<Metto il frac, le braghe?>. Macché, sogno svanito per l'ambasciatore. La delegazione U.E. a Washington è stata retrocessa dal Dipartimento di Stato dal rango di "Stato" a quello di "Organizzazione internazionale". Il suo capo missione dietro gli ambasciatori di Chad, Tonga e ogni entità sovrana?
Gli eurocrati sono permalosi e si inalberano se qualcuno gli ricorda che l'Unione europea non è Stato.
Hanno passato 50 anni a recitare la condizione statale , con tanto di aggeggi e simboli. Una bandiera, un presidente, una moneta, un inno (la 9° sinfonia di Beethoven, proprietà del genere umano!) , senza però un'identità nazionale, un patriottismo unico, una lealtà condivisa.
La decisione di Trump rientra nell'ampio conflitto tra 'sovranità' e 'sopranazionalità'.
Le classi dirigenti europee, successivamente alla 2°guerra mondiale, pensarono che il futuro avrebbe avuto solo blocchi regionali e tecnocrazie universali. Il mondo invece si è frammentato in piccole realtà.
Negli anni '50, alla nascita dell'Europa 'unita' (eufemismo che stiamo pagando salatamente), si contavano nel globo 60 Stati; oggi sono 200. E in ogni continente si vanno sviluppando movimenti secessionisti.
Credevano che per la prosperità occorresse essere grandi. Tutto è cambiato. Il prodotto lordo interno pro-capite più elevato si produce nei piccoli: Qatar, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Macau, Singapore, Brunei.
Il vero vantaggio adesso è agilità e minima distanza tra governanti e governati, per consentire attuazione rapida dei deliberati. Via le fasi di consultazioni obbligatorie e i ritardi burocratici!
Negli Stati Uniti ciascuno Stato è in competizione con gli altri per abbassare le tasse al consumo e sugli affari; mentre tale concorrenza è oggetto di critiche a Bruxelles, che continua ad estendere il suo potere sull'armonizzazione fiscale (Washington Examiner, Jan. 14, 2019).
Brexit, Regno Unito andato!
Francia, Macron scommise sull'Europa tanto da volere l'inno comunitario prima della Marsigliese al suo insediamento, ora gli chiedono di dimettersi.
Le elezioni di Maggio potrebbero assegnare ai nazionalisti il primo posto delle rappresentanze politiche.
Le lobby delle associazioni industriali a Bruxelles hanno sempre scimmiottato la pomposità degli eurocrati senza conoscere i mercati reali. Rappresentando il 65% della produzione di pelli nel continente, chiesi a nome di Roma di accettare una legge , che obbligasse a etichettare la origine nazionale del prodotto. No del segretario, in combutta con i visi pallidi di palazzo Berlaymont.
Mo' che faranno, emigreranno tutti illegalmente in Italia?
La scelta americana del declassamento è avvenuta senza annunci formali o comunicazioni agli interessati. Le conseguenti e velenose proteste dei colletti bianchi comunitari hanno, pare, sospeso l'attuazione della deminutio capitis dell'attuale incaricato, David O'Sullivan.
Trump e Mike Pompeo, segretario di Stato, sono sempre stati ostili alle istituzioni\ organizzazioni simili alle Nazioni Unite e all'Unione Europea (The Bulletin, Jan. 8, 2019).
<Trump: se io fossi stato popolare in Europa non avrei potuto svolgere il mio lavoro> (Channel 4 News).
<Trump: se io fossi stato popolare in Europa non avrei potuto svolgere il mio lavoro> (Channel 4 News).

It has been just demoted
Trumps to E.U.officials: in the second tier!
"Should I wear tail?" Not at all! A disappeared dream for the ambassador. The E.U. delegation to the U.S.A. in Washington have been downgraded by the State Department from a 'state' to a 'international organization'.
The E.U.'s head of mission would wait in line behind the ambassadors of Chad, Tonga and every other sovereign entity.
Eurocrats are prickly about their status and get pissed off when somebody remind that the E.U. is not a state. The Eurocrats have spent the past half-century pretending to be one and acquiring all the gadgets and symbols that go with statehood.
One flag, one president, one currency, one anthem (the Beethoven's Ninth Symphony which belongs to the humankind!) but not a national identity, a unifying patriotism, a shared loyalty.
