In the past they licked its back for a long time to be able to absorb the hallucinogenic substance. It was used by the Mexican shamans, who then learned to obtain and smoke a glandular powder extract from the toad, a toxin released in a dangerous situation.
It lives in the Sonoran desert between Arizona, California, northwestern Mexico. It is a rare amphibian, the Bufo Alvarius, from which the powerful psychedelic 5-MeO-DMT is derived.
Its effects occur in 5 minutes and last 30-90 minutes, the intake can take place with inhalation of the vapors, including the electronic cigarette. In the following weeks, approx. four, you experience a feeling of rebirth, intense and almost mystical, continuous visions of vivid colors in grandiose movement, hallucinations, emotions, euphoria, mastery of oneself. One remains immobile, sometimes in the following days there is nausea or confusion.
It is generally enjoyed at special meetings, which cost $ 200-500 per person.
It is forbidden.
After the experience, a sort of hypnotic condition infuses intimate spirituality, triggering even behavioral and positive changes, such as overcoming old traumas, especially sexual ones, and negative moods.
However, several researchers believe it can quickly cure anxiety and depression under medical supervision. They do not recommend exclusively exciting, recreational or vicious use. ( / October 11, 2019)
The great boxing champion Mike Tyson smoked 5-MeO-DMT, it seems he felt more serene and open after the sessions.
Wealthy New Yorkers look for it and take it without restraint, replenishing it with foreign shamans, preferably Mexicans, who assist in the intake. They gather at home, the leader reads a writing about love and puts the pipe on everyone's lips. Who cries, who is agitated, who dances, who sings, who has sex apart. The majority declares oneself relieved in spirit, light, ready to change life.
The boundary between a drug dealer and a spiritual healer is vague for every shaman.
( / 2019/09/28)
This Colorado river toad measures almost 7 inches (18 cm) and the glands in its skin exude the hallucinogenic toxin, which attracts the bourgeoisie of the Big Apple.
Animalists so far silent: PETA, Animalist Movement, ASPCA, ALB, WWF, ICF, WCS, IUNC and others. They are about to move against cruelty, just as they do for bovine, ovine and similar skin, torn from slaughtered carcasses, then tanned, due to the quality of the mantle (reptiles, baby calves etc.) and not to the meat. The luxury is the destination to rich and less young people. Here we find an epidermis detached from specially suppressed amphibians to produce psychedelic drugs in favor of humans with money.
Activist attacks will be easy.
Leccavano la schiena ma ora a New York...
It lives in the Sonoran desert between Arizona, California, northwestern Mexico. It is a rare amphibian, the Bufo Alvarius, from which the powerful psychedelic 5-MeO-DMT is derived.
Its effects occur in 5 minutes and last 30-90 minutes, the intake can take place with inhalation of the vapors, including the electronic cigarette. In the following weeks, approx. four, you experience a feeling of rebirth, intense and almost mystical, continuous visions of vivid colors in grandiose movement, hallucinations, emotions, euphoria, mastery of oneself. One remains immobile, sometimes in the following days there is nausea or confusion.
It is generally enjoyed at special meetings, which cost $ 200-500 per person.
It is forbidden.
After the experience, a sort of hypnotic condition infuses intimate spirituality, triggering even behavioral and positive changes, such as overcoming old traumas, especially sexual ones, and negative moods.
However, several researchers believe it can quickly cure anxiety and depression under medical supervision. They do not recommend exclusively exciting, recreational or vicious use. ( / October 11, 2019)
The great boxing champion Mike Tyson smoked 5-MeO-DMT, it seems he felt more serene and open after the sessions.
Wealthy New Yorkers look for it and take it without restraint, replenishing it with foreign shamans, preferably Mexicans, who assist in the intake. They gather at home, the leader reads a writing about love and puts the pipe on everyone's lips. Who cries, who is agitated, who dances, who sings, who has sex apart. The majority declares oneself relieved in spirit, light, ready to change life.
