4 years ago Ingo Piepers, a Dutch scholar, predicted a systemic or world war around 2020. Here we are! The current blockade of peoples, which has never happened in modern history, is the beginning.
The American lawyer Larry Klayman with the Freedom Watch movement in March asked for a compensation of 20 trillion dollars from the Chinese government, the Chinese army, the Wuhan Institute of Virology where the biological weapon of the virus would have been prepared against the West.
Incitements to boycott Chinese goods are multiplying online. In the TikTok app there would be espionage software, similarly in Huawei, excluded from the 5G USA network and areas of Europe. The body would also have passed American technologies to Iran despite international sanctions.
The Chinese silences and delays on the nature, outbreak and expansion of the epidemic, which has become a pandemic because of them, seem to confirm a strategy. How is it that the mega-cities of Beijing and Shanghai have been victimless? (the-levant.com / May 21/2020)
Trump's trade war on the Chinese began as soon as elected under the slogan: "America first!". The elections of next November therefore condition above all the opponents, Russia and China, who will try to exploit them against the free Republican Trump.
Beijing's attitude is eloquent for refusing Westerns the virus samples and for banning access to the Wuhan laboratory facility(below a shot of research lab).
Many government leaders are using the pandemic and the threat of an autumn return to take on extraordinary powers and crack down on opposition.
The Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano in November already followed the outbreak and expansion of the coronavirus with space travel companions. It means that governments from Beijing to Rome knew and remained silent causing death and poverty in the peoples.
Have Western democracies and the international liberal system failed?
Has the international liberal system failed?
The negligent, if not complicit, WHO example in the infection alert is significant. UN was an effect of World War II, which became third world and anti-capitalist, with a Security Council (USA, China, Russia,U.K., France) now outdated. The climate agreements, most recently Paris, arouse more laughter than commitments. The absence of cooperation in the European Union is evidenced by the isolation and suffering of Italy massacred by the pandemic.
Yesterday the stock exchanges struggled with the weight of the Sino-American tensions and the Covid statistics, which some try to maintain emergency. The unemployed USA in a few weeks have approached 40 million, the economic data are everywhere dramatic or worrying. Japan's export marks -22%. Hopes see a US economic recovery and a vaccine for the virus in the second half.
The Chinese autocratic regime suffers an economic contraction and international isolation, increased by the refusal to accept in the WHO Taiwan, which has effectively rejected the internal epidemic. It is also banning secession and pro democracy protests for Hong Kong. Beijing has lent hundreds of billions of dollars to the gigantic Belt and Road infrastructure; but the depression now undermines its return. The trap is ready. When Sri Lanka lost the ability to repay, Beijing seized its key port. However, it will be impossible to trigger it for all the nations that took the bait in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America. The unimaginable losses will weigh heavily on the internal consensus of the communist regime. The withdrawal of western industries from the dependence of their supplies on the Chinese will then be inexorable. (worldpoliticsreview.com / May 21, 2020)
Transparent and spontaneous 'soft power' contributed to US influence. The CCP's 'hard power' is the opposite, it has poor communication skills, makes it evasive and calculating. (aspistrategist.org.au / May 21/2020)
The Chinese Ministry of State Security- that is intelligence- has written that anti-Chinese sentiment is at its peak, that 'we must prepare for armed confrontation' with the US. It will be an electronic war that will win those who prevented the other from working. (breakingdefense.com / 2020/05)
The American lawyer Larry Klayman with the Freedom Watch movement in March asked for a compensation of 20 trillion dollars from the Chinese government, the Chinese army, the Wuhan Institute of Virology where the biological weapon of the virus would have been prepared against the West.
Incitements to boycott Chinese goods are multiplying online. In the TikTok app there would be espionage software, similarly in Huawei, excluded from the 5G USA network and areas of Europe. The body would also have passed American technologies to Iran despite international sanctions.
