Words, promises and more words and promises.
British luxury will sell sustainable items for £ 65 billion within five years, thus meeting half of the youth demand (millennial, Gen Z). It is a hypothesis, based on McKinsey & Company research, by Walpole, U.K. luxury association, which among the 250 partners has Harrods, Burberry, Mulberry.
The fashion industry is known to be the second largest consumer of water and emits 8-10% of the world's carbon emissions.
In the decade that has just begun, the shortage of water will constitute one of the greatest risks for humanity. Today, already half a billion people suffer from severe water shortages.
The industrial sectors that absorb the most water are, in order of withdrawal: tannery, paper, textile.
Walpole will ask members to use reusable or recyclable plastic packaging, reduce water consumption by 30%, trace the supply chain within 10 years. (standard.co.uk / Jan 14, 2020)
The members will answer aloud: <Yes, of course!> And .. everything will remain as before.
Here is the example of the leather. Indians and Italians stand out. Able to decrease a water consumption by a third? Impossible, it's a joke. Also because the French luxury brands would be their silent allies, having monstrously enriched themselves with animal hides. However, they are looking for substitute materials not from the animal world, which could guarantee the same gains. Stella McCartney is the forerunner.
The tanning of the coat and animal fur is prehistoric, only science could save it from extinction.
The countries active in scientific research (by number of publications) are: China (21% of the total), USA (17%), India (5%), Germany (4%), Japan (4%), Russia (3%), Italy (3%).
New Delhi clearly surpasses Rome, easy to imagine who would go extinct first.
The economy moves from the multilateral model to the bilateral relationships, setting aside the rules applied so far in international trade.
Beijing turns into 'managed-by-China' from the previous 'made in China' status.
The retail trade will recover a healthy existence only with the technology.
Industrial fashion will remain nailed to less expensive and less recognizable procurement.
Sustainability will be the ten-year must, told and declaimed at every microphone .. then in fact .. it will become impalpable.
We will have greater protectionism and uncertainty, stop investment. 2020 will be slower and less expansive for the USA, China, Japan, U.E.
The price will win on the status symbol, so the real environmental costs will remain much lower than the marketing pledges.
The technological gadgets will continue to subtract quotas from clothing. Such sector is an area with an excess of shops and production, a lack of progress and speed.
Commercial tensions will remove further brilliance. Remember that spending on clothes for people under 35 has been falling for 10 years due to falling wages. (just-style.com / Jan 14, 2020)
Moda giù come cascata d'acque
British luxury will sell sustainable items for £ 65 billion within five years, thus meeting half of the youth demand (millennial, Gen Z). It is a hypothesis, based on McKinsey & Company research, by Walpole, U.K. luxury association, which among the 250 partners has Harrods, Burberry, Mulberry.
The fashion industry is known to be the second largest consumer of water and emits 8-10% of the world's carbon emissions.
In the decade that has just begun, the shortage of water will constitute one of the greatest risks for humanity. Today, already half a billion people suffer from severe water shortages.
The industrial sectors that absorb the most water are, in order of withdrawal: tannery, paper, textile.
Walpole will ask members to use reusable or recyclable plastic packaging, reduce water consumption by 30%, trace the supply chain within 10 years. (standard.co.uk / Jan 14, 2020)
The members will answer aloud: <Yes, of course!> And .. everything will remain as before.
Here is the example of the leather. Indians and Italians stand out. Able to decrease a water consumption by a third? Impossible, it's a joke. Also because the French luxury brands would be their silent allies, having monstrously enriched themselves with animal hides. However, they are looking for substitute materials not from the animal world, which could guarantee the same gains. Stella McCartney is the forerunner.
The tanning of the coat and animal fur is prehistoric, only science could save it from extinction.
The countries active in scientific research (by number of publications) are: China (21% of the total), USA (17%), India (5%), Germany (4%), Japan (4%), Russia (3%), Italy (3%).
New Delhi clearly surpasses Rome, easy to imagine who would go extinct first.
The economy moves from the multilateral model to the bilateral relationships, setting aside the rules applied so far in international trade.
Beijing turns into 'managed-by-China' from the previous 'made in China' status.
The retail trade will recover a healthy existence only with the technology.
Industrial fashion will remain nailed to less expensive and less recognizable procurement.
