Social distancing affects Democrats struggling for nomination, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. The former is at a distinct disadvantage, the second must reach the 1991 delegates for victory. The campaign is expected to continue through April and Sanders has not yet given up. The health of many people is at stake, however. ( / Mar 18,2020)
The marijuana business obviously hopes for a 'democratic' at the White House.
Unlike Canada, which has legalized, America has hundreds of thousands of consumers who run the risk of being left without it, if its distribution is closed. The result? They would turn to the illicit market. The ban was enacted in San Francisco but there are permissive states, such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, Massachusetts, Colorado, Washington. Puerto Rico can be added.
In the Netherlands it is free while in USA the collections of signatures for its legalization are underway, which have now become impossible due to social distancing. The promoters asked for the online. ( / Mar 17/2020)
Only the terminally ill will be allowed in Mississippi, which has sparked protests from blacks, who are the majority and democratic voters. Virginia has just decriminalized it with a bipartisan act.
The stock market shares of the sector have fallen by more than 30%. See Canopy Growth and Curaleaf Holdings. The epidemic eroded them further, the profit was already low. The Chinese crisis will deal another blow, because items related to vaping, from vaporizers to the rest made in China, have failed. Moreover, consumers will reduce their purchase for the recession, although the therapeutic one, which constitutes the bulk, is not a luxury. ( / 2020/03/11)
Unfortunately,the free choice is decreasing in all areas.
The risk that bureaucracies take advantage of it grows and worries those who love freedom.
Governments are planning monitoring and surveillance technologies, which invade privacy: geo-location tracking to monitor individual movements through mobile phones (in Lombardy, Italy, something like this happens, as in Korea and other places), facial recognition for analyze the photos and determine who might have come into contact with virus positive subjects. ( / 2020/03/18)
Anyway, it is worth being rich during a pandemic.
A medical student, Shoa L. Clarke, noticed a patient with a red blanket on the bed. He did not pause, some time later he understood. "It was a sign of status- he wrote in the New York Times- in favor of CEOs, celebrities, friends of management." He is now a professor of cardiology and confirms the discrimination, according to which hospitals try to recruit patients who are well guaranteed by their personal insurance. In the country, members of Congress enjoy a fast lane to go immediately to high-level care places. ( / 2020/03/15)
In countries where health care is the responsibility of the State - which is a fiction, because the money comes from taxes paid by citizens- what happens? The same privilege for the elite, unworthy what!
LVMH, which produces a great deal in Italy (not just Fendi), will manufacture hand sanitizers, such as hydro-alcoholic gels, which it will give to the French authorities to make up for national shortages. ( Mar 17/2020) Turnover, profits, products, services of this multinational derive to a greater extent from abroad, in the front row the Italians, who supply its fashion/luxury items and are fatally affected by the Whuan virus, also they run out of equipments. It's an unpleasant, ungrateful, obtuse and cynical chauvinism!
The marijuana business obviously hopes for a 'democratic' at the White House.
Unlike Canada, which has legalized, America has hundreds of thousands of consumers who run the risk of being left without it, if its distribution is closed. The result? They would turn to the illicit market. The ban was enacted in San Francisco but there are permissive states, such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, Massachusetts, Colorado, Washington. Puerto Rico can be added.
In the Netherlands it is free while in USA the collections of signatures for its legalization are underway, which have now become impossible due to social distancing. The promoters asked for the online. ( / Mar 17/2020)
Only the terminally ill will be allowed in Mississippi, which has sparked protests from blacks, who are the majority and democratic voters. Virginia has just decriminalized it with a bipartisan act.
The stock market shares of the sector have fallen by more than 30%. See Canopy Growth and Curaleaf Holdings. The epidemic eroded them further, the profit was already low. The Chinese crisis will deal another blow, because items related to vaping, from vaporizers to the rest made in China, have failed. Moreover, consumers will reduce their purchase for the recession, although the therapeutic one, which constitutes the bulk, is not a luxury. ( / 2020/03/11)
Unfortunately,the free choice is decreasing in all areas.
The risk that bureaucracies take advantage of it grows and worries those who love freedom.
Governments are planning monitoring and surveillance technologies, which invade privacy: geo-location tracking to monitor individual movements through mobile phones (in Lombardy, Italy, something like this happens, as in Korea and other places), facial recognition for analyze the photos and determine who might have come into contact with virus positive subjects. ( / 2020/03/18)
Anyway, it is worth being rich during a pandemic.
A medical student, Shoa L. Clarke, noticed a patient with a red blanket on the bed. He did not pause, some time later he understood. "It was a sign of status- he wrote in the New York Times- in favor of CEOs, celebrities, friends of management." He is now a professor of cardiology and confirms the discrimination, according to which hospitals try to recruit patients who are well guaranteed by their personal insurance. In the country, members of Congress enjoy a fast lane to go immediately to high-level care places. ( / 2020/03/15)
In countries where health care is the responsibility of the State - which is a fiction, because the money comes from taxes paid by citizens- what happens? The same privilege for the elite, unworthy what!
