J.Crew and Neiman Marcus are filing for bankruptcy, followed by JC Penney in the low end which closes the stores with the jeans manufacturer True Religion.
It is a judicial war between the boutiques and the owners of the properties on the leases, see New York City. Valentino brought the landlord to court to end the rent on Fifth Avenue, since "in this not yet post-pandemic New York the social and economic landscape has radically changed, perhaps forever, preventing the right high-end commercial activity ".
Victoria's Secret tries to cancel a $ 10 million a year lease in Manhattan's Herald Square. The owners react and sue in turn. Simon Property Group sued Gap for the 3-month backlog of $ 66 million for 400 stores.
Luxury brands, according to Boston Group, will lose more than 29% of sales, a percentage that appears undersized. The researchers have relationships of familiarity and friendship with the staff of the brands..
For fashion and luxury $ 600 billion will disappear.
In the USA 20,000-25,000 retailers will cease, over half of which will be in shopping malls. The initiative, born last year, of supermarkets for wealthy residents or tourists in big cities could prove to be a real grace. NYC's Hudson Yards, opened a year ago, has high-class brands, such as Tiffany, Cartier, Dior, with 12 million visitors. Great results for everyone, including the Miami Beach at Bal Harbors Shops, that, after the lockdown just finished, use covid scanning with advanced technology at the entrances.
Will luxury be saved in this way?
Fashion, on the other hand, will cool down for a long time and its famous streets, squares, areas of the metropolises, full of visitors who have now disappeared, will look like museums. (safeheaven.com / June 25,2020)
Airport items, perfumes, make-up, accessories, duty free were successful; but now they remain on the shelves. At least 2 years will pass before normality returns.
Impressive -38% of Nike revenue, the closure of 80 Microsoft stores; but Nike's digital sales grew 75%. Property developers, as mentioned above, are suffering a lot from tenants' debts, such as JC Penney.
Airlines, like banks, are said to be international when all is well and national when bad. Air France and KLM in fact have over 10 billion euros for public rescue. This will make it easier to avoid the cost cuts needed to get competitive again.
The underwear goes behind the other more important or urgent purchases. Victoria's Secret has cut sales in half and eliminated the Hong Kong showcase, as Prada and Tiffany had done. The hub has lost local appeal and demand, at least 35-40%. (reuter.com / June 26,2020)
Covid is irrelevant in the merger between Fiat Chrysler and Peugeot, which is expected to close in the first quarter of 2021.
Digital now seems to be the true future of fashion.
The Fabricant uses cinematic effects, 3D, body scan effects for super-realistic animations of garments, having Tommy Hilfiger and Puma as clients. The design software reduces waste, carbon emissions in the sampling process. Brands have canceled orders for billions of dollars, the digital solution becomes urgent. Stocks are reduced, garments are personalized, what is ordered is sold. The physical shows of the fashion weeks and fairs, with crowds of people without distancing, will either end or shrink dramatically.
It started LFW (London Fashion Week) with 3 days of films, video meetings, virtual parade of the Taiwanese Malan Breton "Immortal". In April the Congolese Anifa Mvuemba showed on Instagram the latest ready-to-wear collection. Shanghai Fashion Week (SHFW) was also digital in March, with customers asking questions to designers and the 'see now, shop now' option. Pitti Uomo in Florence, Premium in Berlin have announced digital iterations; while Kingpins denim has already had its first digital show.
At a minimum, abandoning all these events will save a lot of money at each link in the fashion chain.
Gucci Live will connect customers with video calls to the Gucci 9 store in Florence, perhaps.
The fitting room is about to be replaced by techniques, such as Yoox Mirror, in which the look is mixed and matched on a digital avatar, Daisy.
Amazon is perfecting a "virtual locker room". (fashionunited.uk /June 25 7 2020)
It is a judicial war between the boutiques and the owners of the properties on the leases, see New York City. Valentino brought the landlord to court to end the rent on Fifth Avenue, since "in this not yet post-pandemic New York the social and economic landscape has radically changed, perhaps forever, preventing the right high-end commercial activity ".
Victoria's Secret tries to cancel a $ 10 million a year lease in Manhattan's Herald Square. The owners react and sue in turn. Simon Property Group sued Gap for the 3-month backlog of $ 66 million for 400 stores.
