Seguace di musica metal? Devi essere parte di un gruppo. Come chi fa BDSM, in aggiunta la sottomissione sessuale. Vivono staccati dalla società, abiti scuri ed inusuali, assoluta l'identità dell'individuo.
La musica heavy metal trascina dall'esterno rabbia e furore, vuole cambiamento concreto, distrugge e trasforma, odia passività e bellezza, si realizza nello spettacolo. Diverso il 'bondage-discipline-dominance-submission' racchiuso in locali inaccessibili.
Hanno entrambi riti e codici da rispettare.
La violenza fisica sul palco o nella stanza dedicata produce spesso sangue, contusioni, dolori. Tutto deve essere preventivamente accettato.
L'aggressione corporea nella band è libera senza soggezione né deviazione; mentre nell'eros vale la tolleranza per le fantasie maschili e femminili. ( /July 15, 2019)
Vediamo come.
Blindfolding (occhi bendati), non sai cosa ti può succedere con attesa di brivido ed eccitazione, spanking (sculacciata) del dominatore al sottomesso amata dagli asiatici. Da loro arriva zentai, tuta aderentissima di latex lucido da testa(inclusa) ai piedi, che esalta forme e tatto.
Ecco il play piercing (inserimento di anelli o altri oggetti sottopelle), la sofferenza del bull-busting o trampling per i colpi dati o subiti a mani nude od oggetti rigidi nella zona genitale. Dal Giappone shibari o kinbaku, corde che legano il sottomesso, magari accostato al mouth gag (museruola), che ficca in bocca una pallina o una barra oppure al ring gag, che tiene la bocca spalancata.
Manette, foulard, catene per esperienze soft oppure ankle cuffs (cavigliere) per legare le caviglie o allargarle. Ancora.
Harness (imbracature erotiche), fruste, paddle (mazza da cricket), choker (collare), pinze e morsetti per i capezzoli, gabbia, chastity belt per le donne e chastity cage per gli uomini.
Da Regno Unito e Stati Uniti è arrivata negli anni '70 , quale evoluzione di blues e rock psichedelico, questo ordinato, coinvolgente frastuono metallico, chitarre impazzite. Vi primeggiano Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Mòtor Head, Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne, Metallica. ( / april 2018)
Japanese sadomasochism, Anglo-American metal
Follower of metal music? You must be part of a group. Like those who make BDSM, in addition sexual submission. They both live detached from society, dark and unusual clothes, the absolute identity of the individual.
Heavy metal music draws anger and fury from the outside, wants concrete change, destroys and transforms, hates passivity and beauty, is realized in the show. The 'bondage-discipline-dominance-submission' contained in inaccessible premises is different.
They both have rites and codes to respect.
Physical violence on stage or in the dedicated room often produces blood, bruises, pains. Everything must be accepted in advance.
The bodily aggression in the band is free without subjection or deviation; while in eros the tolerance is valid for male and female fantasies. ( / July 15, 2019)
Let's see how.
Blindfolding (blindfold), you don't know what can happen to you with expectation of thrill and excitement, spanking (spanking) of the dominator to the submissive loved by Asians. From them comes zentai, a super-tight glossy latex overalls suit head-feet, which enhances shapes and touch.
Here is the play piercing (insertion of rings or other objects under the skin), the suffering of bull-busting or trampling for blows given or suffered with bare hands or rigid objects in the genital area. From Japan shibari or kinbaku, ropes that bind the submissive, perhaps approached to the mouth gag (muzzle), which sticks in the mouth a ball or a bar or in the ring gag, which keeps the mouth wide open.
Handcuffs, scarves, chains for soft experiences or ankle cuffs (ankle) to tie ankles or widen them.
Harness (erotic harnesses), whips, paddle (cricket bat), choker (collar), nipple clamps and clamps, cage, chastity belt for women and chastity cage for men.
From the United Kingdom and the United States it arrived in the 70s, as an evolution of blues and psychedelic rock, this orderly, engaging metallic din, crazy guitars. Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Mòtor Head, Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne, Metallica take first place. ( / april 2018)
Heavy metal music draws anger and fury from the outside, wants concrete change, destroys and transforms, hates passivity and beauty, is realized in the show. The 'bondage-discipline-dominance-submission' contained in inaccessible premises is different.
They both have rites and codes to respect.
Physical violence on stage or in the dedicated room often produces blood, bruises, pains. Everything must be accepted in advance.
The bodily aggression in the band is free without subjection or deviation; while in eros the tolerance is valid for male and female fantasies. ( / July 15, 2019)
Let's see how.
Blindfolding (blindfold), you don't know what can happen to you with expectation of thrill and excitement, spanking (spanking) of the dominator to the submissive loved by Asians. From them comes zentai, a super-tight glossy latex overalls suit head-feet, which enhances shapes and touch.
Here is the play piercing (insertion of rings or other objects under the skin), the suffering of bull-busting or trampling for blows given or suffered with bare hands or rigid objects in the genital area. From Japan shibari or kinbaku, ropes that bind the submissive, perhaps approached to the mouth gag (muzzle), which sticks in the mouth a ball or a bar or in the ring gag, which keeps the mouth wide open.
Handcuffs, scarves, chains for soft experiences or ankle cuffs (ankle) to tie ankles or widen them.
Harness (erotic harnesses), whips, paddle (cricket bat), choker (collar), nipple clamps and clamps, cage, chastity belt for women and chastity cage for men.
From the United Kingdom and the United States it arrived in the 70s, as an evolution of blues and psychedelic rock, this orderly, engaging metallic din, crazy guitars. Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Mòtor Head, Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne, Metallica take first place. ( / april 2018)
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