and its laminates. Plastic is easy to clean and disinfect. ( / June 16/2020)
Gucci, Saint Laurent, Balenciaga have, through Kering as their owner, a sustainability committee, which has just appointed Emma Watson as president. Marketing for idiots continues: consumers. Luxury - you know but leaves out when you buy something you like - consumes more aviation energy and navigation together, sends 85% of different fabrics and raw materials to landfills, produces 20% of polluted water. Consumerism, responsible for these standards, begins to be abandoned by youth, stimulated by wealthy activists such as Sunrise Movement and Extinction Rebellion.
This French brand, together with 31 others, issued in August 2019 - just when the deadly virus was born in China - a Fashion Pact on the elimination of plastic, on the use of sustainable raw materials (cotton ?! animal leather ?! hah, ha! ha!), on the total use of renewable energy etc. Jokes, strictly narrated and transcribed with the "not legally binding" clause. Then imitated at the most modest levels of the suppliers, such as tanning in the Neapolitan 'land of fires' homeland of Camorra (from Casandrino down), with the laying of trees to 'counterbalance' the carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide (hah, ha! ha!), like the luxury milord.
The lower post-pandemic income and the widespread perception of greenwashing will remove 30-40% revenues from Kering and his companions. They will hardly manage to make people forget the social and environmental hypocrisies of their communications. (rt.corn / June 17/2020)
Il duro mercato della carne, l'ipocrita marketing del lusso
Jane Goodall, famous in the 1960s for studying chimpanzees in Tanzania threatened by habitat destruction, shares the opportunity to eat less or no meat, replacing it with vegetable diets. ( / 220/06)
The virus of these days among German slaughterhouse workers is explained by the owners as imported from Eastern Europe (Romanians, Hungarians), rather than as a consequence of physical proximity in the production chain.
In America (Cactus, Texas) the plants (JBS) give employees (3000), who go to work anyway, half of an Angus eye, equivalent to half a day's wages (hourly wages: $ 16.20). In other cases chicken meat, 5 kg, or other is given. JBS managers promised $ 600 to workers without unjustified absences.
National Beef (Marfrig G.F.) raised wages temporarily by $ 2 plus $ 500 to those who would always be present.
These bonuses were essential in enabling U.S. production to feed citizens fighting coronavirus terror.
Tyson Foods, Cargill, National Beef, JBS control 80% of the US meat market, making the price cartel easy.
Americans consume 224 pounds per year, at very low prices. During the acute phase of the pandemic, they ate more.
Even in the places where the still hot animal is cut in half, tearing the label from the tongue, the workers are massed without the 6 feet distance. Where protected by plexiglas or steel barriers, they breathe with difficulty mainly because harmful fumes remain trapped inside. Like Germans, US workers are mostly older people, refugees, women, immigrants with language difficulties, undocumented people. Of them just under 40% are foreigners.
Beef prices have doubled there, it happened here for fruit and vegetables.
Vegetable meat consumption is below 10% and the price is clearly higher than red meat. ( / June 18/2020)
The fact that by-products, primarily leather, are heading for commercial extinction, seems irrelevant in the demand for meat, which is growing everywhere. The virtuous cycle is breaking, significantly eroding the slaughterers' revenues, so it could slowly weaken and erode their meat supply.
The post-pandemic offices will decrease by half the number of chairs for cutting workers and the preferred material, up to now fabrics and leather, will be synthetic or alternatively wood and its laminates. Plastic is easy to clean and disinfect. ( / June 16/2020)
Gucci, Saint Laurent, Balenciaga have, through Kering as their owner, a sustainability committee, which has just appointed Emma Watson as president. Marketing for idiots continues: consumers. Luxury - you know but leaves out when you buy something you like - consumes more aviation energy and navigation together, sends 85% of different fabrics and raw materials to landfills, produces 20% of polluted water. Consumerism, responsible for these standards, begins to be abandoned by youth, stimulated by wealthy activists such as Sunrise Movement and Extinction Rebellion.
This French brand, together with 31 others, issued in August 2019 - just when the deadly virus was born in China - a Fashion Pact on the elimination of plastic, on the use of sustainable raw materials (cotton ?! animal leather ?! hah, ha! ha!), on the total use of renewable energy etc. Jokes, strictly narrated and transcribed with the "not legally binding" clause. Then imitated at the most modest levels of the suppliers, such as tanning in the Neapolitan 'land of fires' homeland of Camorra (from Casandrino down), with the laying of trees to 'counterbalance' the carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide (hah, ha! ha!), like the luxury milord.
