"She always smiled, greeted everyone kindly, spoke brilliantly, dressed elegantly or casually, was happy" - tells the roommate of a Sino-Malay girl from London. At Christmas they have a long interview and he understands that she is the opposite. Very emotional, irritable, disproportionately active..has been suffering from bipolar disorder for years due to stress; but she hides it.
Nobody confesses it, everyone is silent for decades, afraid of being judged. At least 30% of adults have a mental disorder.
On Facebook there have been several shares of such problem in the group 'Subtle Asian Mental Health'. Social media help. Competitors who lose readers accuse them of promoting anxiety.
(nst.com.my / Jan 12,2020)
A well-founded reason for hiding one's disease lies in the work place, where mental health is also required through a medical certificate. Unfortunately, the first enemies can turn out to be colleagues and superiors, worried about themselves and about efficiency.
If we go to Texas the intention to buy a gun is blocked by schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, attacks of anger etc. According to the Pew Research Center, 74% of Americans identify possession of a weapon with a sense of personal freedom. (theparisnews.com / Jan 12,2020)
Skating and bipolar disorder coexist in Carol (mother) and Kat (daughter) of the Netflix' serial 'Spinning out', released earlier this year. The discomfort also manifests itself physically. Kat bites her arms, Carol gets her fingers bleeding, both take alcohol at the bar rather than drugs or lithium. (screenrant.com / Jan 7,2020)
The psychology of the masses today tends to the tribalism. Those who belong to a group abandon their ideas to gather around others and survive or win with the "we against them".
In the USA the left is intolerant in environmental issues, in arms control, in health care reform; while the right of the free market and local autonomy prefers protectionism and federal power. The politeness of relationships died when they began to demonize the opponents. See these terminologies: 'Trumpkin' (from the Chronicles of Narnia), 'libtard' (stupid liberal progressive), 'fascist' or 'socialist' (now devoid of their historical significance).
The person is attacked not his ideas, also because as we have noted ideological slogans and dogma change.
'It's getting better and better', 'maximum availability', 'always low or falling crimes' are the daily assurances of any political professional. The representation of reality is maliciously altered, producing distrust, detachment, localism and ultimately the crisis of elective democracy. Here there is the tribalism.
The American green 'New Deal' was based on amazing goals with no practicality, so it disappeared. Political divisions deepen, as partisanship prevails. (fee.org / Jan 11,2020)
Social psychology is at the service of the political tribe, as the following passage shows: <Americans are increasingly desperate for work, family, religion deteriorated by globalization and technology, suicide takes place every 11 minutes .. therefore democratic candidates must intervene and demonstrate Trump's 'make America great again' promise is false> (counterpunch.org / Jan 10,2020)
In Europe, the heirs of Marxism after 70 years from the Second World War fire against the right at any cost. In Italy, the association of partisans, who fought the militias of Hitler and Mussolini, exists and acts in the square and in the left-aligned press; but who combated in the partisan groups they are all already dead..
La psicologia nascosta della gente e della politica
Nobody confesses it, everyone is silent for decades, afraid of being judged. At least 30% of adults have a mental disorder.
On Facebook there have been several shares of such problem in the group 'Subtle Asian Mental Health'. Social media help. Competitors who lose readers accuse them of promoting anxiety.
(nst.com.my / Jan 12,2020)
A well-founded reason for hiding one's disease lies in the work place, where mental health is also required through a medical certificate. Unfortunately, the first enemies can turn out to be colleagues and superiors, worried about themselves and about efficiency.
If we go to Texas the intention to buy a gun is blocked by schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, attacks of anger etc. According to the Pew Research Center, 74% of Americans identify possession of a weapon with a sense of personal freedom. (theparisnews.com / Jan 12,2020)
Skating and bipolar disorder coexist in Carol (mother) and Kat (daughter) of the Netflix' serial 'Spinning out', released earlier this year. The discomfort also manifests itself physically. Kat bites her arms, Carol gets her fingers bleeding, both take alcohol at the bar rather than drugs or lithium. (screenrant.com / Jan 7,2020)
The psychology of the masses today tends to the tribalism. Those who belong to a group abandon their ideas to gather around others and survive or win with the "we against them".
In the USA the left is intolerant in environmental issues, in arms control, in health care reform; while the right of the free market and local autonomy prefers protectionism and federal power. The politeness of relationships died when they began to demonize the opponents. See these terminologies: 'Trumpkin' (from the Chronicles of Narnia), 'libtard' (stupid liberal progressive), 'fascist' or 'socialist' (now devoid of their historical significance).
The person is attacked not his ideas, also because as we have noted ideological slogans and dogma change.
'It's getting better and better', 'maximum availability', 'always low or falling crimes' are the daily assurances of any political professional. The representation of reality is maliciously altered, producing distrust, detachment, localism and ultimately the crisis of elective democracy. Here there is the tribalism.