The Chinese silences and delays on the nature, outbreak and expansion of the epidemic, which has become a pandemic because of them, seem to confirm a strategy. How is it that the mega-cities of Beijing and Shanghai have been victimless? (the-levant.com / May 21/2020)
Trump's trade war on the Chinese began as soon as elected under the slogan: "America first!". The elections of next November therefore condition above all the opponents, Russia and China, who will try to exploit them against the free Republican Trump.
Beijing's attitude is eloquent for refusing Westerns the virus samples and for banning access to the Wuhan laboratory facility(below a shot of research lab).
Many government leaders are using the pandemic and the threat of an autumn return to take on extraordinary powers and crack down on opposition.
The Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano in November already followed the outbreak and expansion of the coronavirus with space travel companions. It means that governments from Beijing to Rome knew and remained silent causing death and poverty in the peoples.
Have Western democracies and the international liberal system failed?
Has the international liberal system failed?
The negligent, if not complicit, WHO example in the infection alert is significant. UN was an effect of World War II, which became third world and anti-capitalist, with a Security Council (USA, China, Russia,U.K., France) now outdated. The climate agreements, most recently Paris, arouse more laughter than commitments. The absence of cooperation in the European Union is evidenced by the isolation and suffering of Italy massacred by the pandemic.
Yesterday the stock exchanges struggled with the weight of the Sino-American tensions and the Covid statistics, which some try to maintain emergency. The unemployed USA in a few weeks have approached 40 million, the economic data are everywhere dramatic or worrying. Japan's export marks -22%. Hopes see a US economic recovery and a vaccine for the virus in the second half.
The Chinese autocratic regime suffers an economic contraction and international isolation, increased by the refusal to accept in the WHO Taiwan, which has effectively rejected the internal epidemic. It is also banning secession and pro democracy protests for Hong Kong. Beijing has lent hundreds of billions of dollars to the gigantic Belt and Road infrastructure; but the depression now undermines its return. The trap is ready. When Sri Lanka lost the ability to repay, Beijing seized its key port. However, it will be impossible to trigger it for all the nations that took the bait in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America. The unimaginable losses will weigh heavily on the internal consensus of the communist regime. The withdrawal of western industries from the dependence of their supplies on the Chinese will then be inexorable. (worldpoliticsreview.com / May 21, 2020)
Transparent and spontaneous 'soft power' contributed to US influence. The CCP's 'hard power' is the opposite, it has poor communication skills, makes it evasive and calculating. (aspistrategist.org.au / May 21/2020)
The Chinese Ministry of State Security- that is intelligence- has written that anti-Chinese sentiment is at its peak, that 'we must prepare for armed confrontation' with the US. It will be an electronic war that will win those who prevented the other from working. (breakingdefense.com / 2020/05)
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Wuhan research lab |
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by Il Manifesto, 2020/4 |
La guerra è cominciata, sembra
4 anni fa Ingo Piepers, studioso olandese, previde una guerra sistemica o mondiale intorno al 2020. Ci siamo! L'attuale blocco dei popoli, mai avvenuto nella storia moderna, è l'inizio.
L'avvocato americano Larry Klayman con il movimento Freedom Watch ha chiesto in marzo un risarcimento di 20 trilioni di dollari a governo cinese, esercito cinese, Wuhan Institute of Virology ove l'arma biologica del virus sarebbe stata preparata contro l'Occidente.
On line si moltiplicano gli incitamenti al boicottaggio delle merci cinesi. Nell'app TikTok ci sarebbero software di spionaggio, analogamente in Huawei, escluso dalla rete 5G USA e zone d'Europa. L'organismo avrebbe anche passato tecnologie americane all'Iran nonostante le sanzioni internazionali.