LVMH, which produces a great deal in Italy (not just Fendi), will manufacture hand sanitizers, such as hydro-alcoholic gels, which it will give to the French authorities to make up for national shortages. ( Mar 17/2020) Turnover, profits, products, services of this multinational derive to a greater extent from abroad, in the front row the Italians, who supply its fashion/luxury items and are fatally affected by the Whuan virus, also they run out of equipments. It's an unpleasant, ungrateful, obtuse and cynical chauvinism!
Primarie, marijuana, tracciamento e ricchi durante la pandemia
Il distanziamento sociale colpisce i democratici in lotta per la nomination, Bernie Sanders e Joe Biden; ma il primo è in netto svantaggio. Il secondo deve raggiungere i 1991 delegati per la vittoria. La campagna dovrebbe continuare fino a tutto aprile e Sanders non si è ancora arreso. La salute di molta gente è in gioco, però. ( /Mar 18,2020)
Il business della marijuana spera ovviamente in un prossimo 'democratico' alla Casa Bianca. L'America, a differenza del Canada che ha legalizzato, ha centinaia di migliaia di consumatori che rischiano di restare senza, se venisse chiusa la distribuzione. Risultato: si rivolgerebbero al mercato nero. Il divieto totale è stato decretato a San Francisco. Ci sono Stati permissivi, come Pennsylvania, Michigan, Massachusetts, Colorado, Washington. Vi si può aggiungere Porto Rico. Nei Paesi Bassi è libera. Sono in corso negli USA raccolte di firme per la sua legalizzazione, ora diventate impossibili a causa del social distancing. I promotori hanno chiesto l'on line. ( /Mar 17/ 2020)
Nel Mississippi verrà consentita unicamente ai malati terminali, cosa che ha suscitato le proteste dei neri, che sono maggioranza nonché elettori democratici. La Virginia l'ha appena depenalizzata con atto bipartisan.
Nel Mississippi verrà consentita unicamente ai malati terminali, cosa che ha suscitato le proteste dei neri, che sono maggioranza nonché elettori democratici. La Virginia l'ha appena depenalizzata con atto bipartisan.
Le azioni del settore sono crollate di oltre il 30%, vedi Canopy Growth e Curaleaf Holdings. L'epidemia le ha erose ulteriormente, il profitto era già basso. La crisi cinese assesterà un altro colpo, perché sono venuti a mancare gli articoli, fatti in Cina, legati allo svapo, dai vaporizzatori al resto. I consumatori ne ridurranno comunque l'acquisto trovandosi in recessione, seppure quella terapeutica, che ne costituisce il grosso, non sia un lusso. ( / 2020/ 03/ 11)
La libera scelta purtroppo si sta riducendo in tutti i campi.
Il rischio che le burocrazie ne approfittino cresce e preoccupa chi ama la libertà.
I governi stanno programmando tecnologie di monitoraggio e di sorveglianza, che invadono la privacy: tracciamento della geo-localizzazione per monitorare gli spostamenti individuali attraverso i cellulari ( in Lombardia, Italia, qualcosa del genere avviene, come in Corea e altrove), riconoscimenti facciali per analizzare le foto e determinare chi potrebbe essere entrato a contatto con soggetti positivi al virus. ( /2020 /03/ 18)
Ad ogni modo, vale la pena essere ricchi durante una pandemia.
Uno studente di medicina, Shoa L.Clarke, notò un paziente con una coperta rossa sul letto. Non si soffermò, qualche tempo dopo capì. "Era un segnale di status- scrisse sul New York Times- a favore di amministratori delegati, celebrità, amici del management ". Adesso è professore di cardiologia e conferma le discriminazioni, in base alle quali gli ospedali cercano di reclutare ammalati ben garantiti dall'assicurazione personale. Nel Paese i membri del Congresso godono di una corsia preferenziale per andare subito nei posti di cura ad alto livello. ( / 2020/ 03/ 15)
Nelle nazioni ove la sanità è a carico dello Stato- una finzione, poiché i soldi provengono dalla tasse pagate dai cittadini- cosa succede? La stessa preferenza per l'elite, indegna cosa!
LVMH, che produce moltissimo in Italia ( non solo Fendi), fabbricherà disinfettanti per le mani, quali i gel idro-alcoolici, che regalerà alle autorità francesi per supplire alle carenze nazionali. ( Mar 17/ 2020) Fatturato, utili, prodotti, servizi della multinazionale derivano in maggiore misura dall'estero, in prima fila gli italiani, fornitori della sua moda/ lusso, mortalmente colpiti dal Whuan virus, anch'essi a corto di attrezzature. E' uno sgradevole, ingrato, ottuso e cinico sciovinismo!
Nelle nazioni ove la sanità è a carico dello Stato- una finzione, poiché i soldi provengono dalla tasse pagate dai cittadini- cosa succede? La stessa preferenza per l'elite, indegna cosa!
LVMH, che produce moltissimo in Italia ( non solo Fendi), fabbricherà disinfettanti per le mani, quali i gel idro-alcoolici, che regalerà alle autorità francesi per supplire alle carenze nazionali. ( Mar 17/ 2020) Fatturato, utili, prodotti, servizi della multinazionale derivano in maggiore misura dall'estero, in prima fila gli italiani, fornitori della sua moda/ lusso, mortalmente colpiti dal Whuan virus, anch'essi a corto di attrezzature. E' uno sgradevole, ingrato, ottuso e cinico sciovinismo!
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