Luxury brands, according to Boston Group, will lose more than 29% of sales, a percentage that appears undersized. The researchers have relationships of familiarity and friendship with the staff of the brands..
For fashion and luxury $ 600 billion will disappear.
In the USA 20,000-25,000 retailers will cease, over half of which will be in shopping malls. The initiative, born last year, of supermarkets for wealthy residents or tourists in big cities could prove to be a real grace. NYC's Hudson Yards, opened a year ago, has high-class brands, such as Tiffany, Cartier, Dior, with 12 million visitors. Great results for everyone, including the Miami Beach at Bal Harbors Shops, that, after the lockdown just finished, use covid scanning with advanced technology at the entrances.
Will luxury be saved in this way?
Fashion, on the other hand, will cool down for a long time and its famous streets, squares, areas of the metropolises, full of visitors who have now disappeared, will look like museums. (safeheaven.com / June 25,2020)
Airport items, perfumes, make-up, accessories, duty free were successful; but now they remain on the shelves. At least 2 years will pass before normality returns.
Impressive -38% of Nike revenue, the closure of 80 Microsoft stores; but Nike's digital sales grew 75%. Property developers, as mentioned above, are suffering a lot from tenants' debts, such as JC Penney.
Airlines, like banks, are said to be international when all is well and national when bad. Air France and KLM in fact have over 10 billion euros for public rescue. This will make it easier to avoid the cost cuts needed to get competitive again.
The underwear goes behind the other more important or urgent purchases. Victoria's Secret has cut sales in half and eliminated the Hong Kong showcase, as Prada and Tiffany had done. The hub has lost local appeal and demand, at least 35-40%. (reuter.com / June 26,2020)
Covid is irrelevant in the merger between Fiat Chrysler and Peugeot, which is expected to close in the first quarter of 2021.
Digital now seems to be the true future of fashion.
The Fabricant uses cinematic effects, 3D, body scan effects for super-realistic animations of garments, having Tommy Hilfiger and Puma as clients. The design software reduces waste, carbon emissions in the sampling process. Brands have canceled orders for billions of dollars, the digital solution becomes urgent. Stocks are reduced, garments are personalized, what is ordered is sold. The physical shows of the fashion weeks and fairs, with crowds of people without distancing, will either end or shrink dramatically.
It started LFW (London Fashion Week) with 3 days of films, video meetings, virtual parade of the Taiwanese Malan Breton "Immortal". In April the Congolese Anifa Mvuemba showed on Instagram the latest ready-to-wear collection. Shanghai Fashion Week (SHFW) was also digital in March, with customers asking questions to designers and the 'see now, shop now' option. Pitti Uomo in Florence, Premium in Berlin have announced digital iterations; while Kingpins denim has already had its first digital show.
At a minimum, abandoning all these events will save a lot of money at each link in the fashion chain.
Gucci Live will connect customers with video calls to the Gucci 9 store in Florence, perhaps.
The fitting room is about to be replaced by techniques, such as Yoox Mirror, in which the look is mixed and matched on a digital avatar, Daisy.
Amazon is perfecting a "virtual locker room". (fashionunited.uk /June 25 7 2020)
L'abbigliamento di lusso non è una priorità eccetto la sua digitalizzazione
J.Crew e Neiman Marcus sono in istanza di fallimento, seguiti da JC Penney nella fascia bassa, che chiude i negozi con il produttore di jeans True Religion.
E' guerra giudiziaria tra le boutique e i proprietari degli immobili sui contratti di locazione, vedi New York City. Valentino ha portato in tribunale il padrone di casa per terminare l'affitto nella Fifth Avenue, poiché "in questa New York non ancora post-pandemica il paesaggio sociale ed economico è radicalmente cambiato, forse per sempre, impedendo la giusta attività commerciale di fascia alta".
Victoria's Secret cerca di annullare una locazione da 10 milioni di dollari l'anno a Herald Square di Manhattan. I proprietari reagiscono e fanno causa a loro volta. Simon Property Group ha citato Gap per l'arretrato di 3 mesi, pari a 66 milioni di dollari, relativo a 400 punti vendita.
