Social depression grows and so does psychedelics which are hallucinogens, until recently accompanied by frightening stories like: people who jumped out of the window having abused it.
Today they are being rediscovered. And cannabis steps back.
After two years of unnecessary sessions, the 41-year-old asks the therapist if psychedelic stuff could defeat his anxiety. She aswers that cannot know, they are in New York where it's forbidden, maybe next year will be allowed.
There are those who try ketamine infusions, legal. Those who take ayahuasca and- as a girl said- ends up seeing the father who abuses her. Disappointments are frequent, doctors are unprepared, and integration therapy is expensive.
At 46, after eight years of severe depression, of therapy, of antidepressants, of transcranial stimulation, Shelly Sacks makes 11 ketamine infusions for 2 years, the last one in June. In the end, she is desperate and decides to go to an expert in psychedelics. ( / Mar 2/2020)
It all started two years ago.
The US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) authorized psilocybin for the treatment of depression, hitherto prohibited. The same decriminalization by many cities of the nation followed and it continues.
Cannabis is allowed for two serious forms of childhood epilepsy.
Last year, the FDA also approved ketamine, a hallucinogenic drug, for treatment-resistant depression.
Western medicine activates, approaches and attracts the attention of investors.
Competition in the hallucinogenic sector will be less rampant than what has happened with cannabis, due to scientific, regulatory and logistical barriers, such as the mandatory supervision of a health care professional or the mandatory methods of administration. The protection of property rights will be greater than that of cannabis, which now renders industry revenues stationary, even if liberalization for recreational purposes is booming.
Several IPOs (Initial Public Offering) are expected. Someone has already offered 1,000% to investors who are buyers of the IPO.
The purchase of psychedelic medicine stocks will be at risk; but the sales potential will seem infinite. It could exceed $ 5 billion a year. ( / Feb 29/2020)
Psychedelic therapy carries serious risks of sexual abuse, since the person being treated is very vulnerable. MDMA, dubbed the drug of love, causes sexual arousal and emotional intimacy. Trust and love are established between therapist and patient. In the clinics, therefore, the sessions are conducted by a man and a woman.
In the Amazon the ayahuasca retreats are full of accusations of rape and sexual violence by shamans. ( / Mar 3/2020)
Today they are being rediscovered. And cannabis steps back.
After two years of unnecessary sessions, the 41-year-old asks the therapist if psychedelic stuff could defeat his anxiety. She aswers that cannot know, they are in New York where it's forbidden, maybe next year will be allowed.
There are those who try ketamine infusions, legal. Those who take ayahuasca and- as a girl said- ends up seeing the father who abuses her. Disappointments are frequent, doctors are unprepared, and integration therapy is expensive.
At 46, after eight years of severe depression, of therapy, of antidepressants, of transcranial stimulation, Shelly Sacks makes 11 ketamine infusions for 2 years, the last one in June. In the end, she is desperate and decides to go to an expert in psychedelics. ( / Mar 2/2020)
It all started two years ago.
The US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) authorized psilocybin for the treatment of depression, hitherto prohibited. The same decriminalization by many cities of the nation followed and it continues.
Cannabis is allowed for two serious forms of childhood epilepsy.
Last year, the FDA also approved ketamine, a hallucinogenic drug, for treatment-resistant depression.
Western medicine activates, approaches and attracts the attention of investors.
Competition in the hallucinogenic sector will be less rampant than what has happened with cannabis, due to scientific, regulatory and logistical barriers, such as the mandatory supervision of a health care professional or the mandatory methods of administration. The protection of property rights will be greater than that of cannabis, which now renders industry revenues stationary, even if liberalization for recreational purposes is booming.
Several IPOs (Initial Public Offering) are expected. Someone has already offered 1,000% to investors who are buyers of the IPO.
The purchase of psychedelic medicine stocks will be at risk; but the sales potential will seem infinite. It could exceed $ 5 billion a year. ( / Feb 29/2020)
Psychedelic therapy carries serious risks of sexual abuse, since the person being treated is very vulnerable. MDMA, dubbed the drug of love, causes sexual arousal and emotional intimacy. Trust and love are established between therapist and patient. In the clinics, therefore, the sessions are conducted by a man and a woman.
In the Amazon the ayahuasca retreats are full of accusations of rape and sexual violence by shamans. ( / Mar 3/2020)
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La miniera d'oro delle sostanze psichedeliche
Depressione sociale cresce e così le sostanze psichedeliche. Allucinogeni, fino a poco tempo fa accompagnati da storie spaventose: persone che si buttavano giù dalla finestra avendone abusato.
Oggi vengono riscoperte. E cannabis indietreggia.
Dopo due anni di inutili sedute il 41enne chiede alla terapista se la roba psichedelica potrebbe sconfiggere la sua ansia. Lei non sa, sono a New York dove è proibita, forse l'anno prossimo.
Chi prova le infusioni di ketamina, legali. Chi l'ayahuasca e finisce per vedere il padre che l'abusa. Le delusioni sono frequenti, i medici sono impreparati e la terapia di integrazione è costosa.
A 46 anni, dopo una grave depressione di otto anni, terapie, antidepressivi, stimolazione transcranica, Shelly Sacks fa 11 infusioni di ketamina per 2 anni, l'ultima a giugno. Alla fine, disperata, va da un esperto in psichedelici. ( / Mar 2/ 2020)
Tutto cominciò due ani fa.
La statunitense FDA (Food and Drug Administration) autorizzò la psilocibina per la cura della depressione, sino ad allora proibita. Seguì medesima depenalizzazione da parte di moltissime città della nazione e continua.
La cannabis è ammessa per due gravi forme di epilessia infantile.
L'anno scorso FDA approva pure la ketamina, droga allucinogena, per la depressione resistente ai trattamenti.
La medicina occidentale si attiva, si avvicina e attira l'attenzione degli investitori.
La concorrenza nel settore allucinogeno sarà meno sfrenata di quanto successo con la cannabis, a causa delle barriere scientifiche, normative e logistiche, come la supervisione obbligatoria di un sanitario oppure le inderogabili modalità di somministrazione. La tutela del diritto di proprietà risulterà maggiore di quella della cannabis, che ormai rende stazionarie le entrate dell'industria, anche se la liberalizzazione per scopi ricreativi ne prospetta un boom.
Si prevedono parecchie IPO (Initial Public Offering). Qualcuno ha già offerto il 1.000% agli investitori acquirenti dell'IPO.
L'acquisto di scorte di medicine psichedeliche sarà a rischio; ma il potenziale di vendita sembrerà infinito. Potrebbe superare i 5 miliardi di dollari anno. ( /Feb 29/ 2020)
La terapia psichedelica comporta rischi seri di abuso sessuale, poiché la persona in cura è molto vulnerabile. L'MDMA, soprannominato droga dell'amore, causa eccitazione sessuale ed intimità emotiva. Tra terapeuta e paziente si instaura fiducia e amore. Nelle cliniche pertanto le sedute vengono condotte da un uomo e una donna.
In Amazzonia i ritiri ayahuasca sono pieni di accuse di stupro e violenza sessuale da parte degli sciamani. ( /Mar 3/ 2020)
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