The Trump' decision is a part of a wider battle between 'sovereignty' and 'supra-nationalism'.
The European elite, following World War II, believed the future was with regional blocs and global technocracies. But the world splintered into smaller and smaller units.
In the 1950s, when EU was formed, there were 60 states in the world. Today , there are 200. And there are secessionist movements on every continent,
They thought that you had to be big to prosper but the world has changed . The highest GDP per head on the planet is in small countries: Qatar, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Macau, Singapore, Brunei.
The real advantage is in being agile, in having the shortest possible distance between government and governed, in allowing decisions to be implemented swiftly, without statutory consultation periods or bureaucratic delays.
In U.S. states compete to set lower sales and business taxes, in E.U. competition is frowned and Bruxelles keeps extending its tax harmonization powers (Washington Examiner, Jan. 14, 2019).
Brexit, UK has gone!
France, Macron, who bet on Europe so that he wanted the E.U. anthem before the national Marseillaise at his installation, is asked to retire.
In next May' elections nationalists could become the first representation.
The industry association' lobbies in Bruxelles have always aped the pompous bureaucrats of the Commission ignoring the real markets. Representing the 65% of European leather production I asked on behalf of Italy to accept a law by which the label should mark the true national origin of the products.The secretary refused, supported by the Eurocrats. May be in few weeks they all will immigrate to Italy illegally.
The American decision came without a formal announcement or a message to the bloc about the change. After 'venomous' protests from Bruxelles the reclassification of the delegation and the consequent demotion of the ambassador, David O'Sullivan, is understood to have been reversed, at least temporarily.
Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State, have been critical of multilateral institutions\organizations like the United Nations and the European Union. (The Bulletin, Jan.8, 2019).
"Trump: If I was popular in Europe I wouldn't be doing my job". (Channel 4 News).
Trumps to E.U.officials: in the second tier!
"Should I wear tail?" Not at all! A disappeared dream for the ambassador. The E.U. delegation to the U.S.A. in Washington have been downgraded by the State Department from a 'state' to a 'international organization'.
The E.U.'s head of mission would wait in line behind the ambassadors of Chad, Tonga and every other sovereign entity.
Eurocrats are prickly about their status and get pissed off when somebody remind that the E.U. is not a state. The Eurocrats have spent the past half-century pretending to be one and acquiring all the gadgets and symbols that go with statehood.
One flag, one president, one currency, one anthem (the Beethoven's Ninth Symphony which belongs to the humankind!) but not a national identity, a unifying patriotism, a shared loyalty.
The Trump' decision is a part of a wider battle between 'sovereignty' and 'supra-nationalism'.
The European elite, following World War II, believed the future was with regional blocs and global technocracies. But the world splintered into smaller and smaller units.
In the 1950s, when EU was formed, there were 60 states in the world. Today , there are 200. And there are secessionist movements on every continent,
They thought that you had to be big to prosper but the world has changed . The highest GDP per head on the planet is in small countries: Qatar, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Macau, Singapore, Brunei.
The real advantage is in being agile, in having the shortest possible distance between government and governed, in allowing decisions to be implemented swiftly, without statutory consultation periods or bureaucratic delays.
In U.S. states compete to set lower sales and business taxes, in E.U. competition is frowned and Bruxelles keeps extending its tax harmonization powers (Washington Examiner, Jan. 14, 2019).
Brexit, UK has gone!
France, Macron, who bet on Europe so that he wanted the E.U. anthem before the national Marseillaise at his installation, is asked to retire.
In next May' elections nationalists could become the first representation.
The industry association' lobbies in Bruxelles have always aped the pompous bureaucrats of the Commission ignoring the real markets. Representing the 65% of European leather production I asked on behalf of Italy to accept a law by which the label should mark the true national origin of the products.The secretary refused, supported by the Eurocrats. May be in few weeks they all will immigrate to Italy illegally.
The American decision came without a formal announcement or a message to the bloc about the change. After 'venomous' protests from Bruxelles the reclassification of the delegation and the consequent demotion of the ambassador, David O'Sullivan, is understood to have been reversed, at least temporarily.
Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State, have been critical of multilateral institutions\organizations like the United Nations and the European Union. (The Bulletin, Jan.8, 2019).
"Trump: If I was popular in Europe I wouldn't be doing my job". (Channel 4 News).
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