I silenzi e i ritardi cinesi su natura, scoppio ed espansione dell'epidemia, che per causa loro è divenuta pandemia, sembrano confermare una strategia. Come è possibile che le megalopoli di Pechino e Shanghai siano state prive di vittime? (the-levant.com /May 21 /2020)
La guerra commerciale di Trump ai cinesi iniziò appena eletto sotto lo slogan: "America first!". Le elezioni del prossimo novembre perciò condizionano soprattutto gli avversari, Russia e Cina, che proveranno a sfruttarle contro l'inafferrabile repubblicano Trump.
L'atteggiamento di Pechino è eloquente per avere rifiutato i campioni del virus agli scienziati occidentali e vietato l'accesso alla struttura del laboratorio di Wuhan ( sotto una foto del laboratorio di ricerche a Wuhan).
Molti leader governativi stanno usando la pandemia e la minaccia di un ritorno in autunno per assumere poteri straordinari e reprimere le opposizioni.
L'astronauta italiano Luca Parmitano a novembre già seguiva lo scoppio e l'espansione del coronavirus con i compagni di viaggio nello spazio. Significa che i governi da Pechino a Roma sapevano e hanno taciuto provocando morte e povertà nei popoli.
La democrazia occidentale e il sistema liberale internazionale sono falliti?
L'astronauta italiano Luca Parmitano a novembre già seguiva lo scoppio e l'espansione del coronavirus con i compagni di viaggio nello spazio. Significa che i governi da Pechino a Roma sapevano e hanno taciuto provocando morte e povertà nei popoli.
La democrazia occidentale e il sistema liberale internazionale sono falliti?
L'esempio OMS negligente, se non complice, nell'allarme dell'infezione è significativo. ONU fu un effetto della 2° guerra mondiale, divenuto terzomondista e anti-capitalista, con un Consiglio di Sicurezza (USA, Cina, Russia, R.U., Francia) ormai superato. Gli accordi sul clima, da ultimo Parigi, suscitano più risate che impegni. L'assenza di cooperazione nell'Unione Europea è testimoniata dall'isolamento e dalle sofferenze dell'Italia massacrata dalla pandemia.
Ieri le borse hanno faticato per il peso delle tensioni sino-americane e delle statistiche Covid, che alcuni cercano di mantenere emergenziali. I disoccupati USA in poche settimane si sono avvicinati a 40 milioni, i dati economici sono dappertutto drammatici o preoccupanti. L'export del Giappone segna -22%. Le speranze vedono nel secondo semestre una ripresa economica statunitense e un vaccino per il virus.
Il regime autocratico cinese subisce una contrazione economica ed un isolamento internazionale, aumentato dal rifiuto di accettare nell'OMS Taiwan, che ha efficacemente respinto l'epidemia interna. Sta anche mettendo al bando secessione e proteste pro democrazia di Hong Kong. Pechino ha prestato centinaia di miliardi di dollari per le gigantesche infrastrutture della Belt and Road; ma la depressione adesso ne mina il rientro. La trappola è pronta. Quando lo Sri Lanka ha perso la capacità di rimborsare, Pechino si è impossessata del suo porto chiave. Sarà però impossibile farla scattare per tutte la nazioni che abboccarono in Africa, Asia, Europa, America Latina. Le perdite inimmaginabili peseranno molto sul consenso interno del regime comunista. Inesorabile poi sarà il ritiro delle industrie occidentali dalla dipendenza delle proprie forniture dai cinesi. (worldpoliticsreview.com / May 21, 2020)
Il 'soft power' trasparente e spontaneo ha contribuito all'influenza USA. L' 'hard power' del PCC è l'opposto, ha scarsa capacità comunicativa, lo rende evasivo e calcolatore. (aspistrategist.org.au /May 21/ 2020)
Il Chinese Ministry of State Security, l'intelligence cioè, ha scritto che il sentimento anti-cinese è al culmine, che ci si deve preparare al confronto armato con gli US. Sarà una guerra elettronica che farà vincere chi avrà impedito il funzionamento delle armi all'altro. ( breakingdefense.com /2020/05)
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