Sustainability will be the ten-year must, told and declaimed at every microphone .. then in fact .. it will become impalpable.
We will have greater protectionism and uncertainty, stop investment. 2020 will be slower and less expansive for the USA, China, Japan, U.E.
The price will win on the status symbol, so the real environmental costs will remain much lower than the marketing pledges.
The technological gadgets will continue to subtract quotas from clothing. Such sector is an area with an excess of shops and production, a lack of progress and speed.
Commercial tensions will remove further brilliance. Remember that spending on clothes for people under 35 has been falling for 10 years due to falling wages. (just-style.com / Jan 14, 2020)
2020 will be worse than 2019 and ... quick as a cascade of waters.
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'Capelli di Venere'(Venere hair), cascata del rio(streamlet waterfall) Bussentino Spartano,Casaletto,Salerno.(italianways.com) |
Parole, promesse e ancora parole e promesse.
Il lusso britannico venderà articoli sostenibili per 65 miliardi di sterline entro cinque anni, così soddisfacendo metà della domanda giovanile (millennial, Gen Z). E' un'ipotesi, basata su ricerca McKinsey&Company, di Walpole, associazione del lusso U.K., che tra i 250 soci ha Harrods, Burberry, Mulberry.
Si sa che l'industria della moda è il secondo consumatore di acqua ed emette l'8\10% di carbon emission mondiali.
Nel decennio appena iniziato la carenza d'acqua costituirà uno dei più grossi rischi per l'umanità. Oggi, già mezzo miliardo di persone subisce gravi mancanze di acqua.
I settori industriali che assorbono più acqua sono, in ordine di prelievo: conceria, carta, tessile.
Walpole chiederà agli iscritti di usare imballaggi di plastica riutilizzabili o riciclabili, ridurre il consumo idrico del 30%, tracciare la catena dell'approvvigionamento entro 10 anni. (standard.co.uk /Jan 14, 2020)
Gli associati risponderanno ad alta voce: <Si, certo!> e.. tutto resterà come prima.
Ecco l'esempio della pelle. Vi primeggiano indiani e italiani. Capaci di tagliare l'impiego d'acqua di 1\3? Impossibile, è una barzelletta. Anche perché avrebbero alleati silenziosi i brand francesi del lusso, che con la pelle animale si sono mostruosamente arricchiti. Per poco però, stanno cercando materiali sostitutivi estranei al mondo animale, in grado di garantire gli stessi guadagni. Stella McCartney è l'antesignana.
La concia del manto e del pelo animale è preistorica, solo la scienza potrebbe salvarla dall'estinzione.
La concia del manto e del pelo animale è preistorica, solo la scienza potrebbe salvarla dall'estinzione.
I Paesi attivi nella ricerca scientifica ( n.ro di pubblicazioni) sono: Cina (21% del totale), USA (17%), India (5%), Germania (4%), Giappone (4%), Russia (3%), Italia (3%). New Delhi supera Roma nettamente, facile immaginare chi si estinguerebbe prima.
L'economia passa dal modello multilaterale al rapporto bilaterale, accantonando le regole finora applicate nei commerci internazionale.
Pechino si trasforma in 'managed-by-China' dal precedente status di 'made in China'.
Il dettaglio recupererà un'esistenza sana unicamente con la tecnologia.
La moda industriale resterà inchiodata all'approvvigionamento meno costoso e meno palese.
La sostenibilità sarà il must decennale, raccontato e declamato a ogni microfono..poi nei fatti..diverrà impalpabile.
Avremo maggiore protezionismo e incertezza, stop agli investimenti. Il 2020 sarà più lento e meno espansivo per USA, Cina, Giappone, U.E.
Il prezzo vincerà sullo status symbol, per cui i costi ambientali reali resteranno ampiamente inferiori alle assicurazioni del marketing.
I gadget tecnologici continueranno a sottrarre quote all'abbigliamento, che è area con eccesso di negozi e di produzione, scarsezza di progresso e di velocità.
Le tensioni commerciali toglieranno ulteriore brillantezza. Ricordiamoci che la spesa per vestiti dei minori di 35 anni si riduce da 10 anni a causa della caduta dei salari. (just-style.com /Jan 14, 2020)
Il 2020 sarà peggio del 2019 e..ripido come cascata di acque.
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