Conciliare lavoro e vita privata è difficile, specie per le donne, e diventa un lusso inaccessibile per molte. 60 ore settimana, bassa retribuzione, lunga distanza da casa sono ostacoli enormi; ma stiamo parlando dell'Europa, altro che Asia o Africa.
Precisamente è Regno Unito, dove in 6 anni quelle che hanno abbandonato il lavoro sono triplicate, nonostante gli orari flessibili.
Una classe sociale svantaggiata esiste anche lì, quasi il 7% della gente ha salari inferiori al minimo nazionale, tipo addetti alle pulizie, mamme single, collaborazione nel terziario persino attraente come la moda, attività di consulenza libere da subordinazione. Si concentrano oltretutto nella costosissima Londra, passano il tempo libero a cercare occupazioni migliori.
I prezzi aumentano, gli stipendi stagnano.
Situazione identica al continente. In altre parole, il ceto medio fa vita da ceto operaio.(, May 3,2019)
Ecco dove nasce la rivolta al globalismo.
Lei aveva 13 anni, la madre manda la sua foto ad un'agenzia, così diventa modella, per 10 anni.
Un mondo che incanta. Contratto di lavoro? No, te lo fa l'agenzia, che hai scelto.
Subito prove non pagate, che però vengono addebitate. Passa una settimana e la ragazza si trova 1.000 sterline di debito. <Se te ne vai, ti portiamo in tribunale>, minaccia l'agente.
Ti impongono di dimagrire sui fianchi 7-8 cm, se rifiuti vanno bene 3 cm, salvo ripensamenti. La cosa ti fiacca cervello e fisico, diventi ancora più insicura, subisci passiva molestie sessuali e sfruttamenti.
In una stanza d'albergo il cliente chiede di spogliarsi, <No!>; ma la promessa sono migliaia di sterline al giorno per accompagnarlo a Dubai. Ancora<No!>. Un altro , durante una ripresa di prova in camera da letto per un drink domanda di posare nuda.
Il fotografo è un'incognita, professionista serio oppure dilettante pericoloso. Lei si chiama Leanne Maskel e ieri l'altro ha pubblicato un libro.( \May 2, 2019)

Model at 13 and then..
Reconciling work and private life is difficult, especially for women, and becomes an inaccessible luxury for many. 60 hours a week, low pay, long distance from home are huge obstacles; but we are talking about Europe, other than Asia or Africa.
Precisely it is the United Kingdom, where in 6 years those who have abandoned work have tripled, despite the flexible hours.
A disadvantaged social class also exists there, almost 7% of people have wages below the national minimum, such as cleaners, single mothers, collaboration in the tertiary sector even attractive as fashion, consultancy activities free of subordination. Moreover, they are concentrated in the very expensive London, they spend their free time looking for better jobs.
Prices increase, salaries stagnate.
Situation identical to the continent. In other words, the middle class lives like a working class. (, May 3,2019)
Here is where the revolt against globalism is born.
She was 13, her mother sent her picture to an agency, so she became a model for 10 years.
A world that enchants. Work contract? No, the agency does it for you.
Immediately unpaid tests, which are debited. A week passes and the girl finds herself 1,000 pounds in debt. <If you leave, we'll take you to court>, threaten the agent.
They ask you to lose weight on the sides 7-8 cm, if waste is good 3 cm, except second thoughts. The thing weakens your brain and body, you become even more insecure, you suffer passive sexual harassment and exploitation.
In a hotel room the customer asks to undress, <No!>; but the promise is thousands of pounds a day to accompany him to Dubai. Still <No!>. Another, during a test shoot in the bedroom for a drink, asks to pose naked.
The photographer is an unknown, serious professional or dangerous amateur. Her name is Leanne Maskel and yesterday she published a book. (, May 2, 2019)
Reconciling work and private life is difficult, especially for women, and becomes an inaccessible luxury for many. 60 hours a week, low pay, long distance from home are huge obstacles; but we are talking about Europe, other than Asia or Africa.
Precisely it is the United Kingdom, where in 6 years those who have abandoned work have tripled, despite the flexible hours.
A disadvantaged social class also exists there, almost 7% of people have wages below the national minimum, such as cleaners, single mothers, collaboration in the tertiary sector even attractive as fashion, consultancy activities free of subordination. Moreover, they are concentrated in the very expensive London, they spend their free time looking for better jobs.
Prices increase, salaries stagnate.
Situation identical to the continent. In other words, the middle class lives like a working class. (, May 3,2019)
Here is where the revolt against globalism is born.
She was 13, her mother sent her picture to an agency, so she became a model for 10 years.
A world that enchants. Work contract? No, the agency does it for you.
Immediately unpaid tests, which are debited. A week passes and the girl finds herself 1,000 pounds in debt. <If you leave, we'll take you to court>, threaten the agent.
They ask you to lose weight on the sides 7-8 cm, if waste is good 3 cm, except second thoughts. The thing weakens your brain and body, you become even more insecure, you suffer passive sexual harassment and exploitation.
In a hotel room the customer asks to undress, <No!>; but the promise is thousands of pounds a day to accompany him to Dubai. Still <No!>. Another, during a test shoot in the bedroom for a drink, asks to pose naked.
The photographer is an unknown, serious professional or dangerous amateur. Her name is Leanne Maskel and yesterday she published a book. (, May 2, 2019)
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