I marchi del lusso, secondo Boston Group, perderanno oltre il 29% di vendite, una percentuale che appare sottodimensionata. I ricercatori hanno rapporti di familiarità ed amicizia con gli staff delle griffe..
Per moda e lusso svaniranno 600 miliardi di dollari.
Negli USA i dettaglianti che cesseranno saranno 20,000-25,000, di cui oltre metà nei centri commerciali. Potrebbe rivelarsi una vera grazia l'iniziativa, nata l'anno scorso, di supermercati per benestanti e ricchi, residenti o turisti nelle grandi città. Lo Hudson Yards di NYC, aperto un anno fa, ha firme di alta classe, come Tiffany, Cartier, Dior, in attivo di 12 milioni di visitatori. Grandi risultati per tutti, compreso il Miami Beach a Bal Harbours Shops, che, dopo il lockdown appena finito, usano agli ingressi la scansione covid con tecnologia avanzata.
Il lusso si salverà così?
La moda invece si raffredderà per molto tempo e le sue celebri vie, piazza, aree delle metropoli , piene di visitatori ora scomparsi, sembreranno musei. (safeheaven.com /June 25,2020)
Avevano successo gli articoli negli aeroporti, profumi, trucchi, accessori, duty free; ma adesso restano sugli scaffali. Passeranno almeno 2 anni prima che si torni alla normalità.
Fanno impressione il -38% delle entrate Nike, la chiusura di 80 negozi Microsoft; ma le vendite digitali di Nike sono cresciute del 75%. Gli immobiliaristi, come detto sopra, stanno soffrendo molto per i debiti degli inquilini, tipo JC Penney.
Si dice che le compagnie aeree, come le banche, sono internazionali quando tutto va bene e nazionali quando va male. Air France e KLM infatti hanno oltre 10 miliardi di euro per salvataggio pubblico. Così sarà più facile evitare i tagli dei costi, necessari per tornare competitivi.
La biancheria intima resta dietro gli altri acquisti più importanti o urgenti. Victoria 's Secret ha dimezzato le vendite e ha eliminato la vetrina di Hong Kong, come avevano fatto Prada e Tiffany. L'hub ha perso appeal e domanda locale, almeno il 35-40%. (reuter.com /June 26,2020)
Covid è ininfluente nel processo di fusione Fiat Chrysler e Peugeot, che dovrebbe concludersi nel 1° trimestre 2021.
Il digitale sembra ormai il vero futuro della moda.
The Fabricant usa effetti cinematografici, 3D, body scan per animazioni super-realistiche di capi, avendo come clienti Tommy Hilfiger e Puma. I software di progettazione riducono sprechi, emissioni di carbonio nel processo di campionamento. I marchi hanno annullato ordini per miliardi di dollari, la soluzione digitale diventa urgente. Le scorte si riducono, i capi si personalizzano, si vende il venduto. Gli spettacoli fisici della settimane della moda e delle fiere, con folle di persone senza distanziamento, finiranno o si ridurranno drasticamente.
Ha iniziato LFW (London Fashion Week) con 3 giorni di film, incontri video, sfilata virtuale del taiwanese Malan Breton "Immortal". Ad aprile la congolese Anifa Mvuemba ha mostrato su Instagram l'ultima collezione ready-to-wear. Anche la Shanghai Fashion Week (SHFW) era stata digitale a marzo, con i clienti che potevano fare domande ai designer e la possibilità del 'vedi ora, acquista ora'. Pitti Uomo di Firenze, Premium di Berlino hanno annunciato iterazioni digitali; mentre il denim Kingpins ha già avuto il suo primo spettacolo digitale.
Come minimo, l'abbandono di tutte queste kermesse farà risparmiare tanti soldi ad ogni anello della catena moda.
Gucci Live collegherà i clienti con video-chiamata al negozio Gucci 9, in Firenze, forse.
Il camerino di prova sta per essere sostituito da tecniche, quali Yoox Mirror, in cui si mescola e si abbina il look su un avatar digitale, Daisy.
Amazon sta perfezionando uno "spogliatoio virtuale". (fashionunited.uk /June 25/ 2020)
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