The boundary between a drug dealer and a spiritual healer is vague for every shaman.
( / 2019/09/28)
This Colorado river toad measures almost 7 inches (18 cm) and the glands in its skin exude the hallucinogenic toxin, which attracts the bourgeoisie of the Big Apple.
Animalists so far silent: PETA, Animalist Movement, ASPCA, ALB, WWF, ICF, WCS, IUNC and others. They are about to move against cruelty, just as they do for bovine, ovine and similar skin, torn from slaughtered carcasses, then tanned, due to the quality of the mantle (reptiles, baby calves etc.) and not to the meat. The luxury is the destination to rich and less young people. Here we find an epidermis detached from specially suppressed amphibians to produce psychedelic drugs in favor of humans with money.
Activist attacks will be easy.
Leccavano la schiena ma ora a New York...
In passato si leccava a lungo la sua schiena per riuscire ad assorbirne la sostanza allucinogena. Serviva agli sciamani messicani, che poi impararono ad ottenere e fumare una polvere dell'estratto ghiandolare del rospo, una tossina emessa in situazione di pericolo. Vive nel deserto di Sonora tra Arizona, California, Messico nordoccidentale. E' un anfibio raro, il Bufo Alvarius, da cui si ricava il 5-MeO-DMT, potente psichedelico.
I suoi effetti si manifestano in 5 minuti e durano 30-90 minuti, l'assunzione può avvenire con inalazione dei vapori, inclusa la sigaretta elettronica. Nelle settimane successive, ca. quattro, si prova una sensazione di rinascita, intensa e quasi mistica, continue visioni di colori vivaci in grandioso movimento, allucinazioni, emozioni, euforia, padronanza di se stessi o se stesse. Si rimane immobili, qualche volta nei giorni seguenti c'è nausea o confusione.
Lo si gusta generalmente in feste speciali, che costano 200-500 dollari a testa.
E' vietato.
Dopo l'esperienza una sorta di condizione ipnotica infonde spiritualità intima, innescando persino cambiamenti comportamentali e positivi, quali il superamento di vecchi traumi, specialmente sessuali, e di stati d'animo negativi.
Diversi ricercatori ritengono che possa curare rapidamente ansia e depressione, sotto controllo medico però. Ne sconsigliano l'uso esclusivamente eccitante, ricreativo, vizioso. ( /October 11, 2019)
Il grande campione di boxe Mike Tyson ha fumato il 5-MeO-DMT, pare che si sentisse dopo le sedute più sereno e aperto.
I newyorkesi benestanti la cercano e la prendono senza freni, rifornendosi da sciamani stranieri, preferibilmente messicani, che danno assistenza nella somministrazione. Si raccolgono in casa, il leader legge uno scritto sull'amore e mette la pipa sulle labbra di ognuno. Chi piange, chi si agita, chi balla, chi canta, chi fa sesso in disparte. La maggioranza si dichiara sollevata nell'animo, leggera, pronta a modificare la propria vita.
Il confine tra spacciatore e guaritore spirituale è per ogni sciamano labile. ( /2019/09/28)
Questo rospo del fiume Colorado misura quasi 7 pollici (18 cm) e le ghiandole della sua pelle essudano la tossina allucinogena, che attrae la borghesia della Grande Mela.
Animalisti finora zitti: PETA, Animalist Movement, ASPCA, ALB, WWF, ICF, WCS, IUNC ed altri. Stanno per muoversi contro la crudeltà, al pari di quanto fanno per la pelle bovina, ovina e simili, strappata dalle carcasse macellate e conciata per il pregio del manto (rettili, vitellini baby etc.) e non per la carne, con destinazione lusso della gente ricca e meno giovane. Qui ci si trova un'epidermide staccata da anfibi, appositamente soppressi, per produrre droga psichedelica a favore degli umani con soldi.
Gli attacchi degli attivisti saranno facili.
Gli attacchi degli attivisti saranno facili.
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