The lower post-pandemic income and the widespread perception of greenwashing will remove 30-40% revenues from Kering and his companions. They will hardly manage to make people forget the social and environmental hypocrisies of their communications. (rt.corn / June 17/2020)
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Molti scienziati sostengono che covid è passato dagli animali all'uomo, per OMS anche trattasi di zoonosi. Il 75% delle malattie infettive umane è zoonotico.
Jane Goodall, famosa negli anni '60 per lo studio sugli scimpanzé in Tanzania minacciati dalla distruzione dell'habitat, condivide l'opportunità di mangiare meno o niente carne, sostituendola con diete vegetali. ( /220 / 06)
Il virus di questi giorni tra gli addetti dei macelli tedeschi viene spiegato dai proprietari come importato dall'Europa dell'Est ( rumeni, ungheresi), anziché conseguenza della vicinanza fisica nella catena produttiva.
In America (Cactus, Texas) gli impianti (JBS) regalano ai dipendenti (3000), che vanno lo stesso al lavoro, mezza costata di manzo (half of an Angus rib- eye), equivalente a mezza giornata di salario (paga oraria: $16,20). In altri casi si dà carne di pollo, 5 kg, o altro. Ai lavoratori senza assenze ingiustificate i manager JBS promettevano 600 dollari .
National Beef (Marfrig G.F.) ha incrementato di 2 dollari il salario temporaneamente più 500 dollari a chi sarebbe stato sempre presente.
Questi bonus sono stati fondamentali per consentire alla produzione U.S. di alimentare i cittadini in lotta contro il terrore coronavirus.
Tyson Foods, Cargill, National Beef, JBS controllano l'80% del mercato statunitense della carne, il che rende facile il cartello dei prezzi.
Gli americani ne consumano 224 pound (102 kg) all'anno, a prezzi molto bassi. Durante la fase acuta della pandemia ne hanno mangiato di più.
Anche nelle postazioni in cui l'animale ancora caldo viene tagliato a metà, strappando l'etichetta dalla lingua, gli addetti sono ammassati senza la distanza dei 6 piedi. Ove protetti da barriere di plexiglas o acciaio, respirano con difficoltà soprattutto perché i fumi nocivi restano intrappolati all'interno. Al pari della Germania, gli operai USA sono per lo più anziani, rifugiati, donne, immigrati con difficoltà linguistiche, gente priva di documenti. Di essi poco meno del 40% è straniero.
I prezzi del manzo là sono raddoppiati, qui è avvenuto per frutta e verdura.
Il consumo di carne vegetale sta sotto il 10% ed il prezzo è nettamente superiore alla carne rossa. ( /June 18 /2020)
Il fatto che i sottoprodotti, la pelle in primis, siano avviati all'estinzione commerciale, sembra irrilevante nella domanda di carne, in crescita ovunque. Il ciclo virtuoso si sta spezzando, erodendo significativamente i ricavi dei macellatori, per cui potrebbe lentamente indebolire ed erodere la loro offerta di carne.
Gli uffici post pandemia diminuiranno della metà il numero delle sedie per il taglio degli occupati ed il materiale preferito, finora tessuti e pelle, sarà sintetico o alternativamente legno e suoi laminati. La plastica è facile da pulire e disinfettare. ( /June 16 / 2020)
Gucci, Saint Laurent, Balenciaga hanno, tramite Kering padrone, un comitato per la sostenibilità, che ha appena nominato Emma Watson presidente. Continua il marketing per allocchi: i consumatori. Il lusso -si sa ma si tralascia quando si acquista qualcosa che piace- consuma più energia di aviazione e navigazione insieme, manda in discarica l'85% dei tessuti e materie prime diverse, produce il 20% delle acque inquinate. Il consumismo, responsabile di tali standard, inizia ad essere abbandonato dalla gioventù, stimolata da attivisti ricchi come Sunrise Movement ed Extinction Rebellion.
Questo brand francese, insieme con altri 31, emise nell'agosto 2019 - proprio quando in Cina nasceva il virus mortale - un Fashion Pact sull'eliminazione della plastica, sul ricorso a materie prime sostenibili (cotone?! pelle animale?! ah,ah,ah), sull'uso totale di energie rinnovabili etc. Barzellette, rigorosamente raccontate e trascritte con la clausola "not legally binding". Imitate poi ai livelli più modesti dei fornitori, quali la concia nella 'terra dei fuochi ' napoletana landa di camorra (da Casandrino in giù), con la posa di alberi per 'controbilanciare' il carbon dioxide o anidride carbonica (ah,ah,ah), alla guisa dei milord del lusso.
Il minore reddito post pandemico e la diffusa percezione del greenwashing toglieranno il 30-40% di entrate a Kering e compagni. Difficilmente riusciranno a far dimenticare le ipocrisie sociali ed ambientali delle loro comunicazioni. ( rt.corn /June 17/2020)
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