The mental health of a pregnant woman influences the unborn child. Stress, depression and anxiety can shape the developing brain. This was stated by a recent review of the Annual Review of Clinical Psychology.
The foetus of anxious pregnant women increases his heart rate or undergo an excess of cortisol in the placenta, which promotes anxiety or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). In addition, his immune system may be weakened or may develop a risk of schizophrenia.
All this happens more frequently in the pregnancies of those who, living in poverty, have double levels of stress and depression. ( / 2019/09/30)
Anxiety disorder affects one in five adults.
- personal control difficulties
-with three of the following symptoms and in the absence of drugs: restlessness, fatigue and muscle tension, irritability, difficulty concentrating, disturbed sleep, significant distress or decreased functioning at home or at work.
Then there is social anxiety disorder, as long as it has been present for at least six months: talking to strangers, having dinner in a group, performing in public. Special phobias are the fear of flying, of being in high places, of being in an open space (agoraphobia).
In children under the age of five, selective mutism, at school and not at home, is associated with shyness and detachment from neighbor and reality. Prolongable until adulthood, it would derive from abuse, abandonment, lack of assistance. ( / Oct 13, 2019)
- Under the sea, Beyond the sea, Children of the sea, Sea of sorrow
Not even singing them in the shower! .. or a frozen shower to face everyday reality
La salute mentale di una donna incinta influenza il nascituro. Stress, depressione, ansia ne possono modellare il cervello in fase di sviluppo. Lo afferma una recente recensione dell'Annual Review of Clinical Psychology.
I feti delle gestanti ansiose aumentano la propria frequenza cardiaca o subiscono un eccesso di cortisolo nella placenta, che favorisce ansia o ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Inoltre, può indebolirsi il suo sistema immunitario o acquisire un rischio di schizofrenia.
Tutto ciò accade più frequentemente nelle gravidanze di chi, vivendo in povertà, ha livelli di stress e depressione doppi. ( /2019/09/30)
The foetus of anxious pregnant women increases his heart rate or undergo an excess of cortisol in the placenta, which promotes anxiety or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). In addition, his immune system may be weakened or may develop a risk of schizophrenia.
All this happens more frequently in the pregnancies of those who, living in poverty, have double levels of stress and depression. ( / 2019/09/30)
Anxiety disorder affects one in five adults.
GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) manifests itself
- with excessive concern in most of the day and for at least six months- personal control difficulties
-with three of the following symptoms and in the absence of drugs: restlessness, fatigue and muscle tension, irritability, difficulty concentrating, disturbed sleep, significant distress or decreased functioning at home or at work.
Then there is social anxiety disorder, as long as it has been present for at least six months: talking to strangers, having dinner in a group, performing in public. Special phobias are the fear of flying, of being in high places, of being in an open space (agoraphobia).
In children under the age of five, selective mutism, at school and not at home, is associated with shyness and detachment from neighbor and reality. Prolongable until adulthood, it would derive from abuse, abandonment, lack of assistance. ( / Oct 13, 2019)
And what about climate anxiety? Professional opportunity for those looking for a job? Tips to protect the little ones in the family are circulating on the net. Reduce the time of readings dedicated to the topic, shifting their attention to episodes of well-being and environmental commitments, discussing what can be done together i.e. how to save electricity and packaging, eat less meat, eliminate cotton and leather, sleep, exercise physical healthy, less digital, food, meditation. And perhaps - this blog suggests- avoiding the anguish of the call of loved ones, moribund environment' elements, caused by the songs. So, take to the streets or go to the UN to abolish on the planet the transmission of:
- 'O sole mio, Sunrise, The song of the sun, Here comes the sun
- The rain is falling, Singin 'in the rain, Kiss the rain, It's raining- Under the sea, Beyond the sea, Children of the sea, Sea of sorrow
- Winter, A winter's tale, Winter things, Cold winter sun
- A summer song, That Sunday that summer, Summer wind, Summer (the first time).Not even singing them in the shower! .. or a frozen shower to face everyday reality
Ansietà innata e ..ansietà da ridere
I feti delle gestanti ansiose aumentano la propria frequenza cardiaca o subiscono un eccesso di cortisolo nella placenta, che favorisce ansia o ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Inoltre, può indebolirsi il suo sistema immunitario o acquisire un rischio di schizofrenia.
Tutto ciò accade più frequentemente nelle gravidanze di chi, vivendo in povertà, ha livelli di stress e depressione doppi. ( /2019/09/30)
Il disturbo d'ansia colpisce uno su cinque adulti.
Il GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) si manifesta
-con preoccupazione eccessiva nella gran parte della giornata e per almeno sei mesi
-difficoltà personale di controllo
-con tre dei seguenti sintomi e in assenza di assunzione medicinali: irrequietezza, fatica e tensione muscolare, irritabilità, difficoltà di concentrazione, sonno disturbato, insufficiente operatività a casa o al lavoro.
Esiste poi il disturbo d'ansia sociale, purché presente da almeno sei mesi: parlare con estranei, cenare in gruppo, esibirsi in pubblico. Fobie speciali sono la paura di volare, di stare in luoghi alti, di trovarsi in uno spazio aperto (agorafobia).
Nei bambini sotto i cinque anni il mutismo selettivo, a scuola e non in casa, è associato a timidezza e distacco da prossimo e realtà. Prolungabile fino all'età adulta, deriverebbe da abusi, abbandoni, mancata assistenza. ( /Oct 13, 2019)
E che dire dell' ansia da clima? Opportunità professionale per chi sta cercando uno sbocco? Circolano in rete consigli per proteggere i piccoli in famiglia. Ridurne il tempo delle letture dedicate al tema, spostarne l'attenzione su episodi di benessere e di impegni per l'ambiente, discutere di cosa possa essere fatto insieme come risparmiare elettricità e imballaggi, mangiare meno carne, eliminare cotone e pelle, dormire, esercizio fisico cibo sano, meno digitale, meditazione. E magari, suggerisce questo blog, evitare l'angoscia del richiamo dei cari, morituri elementi naturali, provocata dalle canzoni. Quindi, scendere in strada o andare all'ONU per abolire in tutto il pianeta la trasmissione di:
- 'O sole mio, Sunrise, La canzone del sole, Here comes the sun
- Scende la pioggia, Singin' in the rain, Kiss the rain, It's raining
- Under the sea, Beyond the sea, Children of the sea, Sea of sorrow
- Winter, A winter's tale, Winter things, Cold winter sun
- A summer song, That Sunday\that summer, Summer wind, Summer(the first time).
Nemmeno cantarle sotto la doccia!..oppure una doccia gelata per affrontare la realtà quotidiana
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