Minorites that..
She gently places an oyster on her lips and a relationship is born. Sex toys manipulate women. Girls with girls enjoy without a back arched during the copulation. A queen declares herself satisfied when the other <puts the tongue in me>. Braided bodies and mouths that bite the jaws. They are cinematic passages of scenes, fished in the last months from the past, lesbian genre. They confirm the desire to re-propose the love experiences of female couples with greater freedom and usual elegance. (newstatesman.com / 2019/07/19)
In the island of Lesbos, ancient Greece of Athens, the golden city, women were free in love, without gender limitations. There, Sappho was born and wrote, an immortal poet, who sang them platonically and sensually attracted. Over the centuries she has become the symbol of the physical and spiritual relationship between two women, understood with difficulty by the male world.
Minorities that ... in Western democracies are able to disguise themselves as majorities.
She gently places an oyster on her lips and a relationship is born. Sex toys manipulate women. Girls with girls enjoy without a back arched during the copulation. A queen declares herself satisfied when the other <puts the tongue in me>. Braided bodies and mouths that bite the jaws. They are cinematic passages of scenes, fished in the last months from the past, lesbian genre. They confirm the desire to re-propose the love experiences of female couples with greater freedom and usual elegance. (newstatesman.com / 2019/07/19)
In the island of Lesbos, ancient Greece of Athens, the golden city, women were free in love, without gender limitations. There, Sappho was born and wrote, an immortal poet, who sang them platonically and sensually attracted. Over the centuries she has become the symbol of the physical and spiritual relationship between two women, understood with difficulty by the male world.
Boris Johnson, now prime minister U.K., wrote: <If gay marriage were right, then that between three males or three men and a dog should also be>. In that book (Friends, Voters, Countrymen, 2001) he defined the omosex union as a (bestial) degeneration. He had called them bumboys 3 years earlier. He had fought the Labor program for homosexual teaching at school. Now, as head of the national government, he must use different words; but his ministers remain opposed to the scholastic approval of the LGBT movement (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender). They stress (Esther McVey) how parents should be free to enroll or exclude their children from schools with courses on LGBT rights. (indy100.com / 2019, July 26)
Minorities that ... in Western democracies are able to disguise themselves as majorities.
Le donne di Saffo e i culattoni di Boris Johnson
Minoranze che..
Mette sulle sue labbra un'ostrica, delicatamente, e ne nasce una relazione. Giocattoli sessuali manipolano donne. Ragazze con ragazze godono senza schiena inarcuata durante il coito. Una regina si dichiara soddisfatta quando l'altra <mi mette la lingua dentro>. Corpi intrecciati e bocche che mordicchiano le mascelle. Sono passaggi cinematografici di scene, ripescate negli ultimi mesi dal passato, genere lesbico. Confermano la voglia di riproporre con maggiore libertà e consueta eleganza le esperienze amorose delle coppie al femminile. (newstatesman.com /2019/07/19)
Nell'isola di Lesbo, antica Grecia dell'Atene città d'oro, le donne erano libere negli amori, senza limitazioni di genere. Lì nacque e scrisse Saffo, poetessa immortale, che le cantò, platonicamente e sensualmente attratta. Nei secoli è divenuta il simbolo del rapporto fisico e spirituale fra due donne, capito con difficoltà dal mondo maschile.
Boris Johnson, ora primo ministro U.K., scriveva: < Se il matrimonio gay fosse giusto, lo dovrebbe essere pure quello fra tre maschi oppure tre uomini e un cane..>. In quel libro (Friends, Voters, Countrymen, 2001) definiva l'unione omosex una degenerazione (bestiale). Li aveva chiamati "culattoni" (bumboys) 3 anni prima. Aveva combattuto il programma Labour pro insegnamento omosessuale a scuola. Adesso, quale capo del governo nazionale, deve usare parole diverse; ma suoi ministri restano contrari all'omologazione scolastica del movimento LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender). Sottolineano (Esther McVey) come i genitori debbano essere liberi di iscrivere o escludere i propri figli dalle scuole con corsi sui diritti LGBT. (indy100.com /2019, July 26)
Minoranze che..nelle democrazie occidentali riescono a mascherarsi da maggioranze.
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