The American green 'New Deal' was based on amazing goals with no practicality, so it disappeared. Political divisions deepen, as partisanship prevails. (fee.org / Jan 11,2020)
Social psychology is at the service of the political tribe, as the following passage shows: <Americans are increasingly desperate for work, family, religion deteriorated by globalization and technology, suicide takes place every 11 minutes .. therefore democratic candidates must intervene and demonstrate Trump's 'make America great again' promise is false> (counterpunch.org / Jan 10,2020)
In Europe, the heirs of Marxism after 70 years from the Second World War fire against the right at any cost. In Italy, the association of partisans, who fought the militias of Hitler and Mussolini, exists and acts in the square and in the left-aligned press; but who combated in the partisan groups they are all already dead..
La psicologia nascosta della gente e della politica
"Sorrideva sempre, salutava con gentilezza tutti, parlava brillantemente, si vestiva elegante o casual, era felice"- racconta da Londra il coinquilino di una ragazza sino-malese. A Natale hanno un lungo colloquio e lui capisce che lei è l'opposto. Molto emotiva, irritabile, sproporzionatamente attiva..soffre di disturbo bipolare da anni per causa di stress; ma lo nasconde.
Nessuno lo confessa, si tace per decenni, paura di essere giudicate. Almeno il 30% degli adulti ha un disturbo mentale.
Su Facebook si sono avute parecchie condivisioni del problema nel gruppo 'Subtle Asian Mental Health'. I social media aiutano. I competitor che perdono lettori li accusano invece di favorire l'ansia.
(nst.com.my / Jan 12,2020)
Un motivo fondato per nascondere la propria situazione sta nel lavoro, ove si richiede una salute mentale anche tramite certificato medico. I primi nemici purtroppo possono rivelarsi le colleghe e i superiori, preoccupati per sé e per l'efficienza.
Se andiamo in Texas l'intenzione di comprarsi una pistola viene bloccata da patologie, quali schizofrenia, bipolare, attacchi d'ira. Secondo Pew Research Center il 74% degli americani identifica il possesso di un'arma con il senso della libertà personale. (theparisnews.com /Jan 12,2020)
Pattinaggio e disturbo bipolare coesistono in Carol (madre ) e Kat (figlia) del serial Netflix 'Spinning out', uscito a inizio anno. Il disagio si manifesta pure fisicamente. Kat si morsica le braccia, Carol si fa sanguinare le dita, entrambe prendono alcool al bar piuttosto che farmaci o litio. (screenrant.com / Jan 7,2020)
La psicologia delle masse oggi tende al tribalismo. Chi appartiene ad un gruppo abbandona le sue idee per stringersi attorno agli altri e sopravvivere oppure vincere con il "noi contro loro".
Negli USA la sinistra è intollerante nelle questioni ambientali, nel controllo delle armi, nella riforma sanitaria; mentre la destra del mercato libero e dell'autonomia locale preferisce il protezionismo e il potere federale. La civiltà dei rapporti è morta, quando si è iniziato a demonizzare l'avversario. Vedi queste terminologie: 'Trumpkin' (da the Chronicles of Narnia), 'libtard' (progressista liberal stupido), 'fascist' o 'socialist' (ormai privi del loro significato storico).
Si attacca la persona non le sue idee, anche perché come abbiamo rilevato slogan e dogma ideologici cambiano.
'Va sempre meglio', 'massima disponibilità', 'crimini sempre bassi o in calo' sono le assicurazioni quotidiane di qualsiasi professionista della politica. La rappresentazione della realtà viene dolosamente alterata, producendo sfiducia, distacco, localismo e in definitiva la crisi della democrazia elettiva . Ecco il tribalismo.
Il 'New Deal' verde americano era basato su obiettivi mirabolanti senza alcuna praticità, perciò è scomparso. Le divisioni politiche si approfondiscono, poiché prevale la faziosità. (fee.org /Jan 11,2020)
Psicologia sociale al servizio della tribù politica, come dimostra il brano seguente:<Gli americani sono sempre più disperati per lavoro, famiglia, religione deteriorati dalla globalizzazione e dalla tecnologia, ogni 11 minuti avviene un suicidio..perciò i candidati democratici devono intervenire e dimostrare falsa la promessa Trump 'make America great again'> (counterpunch.org /Jan 10,2020)
In Europa gli eredi del marxismo dopo 70 anni dalla 2°guerra mondiale attizzano il fuoco contro la destra a qualsiasi costo. In Italia esiste ed agisce in piazza e sulla stampa allineata a sinistra l'associazione dei partigiani, che combatterono le milizie di Hitler e Mussolini; ma sono morti da tempo quelli militarono nei gruppi partigiani..
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