Pandemics were known to be likely. After SARS 15 years ago, another corona virus epidemic was expected. Vaccines could have been prepared; but the market preferred something else.
Pharmaceutical companies have taken our fate into their own hands and are responsible only in the face of their commercial competition. They favor body creams which are more profitable. Governments do not intervene.
Parkinson's lasts about 10 years, is a safe and rich entrance for the entire health system, from numerous daily pills to expensive tests with sophisticated machinery, from neurologists to physiotherapists, from hospitalization clinics to specialized gyms, from dieticians to psychologists, from handling equipment to foundations that exploit the pain of relatives.
Polio was won by the Salk vaccine, created by the intervention of the Roosevelt administration, without patents therefore available to everyone.
In October 2019 we already had information about the coronavirus, we could have prevented it. Government simulations also existed; but at the crucial moment political systems have betrayed. In late December, Beijing informed the World Health Organization of the new pneumonia, a few days later its scientists provided identification and sequence information. The virologists of the rest of the world therefore had the elements to take steps.
Some in Asia have done so, such as South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, China itself. Germany to some extent, thanks to its remarkable diagnostic capabilities and its selfishness towards other Europeans, contained the infection. Others, UK, USA have ignored it.
Social isolation already exists. Around a McDonald's table the group of teenagers has two lines of conversation, one very superficial and the other on their more personal mobile phone.
Young people are the most isolated. In some American universities on the sidewalk the plaques have written: '' look up ". Now the isolation is concrete.
The above, except for Parkison's, is taken from the interview of the ninety-year-old American philosopher in isolation Noam Chomsky with Srecko Horvat on Diem 25 TV. ( / 2020/04/06)
Isolation causes fear and then disease. Physical contact leaves an impact on personal well-being, it is therapeutic; but with the Chinese virus it is forbidden. The situation of the patients in the hospital is terrible, they see sterilized protective clothing inside which humans are like robots. A discomfort that can lead to blood pressure and even heart problems. Without an interview, calm, reassuring, human and aware that others are suffering in the same way, isolation leaves signs even after the exit, aggravated by the fear of relapse.
After such violent and total epidemics, divorces, domestic violence and abuse of even minors increase. ( / 2020/04/ 08)
Wuhanvirus: colpe di big pharma e governi, più divorzi
Pharmaceutical companies have taken our fate into their own hands and are responsible only in the face of their commercial competition. They favor body creams which are more profitable. Governments do not intervene.
Parkinson's lasts about 10 years, is a safe and rich entrance for the entire health system, from numerous daily pills to expensive tests with sophisticated machinery, from neurologists to physiotherapists, from hospitalization clinics to specialized gyms, from dieticians to psychologists, from handling equipment to foundations that exploit the pain of relatives.
Polio was won by the Salk vaccine, created by the intervention of the Roosevelt administration, without patents therefore available to everyone.
In October 2019 we already had information about the coronavirus, we could have prevented it. Government simulations also existed; but at the crucial moment political systems have betrayed. In late December, Beijing informed the World Health Organization of the new pneumonia, a few days later its scientists provided identification and sequence information. The virologists of the rest of the world therefore had the elements to take steps.
Some in Asia have done so, such as South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, China itself. Germany to some extent, thanks to its remarkable diagnostic capabilities and its selfishness towards other Europeans, contained the infection. Others, UK, USA have ignored it.
Social isolation already exists. Around a McDonald's table the group of teenagers has two lines of conversation, one very superficial and the other on their more personal mobile phone.
Young people are the most isolated. In some American universities on the sidewalk the plaques have written: '' look up ". Now the isolation is concrete.
The above, except for Parkison's, is taken from the interview of the ninety-year-old American philosopher in isolation Noam Chomsky with Srecko Horvat on Diem 25 TV. ( / 2020/04/06)
Isolation causes fear and then disease. Physical contact leaves an impact on personal well-being, it is therapeutic; but with the Chinese virus it is forbidden. The situation of the patients in the hospital is terrible, they see sterilized protective clothing inside which humans are like robots. A discomfort that can lead to blood pressure and even heart problems. Without an interview, calm, reassuring, human and aware that others are suffering in the same way, isolation leaves signs even after the exit, aggravated by the fear of relapse.
After such violent and total epidemics, divorces, domestic violence and abuse of even minors increase. ( / 2020/04/ 08)
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Si sapeva che le pandemie sono probabili. Dopo SARS 15 anni fa ci si aspettava l'arrivo di un'altra epidemia da virus corona. Si sarebbero potuti predisporre i vaccini; ma il mercato ha preferito altro.
Le società farmaceutiche hanno preso nelle loro mani il nostro destino e sono responsabili solo di fronte alla loro competizione commerciale. Privilegiano le creme per il corpo, più redditizie e i governi non intervengono.
Il Parkinson dura ca 10 anni, costituisce un'entrata sicura e ricca per l'intero sistema sanitario, dalle numerose pillole quotidiane agli esami costosi con macchinari sofisticati, dai neurologi ai fisioterapisti, dalle cliniche di degenza alle palestre specializzate, dai dietologi agli psicologi, dalle attrezzature di movimentazione alle fondazioni che sfruttano il dolore dei parenti.
La poliomielite fu vinta dal vaccino Salk, nato per l'intervento dell'amministrazione Roosevelt, senza brevetti perciò disponibile per tutti.
Nell'ottobre 2019 si avevano già le informazioni sul coronavirus, avremmo potuto prevenire. Esistevano anche simulazioni governative; ma nel momento cruciale i sistemi politici hanno tradito. A fine dicembre Pechino informava l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità della nuova polmonite, pochi giorni dopo i suoi scienziati fornivano le informazioni di identificazione e sequenza. I virologi del resto del mondo avevano dunque gli elementi per attivarsi.
Alcuni in Asia l'hanno fatto, come Corea del Sud, Taiwan, Singapore, Cina stessa. La Germania in qualche misura, grazie alle notevoli capacità diagnostiche ed al suo egoismo verso gli altri europei, ha contenuto l'infezione. Altri, Regno Unito, USA hanno ignorato.
L'isolamento sociale esiste già. Attorno a un tavolo McDonald's il gruppo di adolescenti ha due linee di conversazione, una diretta molto superficiale e l'altra sul proprio cellulare più personale.
I giovani sono i più isolati. In certe Università americane sul marciapiede le targhe hanno scritto: ''guarda in alto". Ora l'isolamento è concreto .
Quanto sopra, tranne il Parkison, è tratto dal colloquio del filosofo americano novantenne in isolamento Noam Chomsky con Srecko Horvat su Diem 25 TV. ( /2020/04/ 06)
L'isolamento provoca paura e poi malattie. Il contatto fisico lascia un impatto sul benessere personale, è terapeutico; ma con il virus cinese è vietato. La situazione dei pazienti in ospedale è terribile, vedono indumenti protettivi sterilizzati dentro cui stanno esseri umani come robot. Un disagio che può portare pressione sanguigna e persino problemi cardiaci. Senza colloquio, calmo, rassicurante, umano e consapevolezza che altri stanno soffrendo allo stesso modo, l'isolamento lascia segni pure dopo l'uscita, aggravati dal timore di ricaduta.
Dopo epidemie così violente e totali aumentano divorzi, violenze domestiche, abusi persino sui minori. ( /2020/04/ 08)
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